Yanting has to eat budget and live budget.
No more lazy taxi rides for yanting. At least for this mth.
No more expansive restaurant indulgence (cept for the buffet @ Green hse/Glass hse which was booked more than 2 mths back)
Yanting's aim is to spend less than $600 this month.
Are you starting to get curious why yanting needs to save money??
Because yanting's going to NZ in SEPT!!!
Because yanting's eyeing a sturdy yet light tripod which cost maybe $600.
Because yanting's thinking of getting a fish eye lens or wide angle lens to bring to NZ.
Because yanting wanna go horse ridding, black water rafting, Glazier walk, sky diving, skiing/snow boarding, star gazing and many many more.
Hence, be a friend not foe.
Do not temp yanting to spend money unnecessary. Even when yanting is tired of being thrifty/stingy, do not encourage yanting to eat expansively or shop unnecessary unless you are more than willing to pay for yanting. But pls note, this will not make yanting feel more oblige to buy some souvenirs from NZ for you.
In case you start wondering how come yanting seldom to never buy souvenirs back for ppl she care most for.. Pls remember
1/ Yanting was fined AUD$200 for overloading her luggage when she came back one summer holiday with PODS and Cadbury chocolate which was made readily available in SG several years later.
2/ The places Yanting normally go does not entitle her to make many shopping trips. Unless you dun mind getting some bit of nature which yanting will try her hardest to steal for you or the typical Made In China products that are everywhere.
3/ Yanting is not as rich as you ALL think she is. She has her debts to return, bills to pay and a Darcy to feed and groom.
4/ To cut the story short, Yanting is not the caring kinda girl who will think of everyone else enough to buy them a souvenir each. Instead yanting is a insensitive girl who will only remember you when she sees something that she think you will like and then hence getting the souvenir for you. So, if yanting brings back a gift for you, remember, its unique and for you specially.
But, if theres something you really want from NZ, pls dun hesistate to let yanting know and she will try to remember in her pea size brain to bring the item back for you. A sms everynow and then while she's still in NZ will helps a lot. Seriously. Because yanting will be too busy enjoying every second over there.