Sunday, April 30, 2006

One of my more happening friday nite...

XinLing wanted to cook a feast for us. Of course we let her...

The preparation...

The 'tou chi gui'...

Our home cooked dinner...

The lucky few...

Our dessert make w love n temptation...

And not forgetting a few games...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The story of shells.

Once, there were two shells lying on the beach. They had just been washed ashore moments ago. This two shells had never meet in the big ocean before. They had travell millions of miles from their hometown. One from the East sea and one from the West sea. The moment they were brought to the magical beach by the tide express, they were placed just inches away from each other. Call it fate if you wish. Around them were shells of every different species but only those two are of the same kind. They were roughly of the same size, one being slightly bigger than the other. One has a smoother shell, one has more lines on its back. But no doubt they are the same. Ever since they lay eyes on each other, they had never been apart. Legend has it that whoever found this 2 shells will has a long and lasting compianion with him/her forever.

Why so? You might ask. Because, though they might be empty, they will never be alone.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

When i need you - Celine Dion

This was the song that i couldn't stop listening to when i was driving. The first time i heard it, i find it familar, like i'd heard it before. Guess i did. Because they told me that it was in one of the movies which was rather famous years back. Cant really remember which movie it was but felt a bit sad whenever i hear it. They said its about this girl who's dead and used this guy's body to take revenge on her killers. The guy and the girl fall in love but non of us know if they did end up together or not. Maybe thats the sad part.

I always have a soft spot for this kinda half human half ghost couple storyline. Because no matter how much they love each other, they will never ever be able to be together. Able to see yet unable to touch. So near yet so far. Sigh.. Does it really happen in real life??

"When I Need You"

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
It's only a heart beat away

When I need love
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us
A telephone can't take the place of your smile
But you know I wont be traveling for ever
It's cold out, but hold out and do like I do

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you babe
It's only a heartbeat away

It's not easy when the road is your driver
Honey, that's a heavy load that we bear
But you know I won't be traveling a lifetime
It's cold out but hold out and do like I do
Oh I need you

When I need you
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

When I need you
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
It's only a heart beat away

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Easter Roadtrip to the North of Victoria n to NSW

Went for a 3D2N roadtrip w Xinling, Erica and Hanwei. We went to several towns in the North and cross the borders to New South Wales and stayed there for a nite. Enjoy the picts and hope tt they will temp u to come over!!!

Our car.

In our car.

We trek for about 2km to reach this Devil's Cave which has nothing special hence the 'tu-lan' face.

After walking 2.6km, we went back to the starting point, the 'Looking Rocks'.

The teletubbies in action!

At Pink Cliffs.

The trees in autumn.

At a lake in Shepparton.

A vinyard

At The Big Strawberry at KooNooMoo.

A super tame dog in a fruit farm.

At a herb and lavender farm. The nice lady on the left is Juliet Green and she owns this place. She pluck some herbs and lavender from her garden and gave it to us as a welcome gift. On our way back, we gave her a bottle of wine. One of the nicest people we met during this trip.

Our dinner for the second night at Four Wings (a Thai resturant) recommended by the boss of Marray River Wine estate. The best Thai food i had ever eaten in Aust. The boss is super nice and friendly too. He's a Thai who had been here for 20years. He moved to this town because he wants to enjoy life, he used to own a restaurant in Melbourne but it was too busy so he closed it and moved to Yarrawonga.

'Liu xin hua yuan' wannabes.

Our facination with the bright orange coconut tree in NSW.

Our third day.

Waiting for sunrise at Lake Mulwala(NSW.

Another one.

At another spot at Lake Mulwala after Breakfast.

The beginning of our walk from NSW back to Vict.

The signboard to NSW.

Our map and us.

Lying on e grass.

4 posers.

3 babes on e grass.

Caught in e act.

At lake erm...

Iced Coffee n iced chocolate at the Bistro at the lakes.

Strawberry picking.

Greedy me..

My hard work..

The red and juicy strawberries!!

Lavender n me.

A posh olive resturant. We did not have any meals there though.

One of the interesting road we found and being true Singaporeans, we took a pict!

At our last winery.

In e celler.

Forbidden grounds.

After driving at a speed of 110km for ten minutes to catch the setting sun, this was what we get.

Our dinner on the last night at an art gallery cum resturant at Seymour.
Cheers to a great getaway!

In this 3D2N, i bought 5 bottles of wines, saw lots of adorable and gentle-giant dogs, met a lot of nice and friendly people, had lots of good food, saw the infamous Murray River, cross over to NSW, drove at a speed of 130km for a short while, visited fruit farms, pluck sweet strawberry and had loads of fun. Great!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter!

Good Friday today!

Meaning that my one week break is finally here. To be exact, i was already in holiday mood since mon when my lecturer cancelled the lect. I had no sch on tues and only 3 hrs of lessons on wed. Then yest, i was supposed to have lesson for one and a half hour, who knows, it was cancelled again. Hence i only had 4 hours of lessons for this week. Advance preparation for Easter's mood.

Going to stay over at XL's place tonight as ET and i need to go help prepare for the Rotaract Race which will be held on sat. Had been planning this race for the past 2 months. Hope that everything will turns out great.

Will be going for a 3D2N roadtrip on sunday. To the north of Victoria this time. ET, XL, Ah gong n me. Wohoo.. Had been talking about this trip ever since ET and i came back from the previous one. Hope this will be as fun and not too cold since Autumn is here. All the tress had started turning yellow and red, fallen leaves everywhere. I like to walk when the leaves started falling, it feels magical! Hope i will be able to take lots of beautiful picts!!

Hence, i wont be online for the next few days. Till Tuesday. Have fun everyone!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

3 of my greatest love in this world!!

Its a good day today!! I got high on iced coffee. Kept bull-shiting with kimhong and Evan (partly because we handed in our last ass before Easter Break. Wohoo!!) I started thinking that my tutor is cute. hmm... Think this might help me get my work done next time.. Hahaa....

Went for my 'first love' lesson today. The teacher was a bit irritated as i kept making the same mistake. Argg.. I couldnt stand it myself too. But guess i need more practise. Den i walk to my 'second love'.

On the way there i walked past a *** shop and i went in. In there i saw my 'third love'. OMG. They are so so cute.. I saw a singaporean girl inside who was thinking of buying one and we talked a bit. I told her about my worries of the Sing customs and she told me that my 'third love' will be exempted from quarentine as it's from aust. Wahh.. I almost buy one there and den. But i know i cant. At least not for the next three months. So, i told myself that, come July, i will get one. So Mr BaBoon aka my furure hsemate (if u happens to be reading this), let me inform u that i WILL WILL WILL get one in July. So be prepared!!! I'm just waiting for u to come so tt i will get one.. hahaa.. I'm so excited... A cross breed i want.. Wohoo!!!

After that, i drag myself out of the *** shop and walked to my 'second love'. It had been such a long time since i step into Brunswick bath. Luckily there wasn't a lot of people today. Hence i was able to enjoy my 'second love'. Did ten laps den the sun started setting so i guess its time to get up, bath and leave for home which is a 3 mins walk home.

Yeah. Quite an eventful day today!! Last day of sch tmr..


Note: My first, second and third love are regardless of ranking.

If u noe me well enough, you will be able to figure out what they are...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Caution: Not to be viewed over an empty stomach!

Well, wake up at bout 11am as usual. Went to practise den to check out prices for some of the club stuff for an event which will be held this sat.. Yeahh!! Cant wait for it to happen. So, i went to Vict Mkt and do what i was suppose to do.

I had decided yest that i will cook a bit today. I'd settle on buying a big flat mushroom and eggplant to grill with chilli. So, i went and bought that. While paying for stuff, i saw my fav veg again, spring onion shoots.. So i bought one bunch. I went to the meat section with the intention of buying some chicken mined. But suddenly feel like having chicken tighs. So, i called ET and invit her for dinner. She agreed and suggested asking Ah gong, XL n FM. So i did. In the end, i have to cook a dinner for 4. So,i went to buy 4 chicken tighs, 3 pork chop and one piece of fish. I went home and started preparing..

I had honey chicken tighs, black pepper pork chop, samba grilled mushroom and eggplant, pan fried fish in lemon, butter and hua diao jiu, stir fried spring onion shoots and lup chang rice. Ah gong bought a dozen fresh oysters and he made some sauce and pour over it.

One thing i had to say is, this pict does nt do justice to my cooking. Hhaha.. The lighting wasn't bright enough hence the food all looked burnt when infact it wasnt.

For dessert, we had XL's agar agar and my speciality 'bai guo yi mi fu zhu tang shuai'. Haha.. Not forgetting some dessert wine too.. A perfect finishing to a perfect meal..

Now, i'm full and sleepy. Waiting for hair to dry and off to bed...

Monday, April 10, 2006

My 50th post!! Yeahh....

This song describes how i'm feeling now..

When the night has come,
and the land is dark
and the moon is the on-ly light we'll see.
No i won't be afraid
ohh.. i wont be afraid
Just as long, as you stand, stand by me
So darling, darling stand by me.
Oh stand by me...

If the sky that we look upon should tumble and fall
or the mountain should crumple to the sea.
I won't cry, i won't cry
No i won't, shed a tear
Just as long, as you stand,
stand by me..

And darling darling stand by me....
Oh.. stand by me...

Whenever your in trouble, would you stand by me...
Oh.. stand by me.. stand.. STAND BY ME!!

One of the many oldies that i likes to listen to from time to time.. Yah... I'm getting old, i know.. But well, they are good for relaxing.

In holiday mood now even though its just monday. Went to bed at about 6.30am this morning aft watching a show halfway. Woke up at 9am, went to sch for an hour of lect. Waited for 2 hours to have lunch w XL den wait for another hour for my next lect which is at 3.15pm. Who knows, few steps before i reach the lecture hall, my friends told me that the lect had been cancel. Yeah!!! Smiling faces everywhere. Reason being that this is one of the most hatred lecture in this semester simply because the lecturer can't really speak properly or so it seems. So, i went to the law library and wait for another 2hrs as i had a meeting at 5pm.

To conclude, i woke up at 9am, went for an hour of lecture and waited for 6 hours for my meeting. Argg.... I could had gone back to sleep... I stay less than 20 mins away from the uni. But i must say that i put my 6 hours of break into good use. Because 2 third of the time i was in the library STUDYING. I managed to finish a tutorial. Yeah... So, yah. Its good stuff..

Tuesday tmr => no school. But have some errands to run. Need to go check out the prices of certain stuff. Also, need to go to Vict Mkt to stock up on some rock sugar. Hee.. Maybe will be cooking some desert tmr.. Sigh.. No more herbal tea... haha.. Oh.. Did i mention that last wk, i bought one pack of herbs and boil a pot full of herbal tea which i finish in one day. But weird to say, i did not suffer from any side effects. Maybe it was because i was eating Rocher, lots of them, while i drown my 'sorrows' in herbal tea. Hence they balance up. The heatiness from the chocs = the coolness from the herbal tea. Haha...

So looking forward to the hols... Activities had been plan for the first 5 days.. Haha.. Hope all will goes well. No jinx-ing pls.

At 5 in e morning..

What do u get when yt wakes up at 3am in e morning (aft napping for 5hrs) and feels thirsty?

She drinks.

Yah.. So, here i am drinking and drinking. At first it was only plain water. Den i felt that it cant quench my thirst. I went back to my bed but all that i could thing of was ice lemon tea, lemon barley, orange juices, milk tea, earl grey tea and the list goes on. No soft drinks yup, as i'm nt a gas lover.

So i decided to wake up, AT 4am as i simply can't sleep w all those beverages floating about. I went to bath and at the same time started boiling a pot of barley. So, here i sit with a flask of hot freshly brew barley. Prepared with pandan leaves, winter melon strips and lots of love.

Now it's 5am. What shall i do now? I have lessons at 10am. My hair is still damp hence i can't sleep for another hour. Will i be able to stay up till lesson time? It is going to be a long long day...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Yum cha-ing

Woke up early today, considering that there was no school. Because it's the day for yum cha. Ah gong brought the 4 of us out to Tai Pan for dim sum. It was good. Imagine 3 greedy pigs who are deprived of good food. So it wasn't surprising that our table got filled up by those 'long' of dim sums and the small plates of pastry. I mean, when the waitress push a trolley by, of course you will take the things you want. So we take, and take and take. Till the point that Ah gong couldn't stand it anymore that he asked, 'Are you sure you girls can finish? Dun later end up i have to clear table.' We assured him that we will finish and said that we will not ordered anymore. He looked at us suspiciously but did not say anything.

Every time the trolley went by, there will be three pairs of eyes following the food on the trolley. From left to right. Den we will look at Ah gong and he will stare at us and we will look back on the food on our table. Suddenly Ah gong mention that the 'lian rong' buns here are good and ask us if we want. We say ok. The bun lady came over and ask us if we want any buns, got cha shu buns, dao sa bun, lian rong bun etc. Then XL asked me, 'Do you think the cha shu bun will be good?'

Of course i won’t know as this is my first time there too. So i say, 'erm.. i also dun know lei, but can try lor.' Then immediately, i tell the waitress, 'One lian rong bun and one cha shu bun.' Without consulting Ah gong. Haha.. The look on his face is priceless. If he was drinking his tea he will had definitely spill it out. After that he said, 'I thought you were only going to order one. How come order two?' All we could do were to laugh to hide our embrassement.

After which he said, 'Look around you. Only our table is filled to the point where we need to stack up the 'long's. Other people will finish theirs and then take some more. But you girls just take and take and take. *nagnagnag..*' Yah. But XL, ET and i told him that to us it's very common as we are afraid that once it passed us we won't get to see it again. Also, back in Sing at Sakae, that is also the way i behave so we don't see anything wrong with it. But the manager who was walking around was staring at us all the time. Maybe he was thinking if we will have enough money to pay up.. In the end ah gong gave up on us. But we limit ourselves too. We joined power and clear every single plate on the table.

In the end we were so full that i really really felt like puking. It cost us $25 each which i thought was pretty reasonable considering that we eat so much. There was no need for me to eat lunch obviously and for dinner, all i had was some cookies and a glass of milk. So, it is pretty worth it to pay $25 where the dim sum are make of good quality fillings.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Another day gone..

Super sian.. Just check e results for my AM1 ass 1. I'm really pissed off w myself for being able to screw up such an easy ass. I mean, my friends who did this together all got a 100% n i only gt a 70%. Because for once in my entire uni life, i wrote my student id wrongly. I thought i was a xxxxx5 when i was actually a xxxxx1. Hence my results were all screw up as we need to use the last digit to calculate the readings. But on my cover sheet of that ass, i wrote the correct student id number. I really have no idea how come i can screw up such a minor task. I mean, this is not my first yr, i'm alreayd in my 3rd yr and i can still write the wrong student id. What had happen to me? I felt like i was blinded. Like someone had lay a spell on me. That day, when i was doing this ass w my friends, one of them actually used the wrong id number and we were all very cautious after that and yet i can still use the wrong one. What in e world is happening to me. Shit... Disgusting piece of shit. I swear just now. Too pissed off.. Was too confident of it and was also too eager to finish the ass hence resulting in this kinda shit. What e hell.. Really deserve to be kick. Complained to kim hong and he offered to be my sandbag tmr to let me 'fa xie'. Guess i need more than that. Hope like what he said, that all the bad luck will be gone with this. Really, seriously damn it la. But who else to be blame but sweet me. As my heart wasnt with the ass when i was doing it. DAMN DAMN DAMN IT...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Spending sat @ home.

Large intake of 2nd hand smoke yest. Continuously for 2.5hrs. Went to meet my JC friends for coffee/ 5 of us r here n 3 of them were smoking. Sigh... CONTINUOUSLY. Was pretty surprise tt i cld put up w that. Guess it was also because had nt meet them for such a long time hence cldnt be bother w that smoke. Jess, Sharon, Brian n Adeline were there. Jess is still as lame. Maybe lamer than before. Brian is still e same. Sharon has quiet down. Ade, her life revolves around online game. Frm them, get to know hw some of our classmates are doing. 'They make it.' Yah.. Just 3 simple words. Good for them too. It was funny to meet up and talk bout the past like yesterday. The lift incident. Our form teacher, Mr How. Those jokers in e class. Sigh.. Those were the days. Guess no matter how much i complain bout e waste in time n hw much I hate e jc n e teachers there, there will always be some wonderful memory back there. It will never beat my sec sch times but its still something. Something tt i believe i will never get from elsewhere.

Actually its amazing how fast people can change. Guess it will never fails to surprise me. People changing is one thing, whether i can catch up w them and accept their changes is another thing. Maybe the closer u are to someone, the harder it will be for u to get used to those changes. Because if u are very close to tt someone, u have already define him/her in your memory. So when you realized tt they have change, its hard to change your definition of them in such short notice. People around you who are not as close to him/her as you were will be saying, 'Forget it. He/She had change. Not the same as before. Don't waste your time dwelling in the past.' But you will still hold on to your beliefs that someday they will turn back to the someone that you used to know so well. Honestly, thats highly impossible. Everyone wants to be happy. They need to adapt to new environments and the best way will be to change themselves to fit in. Its hard to change the environment. From here, maybe we can assume tt they will be happier with their changes. SO, the least we can do for them, is to accept them for what they have become instead of insisting that they go back to before and behave and think like how they used to. Think it might be hard in the beginning but its achievable, as long as you remind yourself that its for their best interest.

Maybe you will feel hurt that they have move on without you but guess this is life. Noone life will revolves around another. Everyone is selfish. Its always about I, I and I.

So, instead of shutting yourself in a room and crying your heart out, might as well learn to ACCEPT. Open your heart and accept.