I guess i do not have any fate with Raffles Place. Or rather Raffles Place has too much temptations.
I went to Capital Square (Note: is K sq not K tower) which is at Raffles Place for an accountancy test today. (Dun ask me what the hell was i doing, sitting for an acctg test when i specialise in finance. Its always like that. The more i try to avoid something, the more i will come into contact with it. Say for example, Economics. My A's econs was one of the main reasons tt drove me to Aust as i was super stressed up while studying for Paper 3 [essay paper in case you want to know] which was on the first day of my A's. So i told myself that i will never ever ever forever do anymore economics subjects. Who knows, Actuarial was under the Econs department. In my first yr, introd econs is compulsory for all so i did it for my first 2 sem for micro and macro. Then in second yr, intermediate macro econs is compulsory for act, so i once again took inter micro n macro econs for the 2 sems. Then in yr 3, i do not have anymore fin subjects to take, so i took an econs subj ie. Competition and Strategy. It was fun, i enjoyed it. But look at me, the more i want to get away from something, the more it will haunts me. So I LOVE EVERYTHING EXCEPT MONEY.) Anyway, back to Raffles Place. After the test, (Note: I walked from RP MRT sucessfully without losing my direction earlier to K sq) i followed the route that i came from. But i was distracted by this infrastructure that i can't remember the name at the momemt. But anyway, i went there before w XY, XL and XY's husband a yr or two ago. We went there for Beef Noodles i recall and i cld also remember tt there was a stall selling iced teh tarik which always has a long queue during lunch hour, so since i was thirsty and hungry, i started walking into that building unknowingly and found the teh terik stall EASILY. But i'd lost my way because i do not know where the MRT is anymore.
So i started walking. I cross the traffic lights when i see one. Turn to the other one when i feel like it and i cld feel myself walking away from RP. Soon, i know i was lost and i was no longer in RP because i could see Capital Tower (Note: Tower, not Sq.) I know i was in Tanjong Pagar because of the mistake i made couple of days ago. So, in the end i give up my pride and make a phonecall to one of the two person i cld think of who is working in TP. One is Hui Xin (Note: Never ever call her if you are lost. Because you will never get her.), the other is Ivan who is my first and last choice. I was given a very good tip. 'You walk either way from K tower you will reach the MRT station. Just that one is further and one is nearer.' So, i know i have a 50-50 chance of walking a shorther way and a 100% that i'm not lost. As long as i walk straight. So i walk. It was a hit on, because i saw Tanjong Pagar MRT just after K tower.
I was just thinking, if we were to have an Amazing Race in Raffles Place, i will definetely lose!
Anyway, before my test (note: It's a grp test meaning that there were about 20 people doing that test) the person in charge gave a brief introduction on the coy. He said that this coy collects data for investing purposes. So meaning that they are looking for pple who can collects data well as well as having a good knowledge. Hence when the test started, i cldn't help but think of Nuruto. Because in the first few episode when they were sitting for a test to get into some special class, they have to sit for a test. If you are smart, you can do all the question (like tt ger) if you have special eyes, you can peep at others answers (like tt guy), if you can get out of your body without anyone knowing you can get your ans from elsewhere (like some of the characters). So, you get my point? Meaning that, since i do not know hw to answer some qns, was i suppose to peek at someone elses answers? Since they are recruiting us to collect info for the coy. Hmm.. Was i right to say that?
The company was impressive. They have a snack counter with candies and chocolate bars. They have a wall fridge which contains milk and all kinda drinks which is even bigger than some of those in 7-11. The working area is really something i'd never see before. They have a recording room that looks like a news recording room. There are plasma tv on the walls showing the current trading news. Each desk have two comp screens on it. Each row has maybe 7 desks. So when you stand at one end and look towards the other, you will see lots of comp screens. I felt like a small little girl who is not exposed to anything at all, like the saying goes 'The frog in the well.' It was a 'wow.......' stand and stare and absorb for 5 seconds the sight infront of me experience. One word: Impressive. (esp the food they have!)