Friday, April 04, 2008


In hanoi at e moment, waiting for 10pm= 11pm sing to take an overnite train to LAO CAI, SAPA. So far, weather is good. A lot to see. Very different from Thailand. Very nice too. Haa.. Saw a few Singaporeans. How to differentiate that they are sings? By looking at the way they carry their bags, infront. Haha.. Us too.

We had 'T-bo' BBQ beef steak yest nite just outside our backpacker's and it was good.. Its a roadside stall and the chairs and tables are those lowlow kind. It was interesting. Kindly like korea but not korea. It cause $80,000 Dong = S$8 for 2 person, + a Hanoi Beer (S$1). It was quite decent but i still feel tt we were ripped off.

Den we went to have the BBQ fish just now at Cha ca street(something like tt). It was good but kinda pricy. $90k Dong each. But it was a good experience esp with beer. muhahaha...

I like their beer...

Anyway, we went to a nite mkt just now and it was drizzling. Quite shoick..

One thing we notice is, the viet guys like to look at our feet. Dun know why but first they will look at our face then to our feet as we are wearing sandals. Guess they were thinking 'Face- Cannot make it, Feet- Can forget it' Turn away.. hahah..

kk.. gonna go and rest first.. Been walking since 11am tis morning... So tired...

Will update again when i can.

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