Was surfing the net and i came upon this Whale Shark Petition.
Apprently, we will be having a World Class Marine Park in Sentosa. wow.. How amazing is that?!? Think of the brown murky water we have...
And, one of the highlight is the Whale Shark. How sweet!! Oh, wait, did i just read that whale sharks does not fare well in captivity? Yet out in the wild they can live to a hundred years.. hmm.. So why does anyone still wants to keep them in glass cages?
Huh?? Due to integrity???
"... we also want to highlight that the whale shark exhibit at the Marine Life Park was submitted as part of the winning bid in an international competition for the Integrated Resort on Sentosa in late 2006. As such, the organization is bound to deliver the integrity of the bid, and any proposed replacement for the whale sharks must be defensible in that it must be viable and be as broad, if not compelling, in its appeal to bring in visitors to Singapore - the reason Singapore decided to have the integrated resorts. " - Quoted from the Resorts reply (Click on the link to read the full story)
Another article on this issue, why do i feel tt Singapore is just trying to make a name for herself instead of really caring for the enviroment like it seems to be? Is it just me or does any of you feels the same too?
Its good to belive in miracle but isnt this a bit too much? I always felt that a Marine Park is a place to help conserve marine life and to protect them from mankind. But why is our Marine Park acting as a magnet to pull in tourists aka being a money tree on the expense of the 700,000 sea creatures?
So, friends.. Regardless of whether you like the ocean or not, sharks to sharkfins, pls say NO to whaleshark in captivity.
I'm not asking you to sign the petition or watnot (cause i know u guys will be too lazy to do so.. but it will be nice if u can eventhou i feel tt e Resorts wont be bothered as much). I just want to share this with you and let you be aware of this. Just that.
Just a thought, will they be living on NeWater? (Or isit NewWater??) hmm....