Friday, November 26, 2010

my last $5.. n this was wat I spent on.

Maybe I shld ask my dad to safekeep my debit cards n give me allowance of $500 per mth instead.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Thanks cl for dropping me here. This ice cream shake is indeed very very thick. Yummy!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Do u get this often?

You just met some new friends, chit chat for a bit, had dinner and when its time to go home, they started asking where everyone is staying. When you say 'woodlands', they EXCLAIM 'WOODLANDS' like they had just heard you say 'Mars' instead.

Den come all the woodlands jokes like 'Is it even in singapore?' Or 'do you need to chop your passport to go home?' Or even 'I DUN EVEN KNOW ANYONE STAYS THERE!'

Seriously, the first time I heard things like these, I was shocked speechless. The second time, I started thinking if I shld psycho my dad to shift hse. The third and forth and so on times I hear these, I start to wonder hw come there can be so many ppl who are so ignorant.

Sometimes, I felt like I'm being discriminate for staying so near jb. It felt like staying in wdl means you have one lesser hand than others or too many eyes on your forehead. It.just means that I'm not normal.

If only these ppl are willing to stop making those silly location-ist jokes and listen to me speak about my home, the place I grew up in, the friends I made, my childhood, the laughter, the tears, the loves and brokenhearts, the random shopping trips across the causeway, seafood dinner during wkends, my jb friend and so much more. If only they listen.

But they dun. To them, I'm the mountain tortoise. I'm the girl who needs to travel an hour to work and another hour from work. I'm the one who goes home alone because nobody stays in the north.

And all I can say to comfort myself is, they don't know and they won't know what a little heaven wdl is to me.

If asked, 'Have you thought of shifting house?' I wld reply ' Of course! I'd been waiting for my dad's approval to shift 18 blocks down so that we can have unrestricted view then. I'd even brought darcy there to check out the view from the twelve floor. And we both love it lots.'
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Sunday, November 14, 2010


Saw a friend on MSN lately. We had not been in contact for more than a while. He has been living his life and I've been living mine. I used to have feelings for him. Now, I still think of him occasionally.

Will it be weird if I suddenly msn him to chat? What will he think? That I'm weird?

Do I care too much, hence I'm 心虚 or do I not care enough to just say 'Hi, how have you been?'

What is it? Why do I not know? Which is holding me back?
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

just for thoughts..

was chatting w a libra on her 'dream-boyfriend' and as i picture mine..

he's tall, wearing a cap, with twinkling eyes, big smile, white shirt, broad shoulders, carrying a apple picking basket standing in an orchard..

Think we need to start travelling as reckon the 2 of us cant find what we want in SG...


Sunday, November 07, 2010

beautiful Sunday morning...

Woke up at 10 and slowly nua my way to the mkt downstairs. It was a bit intimidating initially but well. Just take and pay. Reckon being a 闲奇凉木 is in my blood.

Went to buy a cup of ice teh tarik and make my way around the neighbourhood. It was actually quite a pleasant experience.

Now, let's see how the Thai food I'm gg to cook tonight will taste.
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Friday, November 05, 2010

what toilet training?

When darcy was first brought home, he was fenced up in the balcony with his make shift towel bed and a pee-poo pen and whatever small space left. Darcy was already half pen-trained so we just need to make sure he does his business on the pen and nowhere else. He sure was a fast learner and within a week, he was free to roam the whole house even when we are not around.

After he had all his vaccinations done we started bringing down for walks. A few times a week. Initially, he didn't dare pee and poo outside and will still do his business on the pen when he return home but not long after, he started to not do his business at home and will only settle them outside. Hence, he is now walked twice a day and the pen is kept at dunno where.

Lately, darcy is having some LS problem and can't control his bowels that well. As a result, he takes to barking at us to show that he needs to go.

This morning, there was noone home when he needs to release. Guess what he did? He went to poo in the toilet. Of all places, the toilet. Logically, he should poo in the balcony where his pen used to be but he choose to do it in the toilet!

Seriously, sometimes I'm freak out by how humane/smart he is.