Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Home on a wednesday afternoon..

Down with Diarhhoea.. Hopefully i can lose some more kilos thru this..


Was surfing the net and i came upon this Whale Shark Petition.

Apprently, we will be having a World Class Marine Park in Sentosa. wow.. How amazing is that?!? Think of the brown murky water we have...

And, one of the highlight is the Whale Shark. How sweet!! Oh, wait, did i just read that whale sharks does not fare well in captivity? Yet out in the wild they can live to a hundred years.. hmm.. So why does anyone still wants to keep them in glass cages?

Huh?? Due to integrity???

"... we also want to highlight that the whale shark exhibit at the Marine Life Park was submitted as part of the winning bid in an international competition for the Integrated Resort on Sentosa in late 2006. As such, the organization is bound to deliver the integrity of the bid, and any proposed replacement for the whale sharks must be defensible in that it must be viable and be as broad, if not compelling, in its appeal to bring in visitors to Singapore - the reason Singapore decided to have the integrated resorts. " - Quoted from the Resorts reply (Click on the link to read the full story)

Another article on this issue, why do i feel tt Singapore is just trying to make a name for herself instead of really caring for the enviroment like it seems to be? Is it just me or does any of you feels the same too?

Its good to belive in miracle but isnt this a bit too much? I always felt that a Marine Park is a place to help conserve marine life and to protect them from mankind. But why is our Marine Park acting as a magnet to pull in tourists aka being a money tree on the expense of the 700,000 sea creatures?

So, friends.. Regardless of whether you like the ocean or not, sharks to sharkfins, pls say NO to whaleshark in captivity.

I'm not asking you to sign the petition or watnot (cause i know u guys will be too lazy to do so.. but it will be nice if u can eventhou i feel tt e Resorts wont be bothered as much). I just want to share this with you and let you be aware of this. Just that.

Just a thought, will they be living on NeWater? (Or isit NewWater??) hmm....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Half a day in JB

Went over e causeway this afternoon for a bit of shopping and dinner with my dance mates. It actually felt nice going for a mini getaway despite the one hr jam+walk over to Malaysia. I had my Old Town white tea (which has a mild flowery taste, something like e tw milk tea, or was i dreaming??), sale in Body shop and thats about it.

Oh, the best part was, the exchange rate is 2.41. That is like how good. Everything felt cheaper than usual. Hhahaa...

We went for dinner at 'Big Horse Garden'. The usual seafood and it cost us only bout $20 SGD each. Dirt cheap lor. We had crab, heaps of crayfish, lala, stingray, kang kong, salad you tiao and smelly beans. Hee... The plate of crayfish cost RM$70 and its really worth it. Seriously.

While i was there, memories came back. I went back to 2000. My first yr in JC. The day before a couple of us went to Genting+ KL, Me n the other 2 girls went to stay over at my friend's place for a nite. We went to the same place for dinner. I remembered the 3 of us ordering loads of food. I think it was 5 dishes and we finished almost everything. It was a great nite. For me at least.

Now, one has become a mummy and a very good one she is, the other one is planning for her wedding in Sept and lucky me gets to help. We still keep in touch here and there but looking back at those times, makes me really miss them and the days we had.

Thanks for the memories dear folks! Wishing you well!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

How to turn monday blues to bliss?

One pint Erdinger after work is all it takes... wohoo.. life is good!!


I forgot to state part of the reason why i fell down the stairs on sat.

I felt that partly, it has to do with the pair of slipper tt i wore that morning. Usually, my footwear for sat wld be my lovely silver havaianas which i bought last July when i was in Perth. But sadly, it was assassinated (U NOE WHO U ARE!!) in Gao Hsiung. Sigh. What a way to end its journy in life. =(

I belive (truely, deeply, madly) that if i were wearing my lovely silver havaianas on sat, i wld not have fallen down tt flight of stairs. Seriously.

And you know whats the worst part, i lost $24 on 4-D due to the fall.


What a wasted fall.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just my luck.. n things frm here n there..

I fell down a whole flight of stairs yesterday.

8 steps in total.

Adding on to my 2 bruises per legs, i have a total of 7 bruises on both legs, n 1 on my butt. Surprisingly there is no open wounds just a strained neck.

wow.. lucky me.

I decend the first step standing up and i reached the ground on my left elbow (luckily not my head) and my right butt check on the last step. I do not remember how i turn 180 degree and i can only say it took place at no notice and caught me completly off guard (duh...) But i remember i felt like i was flying and all my thoughts flew by in tt spilt second.

Thoughts like..
-will i sprain my ankles?
-will i make it for my tuiton?
-will i drop down to the first floor by chance?
- shit. have i pay my insurance premium?

things like tt..

Luckily i'm alright just tt adding on to my muscle ache and wobblely knees, i have to see before i sit now..

wat a day..


I'd been working late recently hence only spending 1-2 hrs per day w Darcy, as a result, he now sleeps on my bed instead on the floor. Its nice waking up to see him sleeping beside me but not so nice when he decided to be cassanova and give u the kiss or shld i say lick of life. But i still like waking up to see him just beside me.


Just the other day, i was looking at the entries i posted 1 yr ago. I was still thinking if/when i shld get a dog n a dslr. Today, i have both my wishes come true.

Indeed i'm fortunate.


No matter wat,
Because life still goes on.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

i just want to be happy.. why does it has to be so hard?

i wonder hw much longer i can endure.. i need a way out soon.

but i need to find another way in..

i just want to be happy.