Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bliss is...

7. Sitting on my bed talking to my dad while he was mopping my room.

We both agree that i need a chest of drawers with a large mirror. This time, i will have to pay for it. damn.. hahahhaaha

I want something that look likes this but not in this colour. It must be tall enough, with sufficient storage space and not too bulky. Also, to cost less than S$600 and look like an antique. Not too picky am i?

I also need an energy conserving airconditioner and a slim strong fan.

It has been a yr and more since i got all my new furniture, now i'm thinking of new positions for them.

Yesterday was the first anniversary of my working life. wow.. I wonder how many more is to come.. I hope..... NOT A LOT!!!!

Its monday tmr.. yeahh!!

I really dun want it to come so soon...

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