Thursday, August 09, 2007


He was playing skillfully on the piano with his left hand.

She asked him, "Why do you like to play the piano with one hand?"
He replied, "So i can use the other to hold yours."

I gasp.

It is a beautiful show. And the make believe and the twist was totally unsuspected. The music pieces was enchanting. They make classical comes alive, fighting a war of it own. The storyline was romatic and about high school sweet love. A beautiful movie i shall say.

Just that, be prepared to watch it with lots of teenagers who doesnt noe how to keep quiet when the show has started nor know that there is a 'silent/mute' function for their cellphones.

Good show overall. Go watch it even if you are not a fan of Jay. But just want a sweet romance. I like it..

Also, make sure you can read either chinese charaters or english words as half the time, i do not know what he is saying.. As usual..

4.3 out of 5

'Happy Birthday Singapore'

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