Monday, April 10, 2006

At 5 in e morning..

What do u get when yt wakes up at 3am in e morning (aft napping for 5hrs) and feels thirsty?

She drinks.

Yah.. So, here i am drinking and drinking. At first it was only plain water. Den i felt that it cant quench my thirst. I went back to my bed but all that i could thing of was ice lemon tea, lemon barley, orange juices, milk tea, earl grey tea and the list goes on. No soft drinks yup, as i'm nt a gas lover.

So i decided to wake up, AT 4am as i simply can't sleep w all those beverages floating about. I went to bath and at the same time started boiling a pot of barley. So, here i sit with a flask of hot freshly brew barley. Prepared with pandan leaves, winter melon strips and lots of love.

Now it's 5am. What shall i do now? I have lessons at 10am. My hair is still damp hence i can't sleep for another hour. Will i be able to stay up till lesson time? It is going to be a long long day...

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