Monday, July 03, 2006

Living the life of a spoilt brat...

Lalala.. Had been back from the Roadtrip for a few days already but only nw do i feel like composing an entry.. Too lazy to feel like doing anything other than hide under the covers and watch all e dramas that are waiting for me.. Life cant get any better... Just the way i like it..

My parents, they just went out on their own.. Its too cold and i'm too lazy to go out w them.. Haha....

The Roadtrip lasted for 6 days. We orginially planned to go for 5 days but we just keep driving further and further away from Victoria. If we could i belive we will had went for 8 days not only 6. We need to come back to Vict thats why we came backk.. we travel to Daylesford, that place is famous for its springs and spa but we only get to taste some of the springs and not try the spa.. The spring water tastes gassy with a hint of metal. But i like it..

That night we slept in a Bed and Breakfast and Erica n Fangmin had a pinky room while i slept with my parents in another room. Isn't their room princessy??

Brekkie time..

The following day we tour around Grampians. I got chased by geese as i was trying to take some picts of the motel that we stayed in. Those are the naughty birds that came after me. After i run into our room, they came to our door and started knocking with their beaks. They hang around for bout 10 mins before they realised that we won't be feeding them anything. So they left after leaving us some welcome gift. They shit at our door mat... Too much!!

My parents at MacKenzie Falls. I was too lazy to climb down with e 2 girls as i'd been there before so i took a leisurely stroll with my parents to the lookout.

We stopped at several wineries and this was taken at one of them.

At another one. We took a bunch of grapes as it was so sweet.. Irresistable..

One of the few picts that we took along the way to South Australia..

At one of the lookout at South Australia..

Adelaide At Night..

My first..

At Henry's Beach or something..

My mum kept saying tt i looks like a frog. BUT i'm trying to look like a crab..

I saw my friend in Adelaide, *ahem* get ur snout out of the bin..

We climb some small hill..

and venture into the desert..

It was fun...

Thats all for the time being.... 7 more days to Tassie.. Wohoo.. More picts..

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