Saturday, December 29, 2007

Me, myself n i.

Well, aft a pretty tiring x'mas n eve. I spent the whole sat at home. Sleeping, reading, cooking, tellying, simply put, just spending alone time with myself. And when finally i have some cravings for B.J lamE chop, my pri sch's sec's sch's pri sch's friend is already there enjoying and leaving soon with his friends. I ended up stuffing myself with bacons, strips and strips of them. All left from the supposely x'mas eve dinner.

Dear godfather's wife's godson, when are you coming over to carry those bottles of softdrinks back. Noone is going to drink them if u leave them here. And how about the bag of potatoes, they will be spouting soon u know..

Was watching Natnal Geo earlier on and there was a show on the ppl living in the Atlantic. I suddenly remember of one GP lesson in my JC where the teacher was asking us of our dreams and what we want to do. She asked me and i said i wanted to watch the sun rise/set in the North/South Poles as i'd seen frm discovery channels these images before, where the snow turns pink when the rays fall on them. And you know what that GP teacher said, 'theres no sun in the poles, they live in complete darkness.' I was like "huh? Are you sure you are qualified as a teacher?" Pls, everyone shld know tt there are mths where the sun disappear during the winter but there are also period where the sun resurface.. Goodness.. No wonder i hated my JC. Anyway, one of my wish is to visit the poles and catch the sunrise/sets as well as the auroroa. Well, one summer i shall do that. Before i turn 4o i hope.

Anyway, back to x'mas. This x'mas i spend it w friends i knew 7 yrs back. Some old pals frm Melacca came down on very late notice and everything was rushly planned. Resulting in a lot of last min changes. Say, we were suppose to have dinner at my place but it was changed to dinner at Riverside Point's Indonesian Restaurant.

River sence at Clark Quey. Taken w shaky hands.

Den a drink at Brewerkz. My second time there though. First was w Erica n FangMin when we came back. We had the beer during lunch hour and it was real cheap like say $3 or $4 only. We were jobless at that time and it was a hot hot day, hence the beer. (Tts bullshit. Erica was there. Why else do u think we were in a brewery.) :)


yh acting cool in Brewerks. A bit of Jay Chou feel rite?..

The friends frm Melacca.

Happy X'mas.

Us & X'mas tree..

Anway, when the clock strike twelve, we were on the train heading home. I'd always wondered how it will be like in the train during a countdown. I thought tt ppl will be wishing each other Happy uknowwat, the train operator will wish the passengers a happy watever or maybe the train will give a loud horn or something to mark the arrival of a special occasion. But NOPE. Nobody realised that it was 12 untill the smses came in. It was a SILENT NIGHT.

1201 (By yh)

Mine n His

We went back to my place, bath and cooked supper. Our supposedly dinner. The chicken drumstick was nt up to stdn. The taste didnt went in. Erica suggested using sour cream instead of light sourcream next time. Super disappointed.

yonghui panfried the prawns tt he peeled and boiled the night before and FORCED me to eat them. They are not that bad actually. But i'm still nt completely over my fear of prawns. Shall see hw it goes. I'm still nt enjoying them as much as i enjoy the rest of the food i eat. Still suffers from the uneasy, quessy kinda feeling after eating them.

Slept at around 5am tt day on the sofa due to my 'guai pi'. Woke up, shower, brunch, den down to city again. Till 7pm den back to wdl for a bdae celebration. Maybe due to the wine and the day's activities i was dead before 11pm. The red wine was nt bad though it was kindly spicy at first. But it goes ok with chocolates. No complains. YH came to get something and suan bian drives me back as theres some stuff for him to pick up at my place. I was sound asleep aft a shower. Finally, the bed is all mine.

Thats all for my x'mas.


Nice pict of Cheryl by yh.

Den it was work, work, work till last nite. We had a different kinda friday nite. We had a matchmaking session. Haa.. Believe it or not. That was what it was all about.

Several days ago, i changed my msn nick to 'I have a lovely princess to intro, any gentlemen interested?' It drew a couple of responses but all were eliminate except one. As my friend said he's introducing his friends who are the complete opp of him. That was why i accepted it. Anyway, i took my 2 princesses with me to meet him and his 2 friends. At first i thought tt it was gonna be funny but den when he intro his friend i became self concious. I started thinking "What am i doing? Am i that desperate?" Gosh.. This is not good. Its not his friends. It was just me. Realisations set in. I'm getting old and i cant believe that i'm actually doing this. On the other hand, we can think of it as a get-to-know-more-friends dinner. It was fun lar. But upon thinking about it now, hw much more weird can it gets? Gosh, is this the real world or wat.

Shit, what is this....

Thursday, December 27, 2007

367 days ago..

What will you say if i tell you that i want you?
I'll never know
Because i'll never say.

Yr 07 will be gone in a couple more days. This yr had been a ..... .... ....... theres no words to describe how i felt.

Good and bad.
Happy and sad.
Ups and downs.
Home and away.

As the year draw to a close, i started reminiscing on the months that i'd been thru.

The difficulties of settling back, fitting into the family. The rows and crying fits and accusations that i'd endured. Like a stubborn bull, i'm still unwilling to bow. The wishes i made to the first stars hoping that i can be back at where i was.

The adjustments to the changes. My room, my life and my friends. Coming back to not two but three and even more. Trying to make up for lost time and lost emotions and learning that once gone, its gone forever. The empty space i left had been replace with else better. I wasnt the only one adapting to me being back, everyone elses' close to me were too. Fun times are not that fun anymore. Sometimes i really cant help but think that life may be better for all if i wasnt back.

The time i wish i'd have and not have. The jobs i took up hence leading to my current position. Life's a stage. Who wld had guess that i wld end up here? The tears of stress and the enjoyment of freedom. If it wasnt for my 1st, i wld not have appreciate my current. The panic i felt when finding a job became a chore, the encouragement i received when nagged and pulled to job agencies, the joy i felt when i know that i will be jobless no more. All these emotions are long gone but yet to be forgotten.

Everything i have, i encountered, i endured, i thank all who made them possible. Because this way, i know that i was, still am, alive and breathing.

If i'm a christian, i may say "Thanks Lord."

If i'm a buddist, i may say "Karma."

Being me, i said " No comments."

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Dear friend.

As i were telling you just now, you were there when i needed you most. Thats why after all these years, you are still so precious a friend to me. Maybe to you its nothing, but to me, that few hours tt you accompany me on the bus ride really matters a lot to me, even to this day.

When noone was there, you were. Thats why.

Thats why i always feel that theres alway you to fall on when all else fails. Just dun be too busy for me when i next needed you most.

I had a good time this year, believe it or not.

Merry Christmas to you!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Its xmas eve.

Been back for a day and had been slacking infront of the comp. Shall post the details of my trip when i'm more in the mood for it. Overall, its a good trip. Relaxing and nice. Found a couple of treasures along the streets. Been bullied. Believe it or not, yes. By txy. She kept making fun of me. REPEATEDLY! Saw a cute and shy guy. Haa... Thats about it for now.

Anyway, its going to be a tiring holiday for me this xmas and i thought i will be spending it alone. Looks like theres no time for alonetime. Maybe during NewYear.. Maybe..

I still dislike cwp on sunday nite. I just cant take it. Why are there so many ppl everywhere doing everything and anything possible. Why are there so many ill mananered kids running around who doesnt know how to apologise. I HATE CHILDREN. Dogs are so much more well behaved.

Anyway, in case i do not have the time to come online, MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! I love you all. I dun believe in monetary presents. My love is the best gift possible!

Cheers ppl.

Tis e season to get drunk n high.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

This wkend

I'm leaving for Melacca in approx 9hrs time. Will be gone for 3D2N. Staying in Hotel Equatorial. Anything, call them and ask for txy. She booked it. Otherwise, u can try calling my hp. Shld have recep there..

If its about food request, sms lar.

Nope, its nt flooding over there. Anyway, i can swim and float. And i will nt look aft txy. She can swim herself. heh..

Yup, my bag is still nt packed. My feet are almost swollen due to excessive walking and kena kicked by a running hog. Damn..

I'm tired and i wanna sleep.. Nite folks..

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


我问为什麼 那女孩传简讯给我 

而你为什麼 不解释 低著头沉默

我该相信你很爱我 不愿意敷衍我 


*想问为什麼 我不再是你的快乐 

可是为什麼 却苦笑说我都懂了

自尊常常将人拖著 把爱都走曲折 

假装了解是怕 真相太赤裸裸


#我怀念的是无话不说 我怀念的是一起做梦  

我怀念的是争吵以後 还是想要爱你的冲动  

我记得那年生日 也记得那一首歌  

记得那片星空 最紧的右手 最暖的胸口  

(谁记得) 谁忘了

Repeat *,#

我怀念的是无言感动 我怀念的是绝对炽热

我怀念的是你很激动 求我原谅抱得我都痛

我记得你在背後 我记得我颤抖著

记得感觉汹涌 最美的烟火 最长的相拥

谁爱的太自由 谁过头太远了 

谁要走我的心 谁忘了那就是承诺

谁自顾自地走 谁忘了跟著我 

谁让爱变沉重 谁忘了要给你温柔

(我怀念的) 我还有想要爱你的冲动

我记得那年生日 也记得那一首歌

记得那片星空 最紧的右手 最暖的胸口

我放手 我让座 假洒脱 


太爱了 所以我 

没有哭 没有说

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nt feeling too good tonite..

I have 3 fairly big and red pimples on my face. All equally spread out. I was in a bad mood last wk. Make a guess. No prizes thou.

Not feeling happy. Depressed.

Heard the dedication just now. Thanks you so much, ji shi che. It feels like he had a hard time pronouncing the names. The 'ying' sounds weird. I like the song. Brought back many memories. I can still see him strumming the guitar, singing the song, facing her. We have come a long way. Ups and downs. I'm glad we are still within reach, physically and emotionally. Nothing beats a good buddy like you! Thank you! I hope you are having a much better nite!

For the past few months, you guys may have notice that i'd been screaming 'I want out' several times. Can i? Should i?

When i'm tired and dun even want to try, can i, shld i, give up?

When i'm not happy anymore and i dread it, can i, shld i, give up?

When i know that voicing out my feelings will either be deem as being petty or be ignored and forgotten, can i, shld i, give up?

When we all know that next yr, it will be a decade, can i, shld i, give up?

I know i shld treasure what i have got. I know i will regret it once i lost it. But sometimes, it just doesnt matter anymore..

Friday, December 14, 2007

Another friday nite..

Its been a while since i'm home so early on a friday nite. Been out doing stuff for e past 3 wks and today, its home sweet home.

Went to meet my ex hse mate for dinner just now. We had dinner at Phin's steak house which is situated along Liang Seah Place. He had snapper, i had lamb (I know, AGAIN) cutlet flown in frm NZ. I do not know bout his fish but my lamb is really great. Its one of the best i had so far. No 'sao' smell and its really tender. yummy.. And the price is really reasonable. About $15 for it. Next time, i'm gonna try the steak.

Anyway, it was fun chatting with my ex hsemate. He listens and comments and he's funny. He was telling me about his current hsemates and all the shit things that had happened to him. I told him 'Its only because of all these will you learn to appreciates me.' Haa.. He didnt comment to that. Just respond with a -_-!!! face, which says a lot of things. He did send me 2 photos of his current situation in Sydney Road and i shall be evil and post it here.. hahah... I scared him with stories of my jumping maggots and i hope he will be mentally prepared for it. Oh well, thats life abroad. Its frustrating when you experience it but years down the road, when you look back and think on it, it had become a comedy. Part and parcels of life..

The current state of my ex room..
The current state of the kitchen stove..
What MY room looks like
My study table, which is cluttered but not messy..

I went to have lunch with my ex-colleagues on wed. We agreed to meet at 1pm. In the end they arrive at only 1.30pm. I need to return to the office by 2pm. I was already prepared for their lateness as i was able to understand that. But sometimes i cant help but wondered. Is it really that bad or is it just the attitude? I mean, for them and me(was) we were always late for meeting up with friends hence causing the friends to wait for sometimes an hour or two. Some even stood up their dates as they were too caught up with work. Now looking back, was it worth it? Work is not all that. Just because you have work to do, doesnt means that you can make those who are free wait for you. Just feel that its not worth sacrificing your life for work. Theres a limit to how much one should dedicate to work and when work has step over the point, you shld know when to stop. No point getting all these bonus and acknowledgements when back home, your family dun even bother asking if you will be coming back for dinner. That just sucks.. Anyway, i'm over it. And i'm glad I'M OUT OF IT.
Today at work, i received an email rgdg a quary i'd raised. It was the first time i emailed the recipent.
His reply greatly insulted me.
"Hi Yan Thing, ...."
Damn... I'm not just a THING lor.. At least he didnt have typo in the my first name. It wld be lot worse if he typed " Any Thing". I think i will kill him!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Another little thought running round my head..

During lunch today, one of my colleague shared with us something he heard/learnt from his ex-boss.

His ex boss, in his late forties told him that a couple should get married aft 2 yrs of courtship if both are serious about each other, then spend the rest of their lives trying to live with each other. He believes that there is no perfect match in this world, just how well one can adpat to another.

Quite true i reckon. Instead of spending time searching for the perfect one or being in a never ending dating r/s, might as well take the next step when the time is ripe and learn to live with each other from then on.

Compromise may be the word.

But that that can only happen when based on the assumption that there wont be a change of heart in either party.

Damn.. I shld stop thinkin bout things like this..


May be getting a dog next jan. Aft x'mas (so they will not mark up the price!) But i'm still not sure on the breed. Maltese, GR, Bichon, West Highlander white terrier or any breed that melts me.. I still miss my mystery guest as well as my friend's cousin's bf's dog who was in tassie and currently in melb.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Happy Birthday to mi blog..

Was reading e first few entires of this blog when i realised that today it turns 2. Well, nothing much to say bout it. There are a couple of differences frm then to now. Still, somethings didnt change.

What had changed and what not, is up to you to decide and me to percive.


I'm still in a foul mood aft the chewy chocolate sundae frm Swenson. Thinking of NYDC chocolate cheesecake now..

I feel like crying.


On thursday, my colleague asked me what i'll be doing over the weekend. I pounder for a long while, in the end i couldnt think of anything that i will be doing this weekend. She was slightly surprise as for the past week i had been meeting friends almost every day for dinner or dance or just to go home and yet when its the golden period of the week, i have nothing to do.

In the end, i spend my saturday lazing at home. Woke up at 12pm, lunch, national geographic, channel u den nap before i leave for cwp to have dinner with tyl n cheryl.

Upon reaching there, i was pissed by the sight i see. There are humans everywhere. Big and small, young and old. And almost everyone is screaming or yelling. Its a human zoo. Every few steps i took i have to pause because of someone sudden change of path or some idiot just decided to cut into my path suddenly, or some smart alex suddenly decided to stop by some window display, ignoring whoever was behind them. Damn. I was super pissed. Why does it have to be so crowded, even up on the mountain? Why dun those human just flock to the city? Finding a place for dinner was hard because theres a queue almost everywhere. Luck just wasnt with us when Mac's ice cream machine wasnt working. We cant even have a sundae. argg.... Not in a good mood obviously. I want somewhere with no human except my friends and me. We even need to queue and wait for Botak Joes at woodgrove. At least its not tt crowded over there.

After dinner, it was home again. I learn something yesterday. You can install a celling light in the car and it really makes the car a lot brighter.


Just to share with you, an email tt i received..

Would you like to know if your mobile is original or not?!

Press the following on your mobile *#06# and the-international mobile equipment identity number appears check the 7th and 8th numbers.

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 02 or 20 that mean it was assembled in the Emirates which is very Bad quality

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 08 or 80 that means it was manufactured in Germany which is not bad

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 01 or 10 that mean it's manufactured in Finland which is Good

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 00 that means it was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 13 that means it was assembled in Azerbaijan which is very poor quality and potentially very dangerous to your health!

Mine is 00, believe it or not. Which means that its the BEST mobile quality. So those who had been poking fun at my poor LG, you better think twice, no.. thrice because mine is a 3G phone ok.. Dun pray pray ah..

The conclusion so far:
LG - 00
Sony Ericson - 01/10

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Things tt make me happy..

Still the same sentence, thank you Mr Peng, for making us so happy!

More picts frm The Line.

Erica n me before starting..

Erica n oysters.. but.. with chopsticks?? A bit wrong hor..

Me w oysters... eating it the right way.. haha..

Xueli with oysters.. prawns, crab n mussels

Cheryl with oysters.. eating them the hot way..

2 super happy ladies ah..
2 satisfied ladies..

2 contended ladies..

4 of us, with untuck shirts n busting pants..

After dance, still so happy..