Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy me, LOST...

Guess the happy me that was present for the past week or two had left. No more smiles, no more happy thoughts. Hope that its because I'm just tired. Hope that things will go back to the same after a good nite sleep..

Guess for the past weeks I was in the optimistic state of mind. Those kind that treats the falling skies as a blanket. Honestly, I was happier. Looking at things from the other point of view. Not brooding over unhappy matters. But felt that some of my friend couldn't stand it. I tried convincing myself to act n look happier when I'm down and tired. They said I act cute.. Sigh... Sometimes really don't know what to say... If you show that your are tired and keep quiet they ask you whats wrong and why give the sian look. So, how am I suppose to look den?

Sometimes wonder how factual this blog should be. I have to admit that all that i had record down is not 100% of my life. I mean, I didn't lie about any of the things that had happened to me. Just that I'd hide certain parts. Especially those dark and unhappy side. Because I do not want to be reminded of them in the future when I look back. So, just want to let you know that, my life is not 100% happy nor perfect but I will want to remember it as a happy journey that I once had. Hence the need to change blog. The previous one was gloomy and in the 'dark side' but guess its all over. A part of journey that had ended. Time to start afresh.

My last year in Melb. How will I want to spend my last year here will be up to me..

I choose to be happy. Hope I will be able to stay happy...


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