I dun noe wat to say, but time flies. 2 wks pass just like that. Every other night, i will come here, thinking of something to type on, but nothin came out even thought there are lots stuck inside. I just do not know how to start and what to eliminate. Hence, nothing was composed.
Tonight, i felt oliglied to open a journal and talk about life as it is. So that yrs down the road, when i look back at June/July 2007, i will know that i was still alive.
Monday, went to work after the wkend and i felt that the pants had tighten. I cant believe that overindulging for 2 days will lead to such a dramatic change. All those constant feeding times and late night snacks. No good.
Talking about weight matters. Have you ever have friends who keep complaining bout hw fat they are even though they are going to be underweight soon. I admit i do not have the best figure and i have ppl around me, constanly saying that i'm fat and making all kind of jokes about it. I admit that i do feel hurt bout it even though i know that they are just meaningless remarks. But sometimes i just can't understand why ppl cant accept ppl the way they are. I dun go around hurling remarks on how short this person is or how flat her chest is or how weird her hair looks. So, why can't they understand that noone is perfect. And furthermore, what good is it that you are slimer than me yet you are never satisfied with your figure whereas i'm pleased with the way i am. Seriously, think who is happier before you decide to make such a nosensical remark.
Isnt it weird that the older we grow up, the more money we make, the more snobbish we become? Our manners is inversely proportional to the wealth we have. We think we are better without knowing how big the world is. We forgot our roots and take things for granted. We entered a new enviroment and look down on things from our past, thinking that we will never ever be like that again.
I was once there, thinking that i'm better than others for having this and that. It was an ugly sight and i cant shake the old images away. I can't help but wonder what others felt about me at that time. I'm sometimes still like that but i'm trying real hard to forsake that me i was. I crave to be more sensible and better mannered and i'm trying hard to achieve it. Guide me along if you can.
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