Sunday, March 26, 2006


hmm... hehehehe....


To wait or not to wait, for the sunrise.. Afterall its another one hour.

Been on e phone for bout 3 hours n it only cost me $3. Sigh... How am i going to finsh up the credit.. Haha.. It feels so good to talk to someone u miss a lot. Called mum n dad first and for once, cld really feel that they r really worried bout my 'distorted' voice. Told them tt i'd too much green bean soup today hence a bit of indigestion and they started telling me what what medicine to eat and what ointment to apply. I told them that i dont have anything but zam buk and my dad says its fine. Apply 6 round clockwise and 6 round anticlockwise then together 36 rounds. I was amazed. Since when had this become so strict. I thought just rub till its slightly warm and it will be fine. Whats up w e 6 clockwise n 6 anticlockwise?? But it feels good to be fuss by parents. Feels like a little kid once again.. Aww... I miss them so....

Then call Xueli aft tt. She thought that i had been crying.. Sigh.. Left a pretty bad record in her little black book. Cause for the past two years, 80% of the time that i'd called her was because i was crying. Hence its not her fault that she deduced that. But i explained to her that i was having a bad throat etc hence everything is settled. This was e first time tt i called her since i came back this time round so a lot to catch up on since she was seldom on msn too. Hence we talk for bout 3hrs. Having sore ears now, need an ice pack to cool it.. Haha....

Happy nite! SO many people to make me happy. Sometimes really feels that i can't be happier than now. Maybe i'm indeed easy to please... What say u??

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