Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Another day gone..

Super sian.. Just check e results for my AM1 ass 1. I'm really pissed off w myself for being able to screw up such an easy ass. I mean, my friends who did this together all got a 100% n i only gt a 70%. Because for once in my entire uni life, i wrote my student id wrongly. I thought i was a xxxxx5 when i was actually a xxxxx1. Hence my results were all screw up as we need to use the last digit to calculate the readings. But on my cover sheet of that ass, i wrote the correct student id number. I really have no idea how come i can screw up such a minor task. I mean, this is not my first yr, i'm alreayd in my 3rd yr and i can still write the wrong student id. What had happen to me? I felt like i was blinded. Like someone had lay a spell on me. That day, when i was doing this ass w my friends, one of them actually used the wrong id number and we were all very cautious after that and yet i can still use the wrong one. What in e world is happening to me. Shit... Disgusting piece of shit. I swear just now. Too pissed off.. Was too confident of it and was also too eager to finish the ass hence resulting in this kinda shit. What e hell.. Really deserve to be kick. Complained to kim hong and he offered to be my sandbag tmr to let me 'fa xie'. Guess i need more than that. Hope like what he said, that all the bad luck will be gone with this. Really, seriously damn it la. But who else to be blame but sweet me. As my heart wasnt with the ass when i was doing it. DAMN DAMN DAMN IT...

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