Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Evil old man..

My dad walked into my room just now as i was msm-ing and commented that i'd dropped a lot of hair in my room. (He must has mopped the hse today). So i took the opportunity to complain about how poorly looked after i am. Like there is no food at home when i got home frm work. And the fact that i only have 1 decent meal a day. And its outside food. So, of course my hair will drop due to my unhealthy diet.

Den as i was complaining i realise how little i actually eat during the week. A small DOM latte in the mornign, lunch in the nearby foodcourt, biscuit or chocolates (small amt cause we share our stock among the colleagues) and soup for dinner and sometimes some veggis. So it's actually quite a small intake of food. So i was quite puzzled and i said 'How come i'm not getting thinner when i'm eating so much?' And i was still thinking about it when he drop the bomb.

'Of course la, you eat so much during the weekend, hw to become thin.' With that he walk away.

A bit bu shuang but gotta agree with him. Because what he said is true as my pants always feel tighter on Monday as compared to Thursday.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Back frm a short trip..

Went over to Muar+ Melacca last weekend. I came back feeling tired but more refreshed. It is really great to have a getaway every once in a while. Short trips like this can really chase the troubles away. And make your monday slightly better. Well, at least i don't feel like crying untill 8pm. Which for my case for the past two wks, the feeling will start at 10am.

We were drove in and was able to travel in comfort. We stayed the night in a hotel, which i'd forgotten its name just that it has double S in it. It was cheap and clean and comfy enough for me.

We had cheap good food. Cheap as in those once upon a time, Sing's chicken rice prices. We had chicken rice ball in Melacca for lunch and it was really good. At a old coffeeshop along the street of the Orang Utan shop + Zhen He museum. It cost about $2.50 sing each including drink. And it was good. The chicken and the rice.

Den upon reaching our hotel, we had wan tan mee + fried you tiao&fried butterfly + herbal tea at 4pm. The butterfly is really delicious. So soft and delicious. And most importantly, its still hot when you bite into it. These are from stall along the streets.

At about 8pm, we went to have dinner at a clean hawker place. Over there, we had BBQ chicken wings, OTAH, BBQ stingray and satay. Yummy.. Esp e chicken wings, with a hint of lime and the skin done till slightly crispy and the meat is tender and juicy. Ahh.. just the thoughts of it makes me drool. The sting ray is okay only but the flesh of the 'pang he' is very soft and tender but i dun really like the chili paste on it as its kinda bitter but still, the fish is good. Then there is the OTAH. 'SUPURB' No wonder xy can eat so much. But her colleague bought only 10 pieces for 4 persons. How to eat more... His maths fail one hor.. Lastly, there is the satay. Its tender and done just right. Not overcook or under. Just right. And when eaten with pineapples, it bring the taste out even more. Yumm...

After dinner, we went to get fruits that XY's colleague's mum bought for us. The thing i like about Malaysians are that they are always so friendly. And they will always go all the way to let you have a pleasent stay. Esp the parents. They will invite you over to stay at their place instead of hotels, dine at their home and they 'always' like to buy fruits for the visitors. Dun ask me why, but i always get to eat fruits when i visit my Malaysian friends at their home. And most times, its not only one type of fruits but a selection. And, i always find that these fruits are sweeter than those back home. No matter what.

Next morning, we went to have Bak Kuh Teh. Its the black kind with herbal taste. But wrong ingrediants. Xy's colleague ordered one with the 'organs' and so i only eat liver & mushroom & you tiao which is good enough. And so cheap too.. It cost about RM5 per person only..

Actually my intention of going Muar was to visit my daughter but two days before leaving, she told me that she will be busy over the weekend hence wouldnt be able to meet me. She asked me to go Muar again. And maybe, i will do so agian if there is a driver. But dear XY, i wont be going shopping with U! Cause i conclude that my aching legs are not because of the flights of stairs that we ascend n decend but the hours spend shopping. Yes, you motivates me. But i think my poor legs need more rest! Unless we are going to the new mall in Muar.. hahha...

Maybe one mth later....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Uncle Lee S.B, u rock SLE man!!

I board a cab at Pearl's shopping center at 11.16pm and reach home at 11.36pm. It was one of the best flight in my life. The best part was when the taxi uncle was speeding along SLE and trying to overtake a white Mitsubishi who being the perfect asshole refuse to let Uncle Lee get thru and when Uncle Lee try to overtakes from the lefter lane, that asshole speeds up and things like that.

So Uncle Lee started to tailgate him untill that white mitsubishi steer left towards the exit leaving Uncle Lee to the whole right lane. Thus start the speeding part. He flew at a speed of 130km/hr and i was hoping that he will increase to 140km/hr. And the way he change 3 lanes in 3 seconds was the coolest of all.

Oh man... who need to watch TAXI I, II & III in the cinema when you can get the ride of your life for $16 only..

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A little message to my ex hsemate who nv fails to amuse me..

Dear ex hsemate,

About a yr ago you moved into my Sydney Road apartment. I could still remember the sight of you dragging your damaged suitcase in the cold winter morning. You were cold i know. I didnt know if i shld laugh at your patheticness or pity you for your foul luck. I choose to laugh behind your back.

At home, i'd prepare a steamboat feast with a couple of my friends but you choose to lock yourself in the room after making a few greetings. Thus leaving us in shock surpriseness. Later on that day did we realised the real reason. You were sleeping. And sleeping.

As we had rented a car tt day, we decided to go to Mount Dandenongs for scones and scenery. You came and you slept thru out the whole journey. Only waking up for food and the time where you were drag out of the car to admire the scenery at the highest point in Melbourne at which, the temp is less than ten thou to you, its like minus ten. Again, i must admit, we (including my parents) were laughing behind your back at your simple reaction to the cold.

How about that time when you told me that there is no boiled water left? I was surprised by it as earlier that day, i PURPOSELY boil a kettle and left it to cool before pouring into the water container. You say as a matter of fact that you REBOILED the already boiled H2O to cook your instant noodles. I was stunned for a moment before yelling at you and preaching about how unhealthy it is to drink double boiled water. To that, you reacted by turing 45 degrees to your right and started praying. That was the classic among the rest of the classic. You didnt know this but i've to admit that after you left my room, i was smiling from ear to ear. And yes, i also admit that i shared this classic with Erica n fang min. We had a great time laughing too.

I remember on my birthday last yr when you and the 2 gers decided to cook me a birthday lunch. We were stunned speechless when you cooked 1 pack of 'Birthday' udon for me. The miso soup base was surprisingly delicious though it was those instance type. Thank you for that!

Now, once again, you amuse me with your innocent helpfulness. Thanks for that email to the lady who wanted to buy the book which you cant find hence you decided to take picts of another 2 books with similar titles and send it to her. I really do not know what to say. You are really great.

Don't get me wrong as i'm not trying to make you look like a clown. But its just amazing that a simple and straighforward guy like you can bring me so much laughter. Based my happiness on your sorrow perhaps. But seriously, your reactions are really classic.

Also, i wld like to thank you for being able to put up with my ridiculous temper and clearing all the mess i'd made after i'd left. I'll give you a big treat when you come back (provided that i'm still working) and may the remaining 2.5yrs be a breeze to you.


ur ex hsemate frm hell

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Home alone..

1 off to BKK, 2 off to Ipoh.

I'm all home alone this weekend.

I kinda welcome the silence and peace but at the same time, i dread going home to an empty shell.

Once again, i questioned myself, 'What do i really want?'

Guess i'm lonely. The kinda loneliness that cannot be substitute by a friend.

I wanna have someone with open arms....


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Guys today..

Is it me or are most of the guys today looking smarter than usual.

Had a great time drooling in City Hall...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Down vs up, Good vs bad.

There is always something to prove the existence of another.

Like up and down, likes and hates, cold and hot etc..

Without the other, we will nv know what it feel like to have what we had. To treasure what we lost. To take what we gave.

For me, for now, it's work vs home.

Without this sucky job, i wont feel the relieve and joy of coming home. I wont treasure the ten mins or so on talking kok with my parents. I wont bask in the happiness of being able to leave work early at 7.30pm. Seriously. We always need to be reminded on what we have.

Now, work suck. Long story. I'm on contract and i feel that life can be better. That sucks big time. But i noe, hang in there. It will gets better, somehow, somewhere, sometime.

But i got to admit, i do have some great colleagues to make me smile when the tough sets in. I'm thankful to that. Luckily, its not 100% shitified.

Now, i'm just taking life as it is, a step at a time and seeing and listening.

Maybe, just maybe, someday i will be able to smile like this..

Thursday, July 12, 2007

well, why? who, where and when?

i want a cave, so that i can cry in.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


MOE rejected me!

I bet lots are out celebrating considering the fact that almost none supported me. Nvm, i will try again in 3 yrs time. When i'm sick of the banking sector.

Foxtrot was fun today. As in funny fun.

I need to cut my nails! Seriously. They are at their longest ever.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Bliss is...

1. Listening to my fav music w a good read in hand after work.
2. Supper buddies just a phonecall away and supper place just a stonethrow away.
3. Eating with my friends of over 10 yrs and realising that no matter how much we had change on the surface, the behaviour is still the same.
4. Eating messy food in the cinema and not having to worry about that BBQ sauce stain on my right cheek.
5. Finding 6 rows of yakult in the fridge the day after complaining that there are none left.

Monday, July 02, 2007

I like you for the way you are.

I dun noe wat to say, but time flies. 2 wks pass just like that. Every other night, i will come here, thinking of something to type on, but nothin came out even thought there are lots stuck inside. I just do not know how to start and what to eliminate. Hence, nothing was composed.

Tonight, i felt oliglied to open a journal and talk about life as it is. So that yrs down the road, when i look back at June/July 2007, i will know that i was still alive.

Monday, went to work after the wkend and i felt that the pants had tighten. I cant believe that overindulging for 2 days will lead to such a dramatic change. All those constant feeding times and late night snacks. No good.

Talking about weight matters. Have you ever have friends who keep complaining bout hw fat they are even though they are going to be underweight soon. I admit i do not have the best figure and i have ppl around me, constanly saying that i'm fat and making all kind of jokes about it. I admit that i do feel hurt bout it even though i know that they are just meaningless remarks. But sometimes i just can't understand why ppl cant accept ppl the way they are. I dun go around hurling remarks on how short this person is or how flat her chest is or how weird her hair looks. So, why can't they understand that noone is perfect. And furthermore, what good is it that you are slimer than me yet you are never satisfied with your figure whereas i'm pleased with the way i am. Seriously, think who is happier before you decide to make such a nosensical remark.

Isnt it weird that the older we grow up, the more money we make, the more snobbish we become? Our manners is inversely proportional to the wealth we have. We think we are better without knowing how big the world is. We forgot our roots and take things for granted. We entered a new enviroment and look down on things from our past, thinking that we will never ever be like that again.

I was once there, thinking that i'm better than others for having this and that. It was an ugly sight and i cant shake the old images away. I can't help but wonder what others felt about me at that time. I'm sometimes still like that but i'm trying real hard to forsake that me i was. I crave to be more sensible and better mannered and i'm trying hard to achieve it. Guide me along if you can.