Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Another wk..

It was all bull... Who said life will be better when the new perms are in? Bullshit... 2 new perms w experience joined us on monday and they are to be attached to the other grp!! Which has, 1.5 perm who had been working here for at least 1 yr n 1 contract staff where as our grp has 1 newer than me perm and 1.5 contract staff. Why dun they find some staff to join us to make our life better.. Damn it.. What were they thinking of... Too much.. Becoming unbalance again...

Went for a drink w the dance class today. Only 2 guys and 4 gers came today. It was alrite, getting stressed but still fun.. Funny as in we laugh at each other mistakes and postures.. And at ours too.. The drink was long awaited.. It was a good diaquiri. I was needing a drink for a long time and this came just in time. A bit of alcohol to lighten my life..

After that, 1 of the guy drove 3 of us gers back. And surprisingly, he didnt lose his way at all, you know. Not like what you also said. But he did memtioned that ur hse was hard to remember.. Dun noe hw true is it thou..

Anyway, fyi, i'm departing for Muar (AGAIN) this thurs to sat. Dun miss me too much..

Yes, my 5th National Day that i'm going to miss....
It just doesnt matter as much as it used to...

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