Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Picts over CNY..

The Primary sch gang at Guang Hui's place.
The Secondary sch gang at GH's place.

All of us cept for 2 latecomers at GH's place.

2 pigs @ TYL's place.

Father and 2 daughters @ TYL's place.

The COMPULSORY game. (Pretty obvious whose losing isn't it!)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

2 mths in sing, and sad to say, still counting..

Been almost 2 wks since i last update. Such a long while because i really have no idea what to update bout. Life had been the same, no major changes, still currently unemployed or to phase in a better way, still looking for job, there are a million little things that had happen to me every single day but nothing worth starting an entry on. So, let me compound my million little things that are bit and pieces of my last two weeks.

Finally, i converted my driving license and i drove on thursday 22nd of Feb 07. I did the convertion on 21st, all thanks to Jul. Without her company to BBDC, i believe i will still be sing-licenseless. My first destination, Yishun Swimming Complex. How interesting is that. But i still heart driving. And i realised, i miss Melb roads. The trams to look out for, the scary roundabout at Gratten Street up Elizabeth Street. I guess i like the control i have when driving. Am i a control freak? Perhaps.

Went roller blading w Jul on wed. I did blade when i was in primary school but it was self-learned. Then from wat i remember from ice skating and skiing which were more recent, i used it on rollerblading. I cld move forward, i cld slow to a stop, i didnt fall aft i went up a slight slope and over a hump followed by a left turn so i guess i was still alrite. But Jul said that my legs are not straight. The way i stand on skates are wrong. And my feets are spread too wide when i skate. Guess it was really unglamourous. Luckily there wasn't much people around. Bishan Park cld be said to be partially deserted. So, its a good place to learn, on a weekday.

Was rejected by nature yesterday. My neighbour's cocker spaniel bit me as i was going down the stairs. She run out of her house and started barking at me and following me down the stairs. Den she bite me at the back of my right knee. Guess it was too thick for her to fully grap hold of it so she started attacking my toes. I was wondering, what wld happen if it was tyl instead of me. I believe the police wld be called as someone wld mistaken her screams for something else. Anyway, aft 'the attack' the neighbour came after the dog and i just carry on going down the stairs because i was super pissed off by the behaviour of the dog. Its not the first time the dog had barked and growled at me. It always do so when i pass by its level, but i just cldnt be bothered. But tt day, all these were too much. If the bite was deep i wld defintly complain regardless of whether i'm a dog lover or not. Luckily it only cause a slight slight bruising. My neighbour came down to apologise after that. Guess it was the thought that she came down to apologised and offered to bring me to a doctor that put out the roaring fire within me. Otherwise, if it happen for a second time, it would be 'bye bye doggy.'

Right, thats all for now. Will upload some picts of CNY when i'm in e mood. Chill.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Yeah... Its tt day of the yr..

haa.. I dun understand why Valentine day is so fantastic, exciting and festive. I've received greetings from ppl wishing me a happy V-day. Hello.. Its not even a public holiday.. So wats there to celebrate for. I kept hearing ppl saying tt they are changing this and that appointments so that they will be free on V-day to accompany their dates. Dun they noe tt its not worth the effort and money. Everything on this day is more expansive and everywhere on this day is so much more crowded.

So what if you got your gf flowers? As u walk along Orchard Road or my guess for this yr shld be Vivocity she will be eyeing someone else's BIGGER bouquet of flowers and grumbling under her breath about how stingy you are for only buying her a 11 or 12 roses bouquet. Or maybe complained to her friends the next day on why you bought champange roses instead of red roses which is her favouite colour for this week. Why not get her flowers on some other days such that she will be the only one carrying it around and no one to compare to and most importantly, it will be way much cheaper.

So what if you had bought a diamond ring and decided to propose to her on this specially romantic day which for your info, so many other couples all over the world and yrs had been doing so. This might not be statistically correct but i do have a good chance of saying tt, this is a day with the highest proposals done. So, whats so special after all? Yes, you are unique, JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE (quoted from Eve) I mean, imagine this scenario, a ger telling her friends bout her ROMANTIC proposal,

'.. we were sitting outside Vivocity and enjoying the scenery while sipping our $20 plus cocktail and all of a sudden he took out the ring (casually showing off her hand) and propose to me.' And her friends reply wld be, 'Awww... How sweet is that. I didnt noe he can be so romantic.. Such a lovely ring.. It must have cost a bomb. Oh.. Do you know that May, June and April's bfs also propose on that day. Maybe you gers can have your wedding together you know.'

Now you get my point? Its not romantic anymore because it had become too commercialise. Everyone else is doing the same thing. So, why not, just stay at home with your loved ones, cook a dinner together, share a bottle of wine and just laze in each other arms while watching those romantic flicks shown on tv. And let us, the singletons wonder the streets without having to feel lonely or say 'Happy Friendship Day' to whoever they are having dinner with.

Yah.. Enjoy whoever you are! I needa go brush my teeth and fill my stomach now.. Just woke up!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The world's only 7 stars hotel.

Anyone know which is the world's only 7 stars hotel? Or where it is?

Its located in Dubai and is called the Burj Al Arab Hotel. Ever since i heard of it bout 1 yr ago i'd always hope that someday i will be able to visit the place and hopefully stay a nite in one of its room. By my own capabilities of course. But wonder, will that day ever comes?

Go to the Burj Al Arab Hotel link here to read more about it. (Note: Its not the original website.)

Friday, February 09, 2007


The first few things i saw when i open my eyes today was the panoramas i stick on my wall last night. They are views of NZ and Aust. Then i started thinking of my room in Melb and the ppl there and i started thinking of this person.

He was a friend you know, just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not know him for long. Maybe about 1.5 yrs and we are not those friends that go out or chat on the phone. We are more of a hi-how are you- blah blah blah- take care and see you again kinda friends. Meaning that we are more than a hi-bye friend but a lot lesser in standing than those friends i have in sing. So, what is so special about him that makes me think of him today?

Maybe from time to time when you read this blog, you will spot some short sentences of how nice this person is and so and so. So, today, let me tell you how nice he is, in a gentlemen-ly way.
Whenever his hands are free and available (meaning that he's not carrying/holding anything) he will always ask me if i need help with my file, paper bag or whatever i was holding. Be it light or heavy he will always ask, 'Do you want me to hold (whatever i was holding) for you?' without me asking. If its something that is heavy he will just carry it and refuse to let me do it even though it is my job too.

I guess i'm being unreasonable by making a comparison btw him and my guy friends here in sing. I'm not saying that those here are not good or whatsoever. They are good in their own ways. In ways he will never be. But so many times i'd went out w my 'buddies' or 'brothers' and even guys i was seeing but non of them had ever ask me if they would like me to let them carry my stuff even after knowing how heavy the things are. I always have to MAKE them carry the bags i have. So, maybe that was why this guy stand out in the first place.

Then there was the car doors. He does not always open the cardoors for us, gers but whenever it is in the way, he will do so. Like say, he was driving and i happen to sit behind him, he will open the door just like that. Its not just this kinda treatment for me but for the other girls as well. It is just this kinda simple actions that make me change my prespective of Malaysian guys. Yes, hes a malaysian. I did asked him once why he did it, the opening of cardoors thingy and his reply was real good. 'I have a younger sis at home so sometimes i will open the door for her.'

Sometimes, my friends and i wondered. How come two countries that are so close to each other yet can produce people that are so different. We arrive at the conclusion that this might be due to their upbringing. They were taught from young to care for their siblings, respect ther elders, value their family more than others. Whereas us in sing had lost or forgot most of the moral values that we learn since young. I guess this is why we are so different. But i really will like to know how they were brought up and how their parents taught them to be such well-defined characters.

It's a mystery.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

If - Babyface

If a picture paints a thousand words
Then why can’t I paint you
The words will never show
The you I’ve come to know
If a face could launch a thousand ships
Then where am I to go
There’s no one home but you
You’re all that’s led me to

And when my love for life is running dry
You come and pour yourself for me

If a man could be two places at one time
I’d be with you
Tomorrow and today
Beside you all the way
If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down tonight
I’d spend the end with you
And when the world was due

Then one by one the stars would all go out
Then you and I would simply fly away

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I'm not happy.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Welcome Monday. Goodbye blues..

Well, since it is monday again. I bet lots of people will be facing the evil monday blues. Maybe some are currently looking out of the 24th floor windows wondering how it would feel to be flying down. Come on, its just a monday. Those who are more optimistic will properly be thinking of lunch break or tea break. Others who are more of a snake eater, will defnly be reading my blog now. So, which are you? Pretty obvious isn't it.

Anyway, i'd uploaded some picts of my saturday to help fight some of these blues away. Enjoy!

At Sommerset TCC for tea n coffee. My date of the day and i.

The zi lian kuan.

Part 1: She could only feast her eyes on his back.

Part 2: Reason being, They are gays.. (Aww... just look at Jason's blissful expression.. Nothing beats sharing a thin chocolate stick with a lover!!) *Sweet*

The black n white..

The thorn among the roses.

My pri sch mates.. SLPS Class of 1995

[Click under Archives Dec 2005 for another pict of SLPS Class of 1995 (taken one yr ago)]

Friday, February 02, 2007


I guess i do not have any fate with Raffles Place. Or rather Raffles Place has too much temptations.

I went to Capital Square (Note: is K sq not K tower) which is at Raffles Place for an accountancy test today. (Dun ask me what the hell was i doing, sitting for an acctg test when i specialise in finance. Its always like that. The more i try to avoid something, the more i will come into contact with it. Say for example, Economics. My A's econs was one of the main reasons tt drove me to Aust as i was super stressed up while studying for Paper 3 [essay paper in case you want to know] which was on the first day of my A's. So i told myself that i will never ever ever forever do anymore economics subjects. Who knows, Actuarial was under the Econs department. In my first yr, introd econs is compulsory for all so i did it for my first 2 sem for micro and macro. Then in second yr, intermediate macro econs is compulsory for act, so i once again took inter micro n macro econs for the 2 sems. Then in yr 3, i do not have anymore fin subjects to take, so i took an econs subj ie. Competition and Strategy. It was fun, i enjoyed it. But look at me, the more i want to get away from something, the more it will haunts me. So I LOVE EVERYTHING EXCEPT MONEY.) Anyway, back to Raffles Place. After the test, (Note: I walked from RP MRT sucessfully without losing my direction earlier to K sq) i followed the route that i came from. But i was distracted by this infrastructure that i can't remember the name at the momemt. But anyway, i went there before w XY, XL and XY's husband a yr or two ago. We went there for Beef Noodles i recall and i cld also remember tt there was a stall selling iced teh tarik which always has a long queue during lunch hour, so since i was thirsty and hungry, i started walking into that building unknowingly and found the teh terik stall EASILY. But i'd lost my way because i do not know where the MRT is anymore.

So i started walking. I cross the traffic lights when i see one. Turn to the other one when i feel like it and i cld feel myself walking away from RP. Soon, i know i was lost and i was no longer in RP because i could see Capital Tower (Note: Tower, not Sq.) I know i was in Tanjong Pagar because of the mistake i made couple of days ago. So, in the end i give up my pride and make a phonecall to one of the two person i cld think of who is working in TP. One is Hui Xin (Note: Never ever call her if you are lost. Because you will never get her.), the other is Ivan who is my first and last choice. I was given a very good tip. 'You walk either way from K tower you will reach the MRT station. Just that one is further and one is nearer.' So, i know i have a 50-50 chance of walking a shorther way and a 100% that i'm not lost. As long as i walk straight. So i walk. It was a hit on, because i saw Tanjong Pagar MRT just after K tower.

I was just thinking, if we were to have an Amazing Race in Raffles Place, i will definetely lose!

Anyway, before my test (note: It's a grp test meaning that there were about 20 people doing that test) the person in charge gave a brief introduction on the coy. He said that this coy collects data for investing purposes. So meaning that they are looking for pple who can collects data well as well as having a good knowledge. Hence when the test started, i cldn't help but think of Nuruto. Because in the first few episode when they were sitting for a test to get into some special class, they have to sit for a test. If you are smart, you can do all the question (like tt ger) if you have special eyes, you can peep at others answers (like tt guy), if you can get out of your body without anyone knowing you can get your ans from elsewhere (like some of the characters). So, you get my point? Meaning that, since i do not know hw to answer some qns, was i suppose to peek at someone elses answers? Since they are recruiting us to collect info for the coy. Hmm.. Was i right to say that?

The company was impressive. They have a snack counter with candies and chocolate bars. They have a wall fridge which contains milk and all kinda drinks which is even bigger than some of those in 7-11. The working area is really something i'd never see before. They have a recording room that looks like a news recording room. There are plasma tv on the walls showing the current trading news. Each desk have two comp screens on it. Each row has maybe 7 desks. So when you stand at one end and look towards the other, you will see lots of comp screens. I felt like a small little girl who is not exposed to anything at all, like the saying goes 'The frog in the well.' It was a 'wow.......' stand and stare and absorb for 5 seconds the sight infront of me experience. One word: Impressive. (esp the food they have!)