Arrive in Hanoi this morning from Lao Cai at 5am. Took a cab to ou hotel as there wasnt any pickup. We thought there was suppose to be. In the end we took a cab back and it was running by meter. When we reach the hotel, the shutters was close so i just knock on it consistenly till the lights came up. We didnt pay the cabbie as we thought tt the package shld include everything.
When the hotel gate were finally open, we ask them to pay for the cab which they tell us its not included. So we asked them the standard rate and they told us 40,000 dong = $4. But the meter show 120, 000 dong = $12 which of course we were not going to pay. We just gave him 500, 000 dong and the 'take it or leave it' face. Haa.. He had no choice. We are not going to be fool by anymore cabbie anymore.. ANGRY!!!
The trip to LAO CAI, SAPA wasnt very good. The first day was good as we went for a homestay with the Zao minorities and though their home is simple but it feels very comfy and welcoming. They even have hot water. Whereas on our second nite there, in a 3 STARS HOTEL, there wasnt any hot water. When we went down to check at 7.30pm, they told us to wait for an hour as they were repairing their water container or something like that den when we went down at 8.30pm, they told us to wait for another 2 hours. Of course i wasnt going to do that. I request for a change in room in a different hotel but under the same management but they say the other hotel is also facing the same problem. I refuse to believe it so i went to the opp hotel and ask one of the family tt we met during the trip. They said they have hot water so i went to the main management.
They say the hot water will only be ready next morning. It makes my blood boil as just minutes ago i was told 2 hours after having waited for 1hr. I wasnt in the best mood and demands a compensation as earlier on we had already been ask to pay another $20USD for transport to Bac Ha mkt when our tour operator already told us we will be going. They were just ripping us off whichever way possible to them. Anyway, i was in a very harsh tone when i spoke to the manager of Royal Hotel in Sapa and can you imagine it when he SCREAM back at me telliing me that its not his fault that there isnt any hot water in that building as the building is under construction. So, was it my fault for staying in that hotel den? If you do not have any hot water then say so in the first place, and make arrangement ab0ut it so that the ppl staying there can go elsewhere to shower instead of telling us to wait 0ne hour, den 2 hours and so on. The way they manage it was so so wrong. Goodness. And the thing is, they are not a countryside, SAPA town had already been so developed and commercialise that it pains me to see those minorities hanging outside..
to be continue.. going off..
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