Been almost 2 wks since i last update. Such a long while because i really have no idea what to update bout. Life had been the same, no major changes, still currently unemployed or to phase in a better way, still looking for job, there are a million little things that had happen to me every single day but nothing worth starting an entry on. So, let me compound my million little things that are bit and pieces of my last two weeks.
Finally, i converted my driving license and i drove on thursday 22nd of Feb 07. I did the convertion on 21st, all thanks to Jul. Without her company to BBDC, i believe i will still be sing-licenseless. My first destination, Yishun Swimming Complex. How interesting is that. But i still heart driving. And i realised, i miss Melb roads. The trams to look out for, the scary roundabout at Gratten Street up Elizabeth Street. I guess i like the control i have when driving. Am i a control freak? Perhaps.
Went roller blading w Jul on wed. I did blade when i was in primary school but it was self-learned. Then from wat i remember from ice skating and skiing which were more recent, i used it on rollerblading. I cld move forward, i cld slow to a stop, i didnt fall aft i went up a slight slope and over a hump followed by a left turn so i guess i was still alrite. But Jul said that my legs are not straight. The way i stand on skates are wrong. And my feets are spread too wide when i skate. Guess it was really unglamourous. Luckily there wasn't much people around. Bishan Park cld be said to be partially deserted. So, its a good place to learn, on a weekday.
Was rejected by nature yesterday. My neighbour's cocker spaniel bit me as i was going down the stairs. She run out of her house and started barking at me and following me down the stairs. Den she bite me at the back of my right knee. Guess it was too thick for her to fully grap hold of it so she started attacking my toes. I was wondering, what wld happen if it was tyl instead of me. I believe the police wld be called as someone wld mistaken her screams for something else. Anyway, aft 'the attack' the neighbour came after the dog and i just carry on going down the stairs because i was super pissed off by the behaviour of the dog. Its not the first time the dog had barked and growled at me. It always do so when i pass by its level, but i just cldnt be bothered. But tt day, all these were too much. If the bite was deep i wld defintly complain regardless of whether i'm a dog lover or not. Luckily it only cause a slight slight bruising. My neighbour came down to apologise after that. Guess it was the thought that she came down to apologised and offered to bring me to a doctor that put out the roaring fire within me. Otherwise, if it happen for a second time, it would be 'bye bye doggy.'
Right, thats all for now. Will upload some picts of CNY when i'm in e mood. Chill.
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