Friday, February 09, 2007


The first few things i saw when i open my eyes today was the panoramas i stick on my wall last night. They are views of NZ and Aust. Then i started thinking of my room in Melb and the ppl there and i started thinking of this person.

He was a friend you know, just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not know him for long. Maybe about 1.5 yrs and we are not those friends that go out or chat on the phone. We are more of a hi-how are you- blah blah blah- take care and see you again kinda friends. Meaning that we are more than a hi-bye friend but a lot lesser in standing than those friends i have in sing. So, what is so special about him that makes me think of him today?

Maybe from time to time when you read this blog, you will spot some short sentences of how nice this person is and so and so. So, today, let me tell you how nice he is, in a gentlemen-ly way.
Whenever his hands are free and available (meaning that he's not carrying/holding anything) he will always ask me if i need help with my file, paper bag or whatever i was holding. Be it light or heavy he will always ask, 'Do you want me to hold (whatever i was holding) for you?' without me asking. If its something that is heavy he will just carry it and refuse to let me do it even though it is my job too.

I guess i'm being unreasonable by making a comparison btw him and my guy friends here in sing. I'm not saying that those here are not good or whatsoever. They are good in their own ways. In ways he will never be. But so many times i'd went out w my 'buddies' or 'brothers' and even guys i was seeing but non of them had ever ask me if they would like me to let them carry my stuff even after knowing how heavy the things are. I always have to MAKE them carry the bags i have. So, maybe that was why this guy stand out in the first place.

Then there was the car doors. He does not always open the cardoors for us, gers but whenever it is in the way, he will do so. Like say, he was driving and i happen to sit behind him, he will open the door just like that. Its not just this kinda treatment for me but for the other girls as well. It is just this kinda simple actions that make me change my prespective of Malaysian guys. Yes, hes a malaysian. I did asked him once why he did it, the opening of cardoors thingy and his reply was real good. 'I have a younger sis at home so sometimes i will open the door for her.'

Sometimes, my friends and i wondered. How come two countries that are so close to each other yet can produce people that are so different. We arrive at the conclusion that this might be due to their upbringing. They were taught from young to care for their siblings, respect ther elders, value their family more than others. Whereas us in sing had lost or forgot most of the moral values that we learn since young. I guess this is why we are so different. But i really will like to know how they were brought up and how their parents taught them to be such well-defined characters.

It's a mystery.

1 comment:

C said...

What was your initial perspective of Malaysian guys before it was 'changed' by this guy?