Thursday, March 23, 2006

The start of e weekend??

Haha.. Weekend mood already though its only thurs nite. Guess its because i'd done my assignment, no tuts tmr just 2 lects. Thats all. So, pretty relax now. Went for club meeting today. The fundraising chocolates had arrived on monday and it was all given out today. There wasn't enough. Should had ordered 2 boxes more. Hehe... Then can raise more funds for e club n other non-profitable organisations. But well, maybe next time more people will be interested. Since there is less supply than demand this time round. So ppl shld want more during the next time which shld be in next sem i guess.

Falling slightly sick now. Had flu for the past two days den i had e flu medicine and slept n slept so kinda recover from it. But nt my sore throat and cough is coming up. Must be due to the tom yum soup, green curry and curried squids on tues.. A bit too heaty for me.. But thats what u get when 4 hungry + greedy girls get together. Had been swallowing lots of lozenges n chrysanthemum tea today. Till i'm so sick of those 'SWEETS'. But no choice, otherwise my thoat will get itchy and i will start to cough den my nose will start running and my ears will start getting block. Sigh.. It must happen once every semester. Falling sick i mean. Hope this time round, now will be the worst that it will be. Using a curve to illustrate, with time on the x-axis and the degree of sickness i will get on the y-axis, the higher it is, the worst i will get. A y= - CX^2 + B is plotted, where X = now and dy/dx will be at the max point at now. Hahhaa... Understand?

Too much maths is not good. Last yr, Xinling, ET n i took inter-micro together. Oh no... Once, during our dinner, we were talking in economice. The demand and supply, long term vs short term, the production function etc And what were we using it on?? BGR!!! It was funny, our conversation. Cant really remember what we talk bout exactly but guess we wont be as fluent as before if we were to talk in econ now. Since only ET is majoring in economics.

Had quite a good day today.. Hehe.... Manage to finish my ass yest hence able to do e stuff tt i need to do today. The ass tt i'd spend one wk plus worrying bout was nt as tough as i thought it will be. Initially, i thought it's a grp ass, but in e end we found out tt its indiv work. But still, discussion was present. Haaha.. SO, we manage to finsh the 10% ass in 3 hrs. But, dun noe hw e result will be. Another ass coming up next wk. A grp ass this time. More stress as its e subj tt i hate most. Not because i hate it. But i dislike e lecturer. No idea whats going on.. Sigh.. Need to start reading all my notes n put more effort into this.

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