Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Yeah... Its tt day of the yr..

haa.. I dun understand why Valentine day is so fantastic, exciting and festive. I've received greetings from ppl wishing me a happy V-day. Hello.. Its not even a public holiday.. So wats there to celebrate for. I kept hearing ppl saying tt they are changing this and that appointments so that they will be free on V-day to accompany their dates. Dun they noe tt its not worth the effort and money. Everything on this day is more expansive and everywhere on this day is so much more crowded.

So what if you got your gf flowers? As u walk along Orchard Road or my guess for this yr shld be Vivocity she will be eyeing someone else's BIGGER bouquet of flowers and grumbling under her breath about how stingy you are for only buying her a 11 or 12 roses bouquet. Or maybe complained to her friends the next day on why you bought champange roses instead of red roses which is her favouite colour for this week. Why not get her flowers on some other days such that she will be the only one carrying it around and no one to compare to and most importantly, it will be way much cheaper.

So what if you had bought a diamond ring and decided to propose to her on this specially romantic day which for your info, so many other couples all over the world and yrs had been doing so. This might not be statistically correct but i do have a good chance of saying tt, this is a day with the highest proposals done. So, whats so special after all? Yes, you are unique, JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE (quoted from Eve) I mean, imagine this scenario, a ger telling her friends bout her ROMANTIC proposal,

'.. we were sitting outside Vivocity and enjoying the scenery while sipping our $20 plus cocktail and all of a sudden he took out the ring (casually showing off her hand) and propose to me.' And her friends reply wld be, 'Awww... How sweet is that. I didnt noe he can be so romantic.. Such a lovely ring.. It must have cost a bomb. Oh.. Do you know that May, June and April's bfs also propose on that day. Maybe you gers can have your wedding together you know.'

Now you get my point? Its not romantic anymore because it had become too commercialise. Everyone else is doing the same thing. So, why not, just stay at home with your loved ones, cook a dinner together, share a bottle of wine and just laze in each other arms while watching those romantic flicks shown on tv. And let us, the singletons wonder the streets without having to feel lonely or say 'Happy Friendship Day' to whoever they are having dinner with.

Yah.. Enjoy whoever you are! I needa go brush my teeth and fill my stomach now.. Just woke up!

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