Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Evil old man..

My dad walked into my room just now as i was msm-ing and commented that i'd dropped a lot of hair in my room. (He must has mopped the hse today). So i took the opportunity to complain about how poorly looked after i am. Like there is no food at home when i got home frm work. And the fact that i only have 1 decent meal a day. And its outside food. So, of course my hair will drop due to my unhealthy diet.

Den as i was complaining i realise how little i actually eat during the week. A small DOM latte in the mornign, lunch in the nearby foodcourt, biscuit or chocolates (small amt cause we share our stock among the colleagues) and soup for dinner and sometimes some veggis. So it's actually quite a small intake of food. So i was quite puzzled and i said 'How come i'm not getting thinner when i'm eating so much?' And i was still thinking about it when he drop the bomb.

'Of course la, you eat so much during the weekend, hw to become thin.' With that he walk away.

A bit bu shuang but gotta agree with him. Because what he said is true as my pants always feel tighter on Monday as compared to Thursday.

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