Thursday, August 16, 2007

The King and I

Just back from 'The King and I'.

It was good. The turnup was bad as in there are empty seats, lots. And surprisingly, most of the audience are Caucasians. But the musical was good though some cant really sing that well.. But it was funny. Esp the part when the SIAM king was with Anna and she was teaching him how to dance. The jealousy was nice. Haa.. The egoistic king and the 'unworthy woman' or so he label her. But i wld think that she's a smart woman..

Back to last wkend. Went to Muar on Thurs, KL on Fri n back to Sing on Sat. An adventure not to be forgotten. haa.. But it was a good trip. Was able to fully explore Muar on foot and it's actually quite safe and friendly. But thats not the case for KL. We were stalked!! For a while, till the stalker realised that he had been discover, hence he changed his path. We stay in a hotel which is a typical 'Hotel 81' kinda place as all other decent hotels had been booked out by the middle easteners. They are indeed everywhere in KL. gosh.. Their ladies have really sharp features. Big brown eyes and sharp noses. Pretty.

Finally met up with my Ah girl. It had been two yrs since i last saw her.. How she had grown up.. Not as carefree as before and with more responsibility on her shoulders. Time, it waits for no man. But i still miss her. It wld be another yr at least till i see her again. My special friend from Muar.

This time, we had Asam fish. A very unique place as you are able to choose your own seafood such as the prawns, sotongs, stingray, fish etc etc.. The assam wasn't spicy but more sour than normal but i like. And its smelly beans taste really fresh. I love its tofu most. Because it has a thin crispy layer on the outside and so soft on the inside.. yum yum...

Dinner was takeaway from 'tan chi jie'. Satays, otah, wan tan mee.. All eaten in the comfort of our hotel room. I bought some pulasan (the rambutan look alike fruit) home on the last day. And i do not know why it doesnt taste as good as it did in Muar. Maybe i shld go Muar to eat their fruits and not bring them back.

Took some picts of the sunrise 2 mornings ago.. It had been a while since i see such a sunrise as it was kinda hazy over the past few wks.

A close up. But not very close..

The reflection caught on windows.

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