Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Guess wat??

IT fair this thurs to sunday!

woohoo!!! haha... i cant wait for thurs to come.. ahahah


Happy Birthday Chocolate Lover!!

It wasnt just the rain that makes me went last friday. You were part of the reason too!! N that 'best photo of the nite' take it as my birthday present to u lar.. hope that many many yrs down the road, when u look at the pict u wld still remember the fun we had!!!

All the best and may all your wishes come true!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I took leave today to create a historical moment. I finally bought my hp.

Hope that the long persistent wait was worth it.

Today, i also went for a much needed swim. Nothing much, just 5 laps. Half of my goal but better than nothing. N aft tt, i went to have a hearty lunch w my parents n 'mistaken sister'. I was dead tired by the time i reach home and had a nap frm 6 to 7. It had been months since i was able to nap. Hence it feels good. Feels like taking another day off tmr. Haa.. But i shall not waste my leave like this.

Went Batam on sunday. It was my first trip there that i can remember and my 2nd trip there by right. Batam was alright. so-so. Think i wld prefer to stay overnight in a nice resort and have the 'sunset dinner' or maybe i will just go to Bintan.

Saturday, i went to catch the fireworks festival. I reached Esplanade at 5.30pm hence i went to Library@Esplanade to waste sometime only to feel a live performance put up by the staff there. It was an introduction on medley performance and it was really nice. They sang really well and the band was good too.

After which, went for dinner and went to find a place at 8pm. We found a decent enough spot , take our positions and waited. The anticipation before the first burst of light made me tremble slightly. It has been a while. At slightly over 9pm, the fireworks started. Most time i was snapping away. Since i wasnt using my tripod as its not tall enough i shoot without one. Most turn out to be shaky but there were a couple that i was satisfied with. Cant wait for next year Fireworks Festival to come.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dreams may come true when u look pathetic enough...

I came back from dinner with my Da tu di and sat down with my dad while he was watching tv. I talked to him about my HP plans.

My eyes fall on a copy of Courts discount booklet and as i was looking at those 'wall TVs', i let out a LOUD sigh and said 'when will i be able to have one in my room?' all the while looking sad and longing at the pictures. It was actually more of my own thoughts spoken out loud than asking my dad for one.

Dad said 'I also want one, when will i have one then?'

I said 'You wait long also wont have lor.'

Dad didnt argue back this time round like he did many many times ago nor did he complain on ill treatment by his flesh and blood. Instead he asked me to turn on the TV.


Come Sept IT fair, we might both have our wishes come true!! woohoooo.....

The 2 things on my mind

1st thing
As the days drew closer, i started feeling the familar ache that i'd not been experiencing for a long while. I knew i was ready since long ago, ready to let go, ready to move on. But from time to time as i come in contact with him, i cant help but doubt my choice.

Am i wrong to choose another?
Is he best for me?
Afterall these years i'd turn back to him, maybe he's really THE ONE after all.

All these questions and emotions pop out repeatedly everytime i think of him.

What if the other one is not as good as deem to be?
What if others said is not true afterall, i do not need a change, i'm better with the old one. I should stick to him as i'm more comfortable with him.

But i choose to stand firm. I choose to move on. To put the past behind me. I NEED TO MOVE ON. I cant keep hanging in the past when everyone is changing.

Come Monday and i will be welcoming my Sony Ericson W980.

Farewell to my Nokia 8250. (yes, i'm using it since my BQLG died on me mths back.)

I'll be low-tech ger no more.

2nd thing
I really like Argentine Tango. If only theres a permanant partner to dance with, think i wld like it even more.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

An email that make me smile..

I logged on to my gmail and i saw an email.

Its still making me smile.

yeah.. life is good..

i msned him.

Somehow, he *melts* me again.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Im a planner..

I like to make plans.. Planning for holidays, plans for the wkends, plans for my future, myself, my room, me...

I like to be in control. I like to get the things i plan for. I like the planning stage and surprisingly enough, the part where i finally got it is not the part i enjoys the most.

I obtain immense delight when coming up with a plan, going about the plan, working on the plan. I enjoyed these most. When i finally got what i plan to, i will be delighted but sad at the same time that i'd come to the end of my PLAN. Because that is the end of the journey.

I do not look like a planner. Ppl wld be surprise to know that im a P L A N N E R. Because im a libra. N libra is famous for being indecisive hence they hates making decision. As a result, they wont want to make plans for anything. But im a Libra who likes to plan. I likes to be organised. I like to know when i will be doing what.

Maybe, its the idea of knowing i have something to look forward to that keeps me afloat in this meaningless life im living. Else, w/o all these plans, i think i wld have given up..

So, to remind myself to breath, i make plans for my future. Here goes..

1/ to get my hp
2/ to get my dog by end of sept (im seriously serious)
3/ revamp my room

Saturday, August 09, 2008

My 400th post.. wOw..

For e last 5 yrs, i wasnt here to celebrate Sing's Birthday.

This yr, i will be. I hope i get to do what i want to do and not get played out.

43th Birthday. Somehow, to me, its always the 20-something. I was kinda stuck there, in that period. Where life is easy and free. N National Day meant hanging out flags, watching performance, school holidays and watching parade on TV.

Now, National Day is just another day. A day to avoid going to CityHall. A day to hang out with friends.

Life, it has never been the same.

The only constant is change.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

It came true..

My fantasy that is.

I was sipping my 'mei jiu', unwinding from a long and stressful day, with Grey's playing on my labtop, the aircon gently humming, slowly savouring my Red Rock Deli Honey Soy Chicken Potato Chips and 2 Milkyways.

oh yeah.. tts hw life shld be.

Simple and nice... The way i like it...

Monday, August 04, 2008

I was attached for 20mins..

That nite, i took a cab from Nite Safari to Upper Thompson after 12am alone.

The uncle was pretty hostile and my hp was low on batt. The only thing i cld think of was to appear friendly. Because, i believe, you wont harm your friends, or so i thought.

I started chatting with him about the nite safari, the animal show, the tram ride, the animals, that there arent much ppl left in the zoo(so tt he wld feel pleased tt at least he had a passenger) den somehow, one way or other, it became my age, my status etc.

I was worried that he wld want to play a matchmaker role so somehow, along the way, i told him i'm attached. He asked me when am i getting married. I said its still not stable. He said 'u can get married already'. I said it still depends. He said 'so you are just waiting for ur bf to propose la'. I said 'see how la.' Den he said 'can la, you are old enough to get married.' I was like -_-!!

Soon, i'm where i needed to be. I thanked him for the ride pay the fare and resume my original status.

What a ride.. hahahahahahahaha...