Sigh... Stomach starting to make noise. Its better to go sleep. BUT i'm still so so so awake. Whats wrong??? ermm 2 cup of milk tea maybe e reason to all tt.. Sigh... Yest too. Having trouble falling asleep. Guess its time for me to exercise more.
Was at friendster just now. Looking at past testis frm me friends. Started to miss them.. Sighh... Remembering their sweetness. The things tt they had done for me. How lucky i'm to have these ppl as my friends.. Even though can see tt we are all walking further and further away from each other but the heart feels otherwise. All thanks to technology i guess. If not for MSN i believe i would have lost contact w most of my buddies.
Was looking at my pri sch classmate account n looking thru his diving picts den i saw someone familiar in the pict. Hahah... My bro's gf... Haha.. SHe was his DM. What a small world this is. Frm sing to tioman.
Miss playing pool w my pri schmates.. ahh... HJ, CK, GH i miss u guys.. I heard tt cwp's pool had shut down due to some ppl being murdered. Ahh... Hw cld they do tt? Where r we to go when i come back next time... Super dupper sian diao...
I miss going for my cheese n mushroom prata at Woodgrove.. N the teh tarik. The annoying time waiting for them to take our orders n to settle the bills. I miss going out at nite. To have supper w my bros.
Even if they emit smoke like some old dragon i also dun mind. Because beneath their act cool surface there's still some humanity present which is hard to find in some peeps. Their weird theories n their taste in girls.. Haii.... Sometimes really feel like giving them a box to wake them up from their fantasy but guess, guys will always be guys.. Hahhaa....
I had a nightmare last nite. I dreamt tt i went for a road trip w this young girl. Den she try to trap me in a shed in e country side. Den started throwing things at me. Or these while i was screaming for help yet nobody heard me. It was scary. She looks frightening. Because on e surface she looks like such a innocent girl, w long black hair and big black eyes. But when she turn evil, she's scary. Really had no idea why I had tt dream. But i could feel fear n helplessness. Luckily i was woke up by a sms frm Yujia. Thanks girl.
Going for a lunch w Xinling n Ah gong tmr, coffee w my AC friends(if plans r nt changed) den dinner w Jia+gang. Sigh... Gotten grow so so fat... But i'm so looking forward to it. Had nt seen her for so long. Since dec i think.. wonder hw diff is she nw.. hehe..
Went for my 3rd breaddrive today. In 3 consecutive weeks. Argg.... Pray there wont be a forth. Haha.. Actually it was alrite cause for e past 2, i didnt need to lift a single thing. During e first, Erica n Anthony(frm SSCoC) carried the 2 packs, then during the second time, Raymond(ex-presd of my club) carried both packs n finally today, i get to ferry one bag of bread to SSCoC. Haha... But not my fault tt i'm a slacker.. Some guys dun believe in letting e ladies do the heavy chores. They like to think of themselves as SNAG but some girls will think of them as MCP. Haha.. Its so hard being a male species isn't it? But still, i appreciate their thoughtfulness.
Alrite, crap enough for e nite. SHld climb into bed n start counting sheep... meahh... meahh.. hmmm or do they sound like bleahh... bleahh... hmm or maybe .. mooooo...... Ahh... I miss huixin too!!! hahahaha...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I cooked, again.
I cooked today. SO, whats so exciting about it rite? Cause its e first time I cooked rice ever since I got back this time round. Ok, maybe this is not rice rice but is porridge but still, it requires rice.
After the maggots and ants incidents, I was kinda sick of cooking. So, most I will do is to cook noodles, but not to worry, not instant kind but egg noodles, udon etc. Sounds more healthy ya. Today, another tuesday, I woke up feeling hungry. Haha... Pig rite.. So I decided to cook my sweet potato (which I bought 2 wks ago) before it starts to rot and my fav veg which is... ermm.... some shoots, spring onion shoots?? Can't remember la.. So, I COOKED!

After spending one and a half hour preparing and cooking, its finally done. I'd fried the vegg in some chillie paste, cooked sweet potato porriage and fried mined chicken in egg. Haha... Spicy and sweet. Doesn't look really appealing but its good. Haha.. Had it for dinner too. Reason being I cook too much. Still have a portion left. Any interested parties?
As usual, I waste my whole day watching drama and doing my club stuff. Not touching my books at all. Sigh.. This got to stop. Its too inefficient. I need to go do my ass which is due on fri. Think they will be discussing it tmr.
Hence going off nw. Nite!
After the maggots and ants incidents, I was kinda sick of cooking. So, most I will do is to cook noodles, but not to worry, not instant kind but egg noodles, udon etc. Sounds more healthy ya. Today, another tuesday, I woke up feeling hungry. Haha... Pig rite.. So I decided to cook my sweet potato (which I bought 2 wks ago) before it starts to rot and my fav veg which is... ermm.... some shoots, spring onion shoots?? Can't remember la.. So, I COOKED!

After spending one and a half hour preparing and cooking, its finally done. I'd fried the vegg in some chillie paste, cooked sweet potato porriage and fried mined chicken in egg. Haha... Spicy and sweet. Doesn't look really appealing but its good. Haha.. Had it for dinner too. Reason being I cook too much. Still have a portion left. Any interested parties?
As usual, I waste my whole day watching drama and doing my club stuff. Not touching my books at all. Sigh.. This got to stop. Its too inefficient. I need to go do my ass which is due on fri. Think they will be discussing it tmr.
Hence going off nw. Nite!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
hmm... hehehehe....
To wait or not to wait, for the sunrise.. Afterall its another one hour.
Been on e phone for bout 3 hours n it only cost me $3. Sigh... How am i going to finsh up the credit.. Haha.. It feels so good to talk to someone u miss a lot. Called mum n dad first and for once, cld really feel that they r really worried bout my 'distorted' voice. Told them tt i'd too much green bean soup today hence a bit of indigestion and they started telling me what what medicine to eat and what ointment to apply. I told them that i dont have anything but zam buk and my dad says its fine. Apply 6 round clockwise and 6 round anticlockwise then together 36 rounds. I was amazed. Since when had this become so strict. I thought just rub till its slightly warm and it will be fine. Whats up w e 6 clockwise n 6 anticlockwise?? But it feels good to be fuss by parents. Feels like a little kid once again.. Aww... I miss them so....
Then call Xueli aft tt. She thought that i had been crying.. Sigh.. Left a pretty bad record in her little black book. Cause for the past two years, 80% of the time that i'd called her was because i was crying. Hence its not her fault that she deduced that. But i explained to her that i was having a bad throat etc hence everything is settled. This was e first time tt i called her since i came back this time round so a lot to catch up on since she was seldom on msn too. Hence we talk for bout 3hrs. Having sore ears now, need an ice pack to cool it.. Haha....
Happy nite! SO many people to make me happy. Sometimes really feels that i can't be happier than now. Maybe i'm indeed easy to please... What say u??
To wait or not to wait, for the sunrise.. Afterall its another one hour.
Been on e phone for bout 3 hours n it only cost me $3. Sigh... How am i going to finsh up the credit.. Haha.. It feels so good to talk to someone u miss a lot. Called mum n dad first and for once, cld really feel that they r really worried bout my 'distorted' voice. Told them tt i'd too much green bean soup today hence a bit of indigestion and they started telling me what what medicine to eat and what ointment to apply. I told them that i dont have anything but zam buk and my dad says its fine. Apply 6 round clockwise and 6 round anticlockwise then together 36 rounds. I was amazed. Since when had this become so strict. I thought just rub till its slightly warm and it will be fine. Whats up w e 6 clockwise n 6 anticlockwise?? But it feels good to be fuss by parents. Feels like a little kid once again.. Aww... I miss them so....
Then call Xueli aft tt. She thought that i had been crying.. Sigh.. Left a pretty bad record in her little black book. Cause for the past two years, 80% of the time that i'd called her was because i was crying. Hence its not her fault that she deduced that. But i explained to her that i was having a bad throat etc hence everything is settled. This was e first time tt i called her since i came back this time round so a lot to catch up on since she was seldom on msn too. Hence we talk for bout 3hrs. Having sore ears now, need an ice pack to cool it.. Haha....
Happy nite! SO many people to make me happy. Sometimes really feels that i can't be happier than now. Maybe i'm indeed easy to please... What say u??
Thursday, March 23, 2006
The start of e weekend??
Haha.. Weekend mood already though its only thurs nite. Guess its because i'd done my assignment, no tuts tmr just 2 lects. Thats all. So, pretty relax now. Went for club meeting today. The fundraising chocolates had arrived on monday and it was all given out today. There wasn't enough. Should had ordered 2 boxes more. Hehe... Then can raise more funds for e club n other non-profitable organisations. But well, maybe next time more people will be interested. Since there is less supply than demand this time round. So ppl shld want more during the next time which shld be in next sem i guess.
Falling slightly sick now. Had flu for the past two days den i had e flu medicine and slept n slept so kinda recover from it. But nt my sore throat and cough is coming up. Must be due to the tom yum soup, green curry and curried squids on tues.. A bit too heaty for me.. But thats what u get when 4 hungry + greedy girls get together. Had been swallowing lots of lozenges n chrysanthemum tea today. Till i'm so sick of those 'SWEETS'. But no choice, otherwise my thoat will get itchy and i will start to cough den my nose will start running and my ears will start getting block. Sigh.. It must happen once every semester. Falling sick i mean. Hope this time round, now will be the worst that it will be. Using a curve to illustrate, with time on the x-axis and the degree of sickness i will get on the y-axis, the higher it is, the worst i will get. A y= - CX^2 + B is plotted, where X = now and dy/dx will be at the max point at now. Hahhaa... Understand?
Too much maths is not good. Last yr, Xinling, ET n i took inter-micro together. Oh no... Once, during our dinner, we were talking in economice. The demand and supply, long term vs short term, the production function etc And what were we using it on?? BGR!!! It was funny, our conversation. Cant really remember what we talk bout exactly but guess we wont be as fluent as before if we were to talk in econ now. Since only ET is majoring in economics.
Had quite a good day today.. Hehe.... Manage to finish my ass yest hence able to do e stuff tt i need to do today. The ass tt i'd spend one wk plus worrying bout was nt as tough as i thought it will be. Initially, i thought it's a grp ass, but in e end we found out tt its indiv work. But still, discussion was present. Haaha.. SO, we manage to finsh the 10% ass in 3 hrs. But, dun noe hw e result will be. Another ass coming up next wk. A grp ass this time. More stress as its e subj tt i hate most. Not because i hate it. But i dislike e lecturer. No idea whats going on.. Sigh.. Need to start reading all my notes n put more effort into this.
Falling slightly sick now. Had flu for the past two days den i had e flu medicine and slept n slept so kinda recover from it. But nt my sore throat and cough is coming up. Must be due to the tom yum soup, green curry and curried squids on tues.. A bit too heaty for me.. But thats what u get when 4 hungry + greedy girls get together. Had been swallowing lots of lozenges n chrysanthemum tea today. Till i'm so sick of those 'SWEETS'. But no choice, otherwise my thoat will get itchy and i will start to cough den my nose will start running and my ears will start getting block. Sigh.. It must happen once every semester. Falling sick i mean. Hope this time round, now will be the worst that it will be. Using a curve to illustrate, with time on the x-axis and the degree of sickness i will get on the y-axis, the higher it is, the worst i will get. A y= - CX^2 + B is plotted, where X = now and dy/dx will be at the max point at now. Hahhaa... Understand?
Too much maths is not good. Last yr, Xinling, ET n i took inter-micro together. Oh no... Once, during our dinner, we were talking in economice. The demand and supply, long term vs short term, the production function etc And what were we using it on?? BGR!!! It was funny, our conversation. Cant really remember what we talk bout exactly but guess we wont be as fluent as before if we were to talk in econ now. Since only ET is majoring in economics.
Had quite a good day today.. Hehe.... Manage to finish my ass yest hence able to do e stuff tt i need to do today. The ass tt i'd spend one wk plus worrying bout was nt as tough as i thought it will be. Initially, i thought it's a grp ass, but in e end we found out tt its indiv work. But still, discussion was present. Haaha.. SO, we manage to finsh the 10% ass in 3 hrs. But, dun noe hw e result will be. Another ass coming up next wk. A grp ass this time. More stress as its e subj tt i hate most. Not because i hate it. But i dislike e lecturer. No idea whats going on.. Sigh.. Need to start reading all my notes n put more effort into this.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Off day..
Tuesday = no school
So, here I am, wasting time, type type type instead of doing the things that I need to do most. Should be going to the library later. At bout 12pm to study den going for a movie w e gers.. Watching Little Mahattan. Its a love story of a 10 & 3/4 yrs old boy falling for an older woman, aged 11 yrs old. Think it will be a good de-stressing show. Had been waiting for it for 2 months. Finally its time.. Hehe..
Wanna introd some nice songs. Go to
and listen to the first five songs (shi4 ting1). They are nice.
I like the first one <爱的佳话> especially. The music is the kind I like. Maybe its because of the piano and then the violin at the starting. They merge pretty well. Give it a good starting, like at the opening of a musical. While listening, can picture the scene. Like on top of some small mountain, looking down at the city lights with a crescent moon and stars on top..
My fav portion
牵你的手 翩翩起舞
满天星空 甜蜜的感觉
不用开口 洋溢心头
手心的温度 说明不是梦
发烫的脸颊 真实的悸动
华丽的乐章 从现在开始
Although dun really understand the meaning of this song, but guess its about sweet love.. *Melts*
Also, dun really know who's the singer is. Was told that she was from one-fifth. But really have no idea about them. At first thought that she's Penny Dai Pei Ni. But was wrong. Her songs are slightly similar I guess.
Her fifth song <重新整理> in this album, also another of my fav. Has completely opposite meaning to the first. Its about letting go. Where I find some of the phase(those that I understand) to be very meaningful.
眼角的泪 忍住不坠
就让寂寞啃蚀 最后防备
我情愿 回到最初的原点
也情愿 从来不曾和你相恋
重新整理 对你的感觉
试着放掉 对你的依恋
坚强一点 勇敢一点
重新整理 爱过的情节
按下删除 就丢掉一切
事过境迁 无心留恋
Yupe, guess that's all for e day.. Gonna go prepare n make a move otherwise another day wasted like this...
** The things some people said can make your smile last for one whole day **
So, here I am, wasting time, type type type instead of doing the things that I need to do most. Should be going to the library later. At bout 12pm to study den going for a movie w e gers.. Watching Little Mahattan. Its a love story of a 10 & 3/4 yrs old boy falling for an older woman, aged 11 yrs old. Think it will be a good de-stressing show. Had been waiting for it for 2 months. Finally its time.. Hehe..
Wanna introd some nice songs. Go to
and listen to the first five songs (shi4 ting1). They are nice.
I like the first one <爱的佳话> especially. The music is the kind I like. Maybe its because of the piano and then the violin at the starting. They merge pretty well. Give it a good starting, like at the opening of a musical. While listening, can picture the scene. Like on top of some small mountain, looking down at the city lights with a crescent moon and stars on top..
My fav portion
牵你的手 翩翩起舞
满天星空 甜蜜的感觉
不用开口 洋溢心头
手心的温度 说明不是梦
发烫的脸颊 真实的悸动
华丽的乐章 从现在开始
Although dun really understand the meaning of this song, but guess its about sweet love.. *Melts*
Also, dun really know who's the singer is. Was told that she was from one-fifth. But really have no idea about them. At first thought that she's Penny Dai Pei Ni. But was wrong. Her songs are slightly similar I guess.
Her fifth song <重新整理> in this album, also another of my fav. Has completely opposite meaning to the first. Its about letting go. Where I find some of the phase(those that I understand) to be very meaningful.
眼角的泪 忍住不坠
就让寂寞啃蚀 最后防备
我情愿 回到最初的原点
也情愿 从来不曾和你相恋
重新整理 对你的感觉
试着放掉 对你的依恋
坚强一点 勇敢一点
重新整理 爱过的情节
按下删除 就丢掉一切
事过境迁 无心留恋
Yupe, guess that's all for e day.. Gonna go prepare n make a move otherwise another day wasted like this...
** The things some people said can make your smile last for one whole day **
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Its time to face the truth.
Suddenly realized that one week had past. Exactly one week ago, I was still happily doing my tuts for Monday. Monday came and I went for those tuts. My ans wasn't exactly the same and I didn't understand what went wrong. But I thought tt I can figure them out later. One wk later, I still had not. What had I been doing den? Having too much fun.. Busy w club stuff. Its time for me to panic now. I was looking at my tut for tmr and I realized that I have not a single idea whats its asking for. Damn Actuarial studies...
Shld I go for e tut tmr to copy down e ans or go for e wed one instead hoping tt I'll try to attempt e qn on tues. Maybe I shld just go n try them again nw n nt sleep for e night. I need to spend less time on my club stuff n dramas n concentrate more on my studies before its too late.. Lending my portable harddrive to others is a good idea...
When the stress settles....
Suddenly realized that one week had past. Exactly one week ago, I was still happily doing my tuts for Monday. Monday came and I went for those tuts. My ans wasn't exactly the same and I didn't understand what went wrong. But I thought tt I can figure them out later. One wk later, I still had not. What had I been doing den? Having too much fun.. Busy w club stuff. Its time for me to panic now. I was looking at my tut for tmr and I realized that I have not a single idea whats its asking for. Damn Actuarial studies...
Shld I go for e tut tmr to copy down e ans or go for e wed one instead hoping tt I'll try to attempt e qn on tues. Maybe I shld just go n try them again nw n nt sleep for e night. I need to spend less time on my club stuff n dramas n concentrate more on my studies before its too late.. Lending my portable harddrive to others is a good idea...
When the stress settles....
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy me, LOST...
Guess the happy me that was present for the past week or two had left. No more smiles, no more happy thoughts. Hope that its because I'm just tired. Hope that things will go back to the same after a good nite sleep..
Guess for the past weeks I was in the optimistic state of mind. Those kind that treats the falling skies as a blanket. Honestly, I was happier. Looking at things from the other point of view. Not brooding over unhappy matters. But felt that some of my friend couldn't stand it. I tried convincing myself to act n look happier when I'm down and tired. They said I act cute.. Sigh... Sometimes really don't know what to say... If you show that your are tired and keep quiet they ask you whats wrong and why give the sian look. So, how am I suppose to look den?
Sometimes wonder how factual this blog should be. I have to admit that all that i had record down is not 100% of my life. I mean, I didn't lie about any of the things that had happened to me. Just that I'd hide certain parts. Especially those dark and unhappy side. Because I do not want to be reminded of them in the future when I look back. So, just want to let you know that, my life is not 100% happy nor perfect but I will want to remember it as a happy journey that I once had. Hence the need to change blog. The previous one was gloomy and in the 'dark side' but guess its all over. A part of journey that had ended. Time to start afresh.
My last year in Melb. How will I want to spend my last year here will be up to me..
I choose to be happy. Hope I will be able to stay happy...
Guess for the past weeks I was in the optimistic state of mind. Those kind that treats the falling skies as a blanket. Honestly, I was happier. Looking at things from the other point of view. Not brooding over unhappy matters. But felt that some of my friend couldn't stand it. I tried convincing myself to act n look happier when I'm down and tired. They said I act cute.. Sigh... Sometimes really don't know what to say... If you show that your are tired and keep quiet they ask you whats wrong and why give the sian look. So, how am I suppose to look den?
Sometimes wonder how factual this blog should be. I have to admit that all that i had record down is not 100% of my life. I mean, I didn't lie about any of the things that had happened to me. Just that I'd hide certain parts. Especially those dark and unhappy side. Because I do not want to be reminded of them in the future when I look back. So, just want to let you know that, my life is not 100% happy nor perfect but I will want to remember it as a happy journey that I once had. Hence the need to change blog. The previous one was gloomy and in the 'dark side' but guess its all over. A part of journey that had ended. Time to start afresh.
My last year in Melb. How will I want to spend my last year here will be up to me..
I choose to be happy. Hope I will be able to stay happy...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
A good day...
Today, the opening of the Commonwealth games, proves to be a good day for me. The day started off well, and ends even better. There's nothing more that I can expect of.
I only have a one hour lect today, I was slightly late but didn't miss anything important. But wasn't notice by my friends. A friend msn me when I got home asking me how come I didn't turn up for the lect. I told him I did, just that he didn't see me. Well, its good that someone notice my presence. As I always thought that with them, I'm still a nobody who noone notice. So yupe, he kinda makes my day.
When for my eca aft lect. Was told by my teacher last wk that I will be given 2 weeks break and yes indeed she didn't come. Haha.. Still, I practiced but without a single care in the world.
The tram I took home broke down after 2 stops. It started jerking abruptly. All the passengers had to get off the tram. And since tram runs on tram tracks, if the earlier tram breaks down, the trams behind cant overtake them, so all the trams will be stall. So, when I was about to cross the road to start my 20 mins journey walk home, the tram driver said that the first cant be board but the one behind is alright. So, all the passengers got onto the one behind and we start out slow journey home. I had my notes to accompany me and it the air-conditioner was on so it wasn't a torturous ride as it seems to be. In fact I enjoyed it. But, I missed my stop hence I have to hop off at the next one and walk back. On the short walk back, I saw flowers.. Purple roses.. Selling at $4 for 10 stalks. Of course I bought one. I had always wanted flowers in my room. So, another blessing in disguise..
Went home, received a msn msg. Guess shld say that it came at a good timing. When I wasn't home. So, no need to reply it as the user was already offline. Watched a sucky movie and den chat w my president for a while. He asked me to 'cutified' a passage. Haa.. Meaning to make the passage sounds cute.. What a nice word to use.. I said that its an insult to me as I'm pass the age to be term as cute or to be relate as cute in any other way.. But I still agree to help him 'cutified' the stuff as its club stuff anyway.. Dun think its cute though..
Went for dinner w the normal grp of us. I verberally torture our Ah gong till he threaten to slap me.. This was how extreme i went.. Guess I need to control myself at times.. Otherwise I will be having fingermarks all over my face.. I thought it was just a dinner then they say that we will be going off to watch fireworks.. Due to the C-games. So we went... But sad to say, no fate at all with it again.. We were too late for the first part. They started it when we were making our way to Federation Square. Then we decided to go for my chocolate cheesecake as Ah gong was concern about me for not being able to deal with my cravings for two weeks. But it was too late. All the Max Brener had closed for the day. In the end, we had to settle for some bubble tea. We went to a new shop and the green tea drinks are really fantastic. Even their peals taste good. For someone who doesn't eat pearls to say that, they must really be good.
Once we had ordered our drinks, we heard the fireworks going off again. Damn.. We miss the second part of the fireworks too... So, we decided to just enjoy our green tea icee drinks and rest. Ah gong drove us back and once home. I saw something that I dun want to see. Inside my head I was thinking, 'Great. Just great. Always something to spoil my day.'
Went to call mum when I realized that I had several missed calls as I didn't bring my hp with me. Den realized tt on msn there were a few msges. Haha.. Well, at least this time round, there is a someone to save my day. Make it go from bad to good and maybe even a better. Chat chat chat... A good way to end the day I must say. So, maybe I will still have sweet dreams tonite.
May you have some too...
I only have a one hour lect today, I was slightly late but didn't miss anything important. But wasn't notice by my friends. A friend msn me when I got home asking me how come I didn't turn up for the lect. I told him I did, just that he didn't see me. Well, its good that someone notice my presence. As I always thought that with them, I'm still a nobody who noone notice. So yupe, he kinda makes my day.
When for my eca aft lect. Was told by my teacher last wk that I will be given 2 weeks break and yes indeed she didn't come. Haha.. Still, I practiced but without a single care in the world.
The tram I took home broke down after 2 stops. It started jerking abruptly. All the passengers had to get off the tram. And since tram runs on tram tracks, if the earlier tram breaks down, the trams behind cant overtake them, so all the trams will be stall. So, when I was about to cross the road to start my 20 mins journey walk home, the tram driver said that the first cant be board but the one behind is alright. So, all the passengers got onto the one behind and we start out slow journey home. I had my notes to accompany me and it the air-conditioner was on so it wasn't a torturous ride as it seems to be. In fact I enjoyed it. But, I missed my stop hence I have to hop off at the next one and walk back. On the short walk back, I saw flowers.. Purple roses.. Selling at $4 for 10 stalks. Of course I bought one. I had always wanted flowers in my room. So, another blessing in disguise..

Went home, received a msn msg. Guess shld say that it came at a good timing. When I wasn't home. So, no need to reply it as the user was already offline. Watched a sucky movie and den chat w my president for a while. He asked me to 'cutified' a passage. Haa.. Meaning to make the passage sounds cute.. What a nice word to use.. I said that its an insult to me as I'm pass the age to be term as cute or to be relate as cute in any other way.. But I still agree to help him 'cutified' the stuff as its club stuff anyway.. Dun think its cute though..
Went for dinner w the normal grp of us. I verberally torture our Ah gong till he threaten to slap me.. This was how extreme i went.. Guess I need to control myself at times.. Otherwise I will be having fingermarks all over my face.. I thought it was just a dinner then they say that we will be going off to watch fireworks.. Due to the C-games. So we went... But sad to say, no fate at all with it again.. We were too late for the first part. They started it when we were making our way to Federation Square. Then we decided to go for my chocolate cheesecake as Ah gong was concern about me for not being able to deal with my cravings for two weeks. But it was too late. All the Max Brener had closed for the day. In the end, we had to settle for some bubble tea. We went to a new shop and the green tea drinks are really fantastic. Even their peals taste good. For someone who doesn't eat pearls to say that, they must really be good.
Once we had ordered our drinks, we heard the fireworks going off again. Damn.. We miss the second part of the fireworks too... So, we decided to just enjoy our green tea icee drinks and rest. Ah gong drove us back and once home. I saw something that I dun want to see. Inside my head I was thinking, 'Great. Just great. Always something to spoil my day.'
Went to call mum when I realized that I had several missed calls as I didn't bring my hp with me. Den realized tt on msn there were a few msges. Haha.. Well, at least this time round, there is a someone to save my day. Make it go from bad to good and maybe even a better. Chat chat chat... A good way to end the day I must say. So, maybe I will still have sweet dreams tonite.
May you have some too...
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Ideas for Breakfast??
Just received a msn msg frm my uni mate asking me to play dai di online now. Goodness... He is so addicted. On our first wk of sch, where there was no tut, we played dai di during out break time, in the seminar room in the LIBRARY. Can't believe tt we r actually 3rd yr student. How slack.. It felt like CNY period to me at that time. Cause den, I just came back frm the roadtrip n we played dai di during the trip too. So, to me, all the games of dai di reminded me of CNY. Cause only during CNY will i play so much dai di.
Yah, anyway, wanna come here to think of ideas to eat bread. Finally i decided to buy bread to eat for breakfast. Had been getting giddy spells for e whole of today since last nite. Guess its time for me to start taking care of my body again. Went to buy butter, peanut butter, jam and kaya. I already have nutella. Sound a bit kiasu. As in, why do i need 5 kind of spread when i will only eat one or two a day. Guess i need more choices to encourage me to eat breakfast.. Sigh.. At moment like this, i really miss the food in sing. Esp mushroom and cheese roti prata and the economic bee hoon w hotdog, luncheon meat, their chillie paste etc etc.. Drooling....
Hai.. What else can i eat plain bread with? Any good ideas? Something that requires minimum preparation time. Yah, maybe shld buy tomatoes, cheese and ham. Make sandwiches.. Sigh.. So troublesome...
Yah, anyway, wanna come here to think of ideas to eat bread. Finally i decided to buy bread to eat for breakfast. Had been getting giddy spells for e whole of today since last nite. Guess its time for me to start taking care of my body again. Went to buy butter, peanut butter, jam and kaya. I already have nutella. Sound a bit kiasu. As in, why do i need 5 kind of spread when i will only eat one or two a day. Guess i need more choices to encourage me to eat breakfast.. Sigh.. At moment like this, i really miss the food in sing. Esp mushroom and cheese roti prata and the economic bee hoon w hotdog, luncheon meat, their chillie paste etc etc.. Drooling....
Hai.. What else can i eat plain bread with? Any good ideas? Something that requires minimum preparation time. Yah, maybe shld buy tomatoes, cheese and ham. Make sandwiches.. Sigh.. So troublesome...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Dinner under the stars...
Moonba festival starting from today... But where had the fireworks gone?
XinLing, ET and I brought a deck of cards, a blue groundsheet, a bottle of wine and some packets of chips, made our way to a shaded spot along Yarra River at 6pm. Well, Singaporean's way of life, Kiasu-ism. You want a good spot so you go early. The fireworks were expected at 9plus. But, after waiting for 4hours, there's still no fireworks. Only when we were leaving den did we decided to ask the security guards there and were told that there won't be any this year due to the Commonwealth games. Arggg..... But well, at least the place was dim enough for us to lie back and star gaze. Overall, it wasn't that bad as we were all relaxed. Just a bit disappointed but at least we enjoyed ourselves.
Fish were the theme this year. We choose to sit directly infront of Singapore to show our loyalty. Try to see our country on the right side of the fish.

When we are settled down and ready to start our game of 21, Old Maid, Heart Acttack, Bluff and UNO using just a deck of playing cards.

Lying on our blue groundsheet. Comfty...
Fang Min came after her church meeting at 7pm with our dinner, OPORTO burgers. Yummy!!
Erica trying to promote our bottle of pink Muscat. We went to South Yarra yesterday for dinner, passed by Vintage Cellers and bought 12 bottles of dessert wine, costing almost $300. They delivered it today and we brought one out to enjoy...
Drinking our Pink Muscat in plastic cups. Xinling decided to give it a miss as she said that her stomach wasn't well that day. She didn't lose out much as this bottle is nt tt nice.
After some wine with only 8.5% alcohol, we were slightly high. I turned pink.
The three of us lying down, star gazing interrupted.
A friendly passer-by initiated to take a photo for all of us. Finally, one that includes not only our big heads but also our body and background...
The fishes at night, with lights shining on them and from them. Some even have water fountain on them.. Our much awaited water-works...
I was tired but it was fun. A girls' nite out with good weather, wine and food, stars and ermm, fishes?? Overall, it was relaxing and fun. Slightly disappointing without the fireworks but still, it was nice.
XinLing, ET and I brought a deck of cards, a blue groundsheet, a bottle of wine and some packets of chips, made our way to a shaded spot along Yarra River at 6pm. Well, Singaporean's way of life, Kiasu-ism. You want a good spot so you go early. The fireworks were expected at 9plus. But, after waiting for 4hours, there's still no fireworks. Only when we were leaving den did we decided to ask the security guards there and were told that there won't be any this year due to the Commonwealth games. Arggg..... But well, at least the place was dim enough for us to lie back and star gaze. Overall, it wasn't that bad as we were all relaxed. Just a bit disappointed but at least we enjoyed ourselves.
Fish were the theme this year. We choose to sit directly infront of Singapore to show our loyalty. Try to see our country on the right side of the fish.

When we are settled down and ready to start our game of 21, Old Maid, Heart Acttack, Bluff and UNO using just a deck of playing cards.

Lying on our blue groundsheet. Comfty...

Fang Min came after her church meeting at 7pm with our dinner, OPORTO burgers. Yummy!!

Erica trying to promote our bottle of pink Muscat. We went to South Yarra yesterday for dinner, passed by Vintage Cellers and bought 12 bottles of dessert wine, costing almost $300. They delivered it today and we brought one out to enjoy...

Drinking our Pink Muscat in plastic cups. Xinling decided to give it a miss as she said that her stomach wasn't well that day. She didn't lose out much as this bottle is nt tt nice.

After some wine with only 8.5% alcohol, we were slightly high. I turned pink.

The three of us lying down, star gazing interrupted.

A friendly passer-by initiated to take a photo for all of us. Finally, one that includes not only our big heads but also our body and background...

The fishes at night, with lights shining on them and from them. Some even have water fountain on them.. Our much awaited water-works...

I was tired but it was fun. A girls' nite out with good weather, wine and food, stars and ermm, fishes?? Overall, it was relaxing and fun. Slightly disappointing without the fireworks but still, it was nice.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
A night to remember...
After the many hours spent on planning for this meeting, its finally over. Yes, our first club meeting. I heard that over 70 people sign up but end up only about 10 new faces were seen. Was abit disappointed but well, it was still fun. Sometimes, quantity matters more than quality. Some members looked like they were really enjoying themselves and are willing to communicate w others. I was suppose to give a slideshow presentation on fundraising, but due to some miscommunication my powerpoint was not available. In the end i have to talk. Yah, w my goldfish memory, its not surprising that i forget to mention a lot of important stuff, but looking on the bright side, the response was pretty good. At least to me, it was better than what i expected. Yupe, so in all, it was a success. Still in self denial...
During games, we had this post-it game, organised by our VP. It was fun and it really get people to interact with each other. Overall this is a new game, very fresh, never been played so its another success.
Guess this time, i'm looking from another point of view. Not like before, when i was just a turn-up-for-meeting-when-it-is-time member. Now, i know how much time were put in to plan the meeting, the effort made and all the organising that had to be done beforehand. Hmmm... Maybe can say tt now, i appreciates the meetings more. I enjoyed the dinner aft the sessions and are able to understand what they were saying too. Unlike before where dinner were hard to digest. Yupe, i had a great time tonight.
After dinner, i took tram 8 with ET down Lygon street hence i need to walk thru Albert Street to reach my place. The street is normally dark and endless. But tonight, Albert Street was blooming with flowers, different scents can be pick up at different part of the street. Even though it wasn't bright enough, i cld still make out those beautiful white rose bushes. All the flowers were in bloom. Suddenly, my bag felt weightless, the shoes doesn't hurt as much and before i know it, i'm at my street.
Such a beautiful night.
During games, we had this post-it game, organised by our VP. It was fun and it really get people to interact with each other. Overall this is a new game, very fresh, never been played so its another success.
Guess this time, i'm looking from another point of view. Not like before, when i was just a turn-up-for-meeting-when-it-is-time member. Now, i know how much time were put in to plan the meeting, the effort made and all the organising that had to be done beforehand. Hmmm... Maybe can say tt now, i appreciates the meetings more. I enjoyed the dinner aft the sessions and are able to understand what they were saying too. Unlike before where dinner were hard to digest. Yupe, i had a great time tonight.
After dinner, i took tram 8 with ET down Lygon street hence i need to walk thru Albert Street to reach my place. The street is normally dark and endless. But tonight, Albert Street was blooming with flowers, different scents can be pick up at different part of the street. Even though it wasn't bright enough, i cld still make out those beautiful white rose bushes. All the flowers were in bloom. Suddenly, my bag felt weightless, the shoes doesn't hurt as much and before i know it, i'm at my street.
Such a beautiful night.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
A song i like..
I like listening to soundtracks. Especially when i'm studying. One of my fav is Windstruck. And one of the song i like most is Stay. Everytime i hear this song, i will be able to picture the particular scene in the movie when they used this song.
It was raining heavily, extremly heavy and the two of them decided to take a 'stroll' in the rain. In the end, they ended up dancing in the rain or so it lookes like to me, like 2 small kids. She was holding a small small paper umbrella where ppl normally put in a cocktail glass and trying to shelter herself. She was wearing her police uniform at that time, in skirt and i remember thinking how long her legs were. I guess when i first watch this part, my eyes almost pop out. I shld be thinking, 'What the hell are they thinking of? Don't they know this thing call IMAGE?' There they are playing around in the rain like 6 years old when they are actually adults. Then i started to envy them. Because i know that never will i be able to do that. So carefree. Guess i'm asking for too much.
The lyrics doesn't mean much. Its not my normal kind of song but i still like it lots. The funky melody.
Stay - By Maurice Williams n Zodiacs
Stay! Aah, just a little bit longer
Please! Please-please-please-please
Tell a-me you're goin' to
Well, your daddy don't mind
And your mammy don't mind
If we have another dance
Yeah, just a-one more time
Oh, won't you stay just a little bit longer
Please, let me hear you say you will
(Say you will!)
Won't you press your sweet lips to mine
Won't you say you love me, all of the time
Stay! Oh yeah, just a little bit longer
Stay! Aah, just a little bit longer
Please! Please-please-please-please
Tell a-me you're goin' to
Come on, come on, come on and stay, yeah-yeah-yeah
Come on, come on, come on and stay, yeah-yeah-yeah
Come on, come on, come on and stay, oops
Come on, come on, come on and stay, my-my
It was raining heavily, extremly heavy and the two of them decided to take a 'stroll' in the rain. In the end, they ended up dancing in the rain or so it lookes like to me, like 2 small kids. She was holding a small small paper umbrella where ppl normally put in a cocktail glass and trying to shelter herself. She was wearing her police uniform at that time, in skirt and i remember thinking how long her legs were. I guess when i first watch this part, my eyes almost pop out. I shld be thinking, 'What the hell are they thinking of? Don't they know this thing call IMAGE?' There they are playing around in the rain like 6 years old when they are actually adults. Then i started to envy them. Because i know that never will i be able to do that. So carefree. Guess i'm asking for too much.
The lyrics doesn't mean much. Its not my normal kind of song but i still like it lots. The funky melody.
Stay - By Maurice Williams n Zodiacs
Stay! Aah, just a little bit longer
Please! Please-please-please-please
Tell a-me you're goin' to
Well, your daddy don't mind
And your mammy don't mind
If we have another dance
Yeah, just a-one more time
Oh, won't you stay just a little bit longer
Please, let me hear you say you will
(Say you will!)
Won't you press your sweet lips to mine
Won't you say you love me, all of the time
Stay! Oh yeah, just a little bit longer
Stay! Aah, just a little bit longer
Please! Please-please-please-please
Tell a-me you're goin' to
Come on, come on, come on and stay, yeah-yeah-yeah
Come on, come on, come on and stay, yeah-yeah-yeah
Come on, come on, come on and stay, oops
Come on, come on, come on and stay, my-my
Its a Tuesday...
Actually dun noe what to type. Feels like swimming yet lazy to walk to the pool which is like only 200m away. I've no lessons today. So, did what I normally do ie watch drama. There are other things that I need to do but just don't want to start on them. Have some proposals to do, a slideshow to prepare and some final preparation to be done, an e-mail for XL, tuts to do n lect notes to read. But just feel like wasting my time away.
Listening to Perhaps Love soundtrack now.
After few days of heat, the temperature started to drop yesterday. A light jacket is required if I need to go out. No shorts and tees allowed.
Sometimes feels that things are just too coincidental. Sometimes can't help suspecting if there are more to this. Or is it really just like this. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.
Sometimes when my wishes come true, isit just fate or luck or is there really someone looking aft me frm up there? Forces of nature? These wishes are not something that I can control. They are some things that I desperately wanted but I know I have no control of, such that I wont even tell anyone because I know that noone can make them come true. All I could do is to think of it repeatedly and wishing and hoping that it will happens. Sometimes, they do. So weird.. But I'm glad too. Because it let me know that I'm not alone and helpless. Somehow, things will happen.
A weird entry. My mind is confuse and not thinking in a straight line. Different train of thoughts had crashed together hence this second I will be thinking of this, next second I will be thinking of that. Few second later I will come back to this. Getting so mixed up. Should go do other stuff now.
Listening to Perhaps Love soundtrack now.
After few days of heat, the temperature started to drop yesterday. A light jacket is required if I need to go out. No shorts and tees allowed.
Sometimes feels that things are just too coincidental. Sometimes can't help suspecting if there are more to this. Or is it really just like this. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.
Sometimes when my wishes come true, isit just fate or luck or is there really someone looking aft me frm up there? Forces of nature? These wishes are not something that I can control. They are some things that I desperately wanted but I know I have no control of, such that I wont even tell anyone because I know that noone can make them come true. All I could do is to think of it repeatedly and wishing and hoping that it will happens. Sometimes, they do. So weird.. But I'm glad too. Because it let me know that I'm not alone and helpless. Somehow, things will happen.
A weird entry. My mind is confuse and not thinking in a straight line. Different train of thoughts had crashed together hence this second I will be thinking of this, next second I will be thinking of that. Few second later I will come back to this. Getting so mixed up. Should go do other stuff now.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Happy sigh...
Kinda embarrassed myself today, infront of someone. I got all nervous and panic. Words were emitted abruptly. Pronouciation are all screwed up. I was surprise that that someone was still able to understand what I was saying. Through out the whole episode, I cldnt stop smiling like an idiot. And yes, i cld feel my cheeks blushing and hear my heart beating rapidly. I thought that if it was to beat any faster, I will have faint.
Wat was I thinking of?
Wat was I thinking of?
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Dun noe...
Kinda confuse at the moment...
At times, i will feel happy, blissful. Otherwise, i will let out a big heavy sigh.
Why is tt so?
At times, i will feel happy, blissful. Otherwise, i will let out a big heavy sigh.
Why is tt so?
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