Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The story of shells.

Once, there were two shells lying on the beach. They had just been washed ashore moments ago. This two shells had never meet in the big ocean before. They had travell millions of miles from their hometown. One from the East sea and one from the West sea. The moment they were brought to the magical beach by the tide express, they were placed just inches away from each other. Call it fate if you wish. Around them were shells of every different species but only those two are of the same kind. They were roughly of the same size, one being slightly bigger than the other. One has a smoother shell, one has more lines on its back. But no doubt they are the same. Ever since they lay eyes on each other, they had never been apart. Legend has it that whoever found this 2 shells will has a long and lasting compianion with him/her forever.

Why so? You might ask. Because, though they might be empty, they will never be alone.

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