Friday, January 23, 2009

This was wat made my day..

Went to the nearby supermkt on the way home to get some treats for myself and i come across this. At first i thought that i'd gotten the name wrong all this while only to realise tt this is not my mistake but theirs. Or maybe, this is really what it should be than what it used to be, or maybe, this is their new label. hhahaha

U guys able to spot the *mistake* here?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just another nite

Been realising that e peeps around me are mostly attached, seeing someone, having someone or at least liking someone.. whereas, i'm still me.

N the surprising thing is i'm actually alrite about it. I dun wish for any special one in fact i cant even think of any one to wish for. I really cant.. -_- which is pretty sad for once..

But i still have one fear. That is, when everyone, i mean EVERYONE around me are attached and have no time for me then i think i will start to fall apart.

They always say that no matter what, attached or not they will alway have time for their friends. But face it dear friends, once you are attached, your freetime just diminishes and the avil time for friends might change from once a wk to once every half a year. Not complaining here. After all, we had all been there and done that. Just, dun keep saying 'I'll surely have time for you' when seriously we both know that this is just another empty promise you are making.

So dear friends, enjoy your relationship and dun feel bad towards your friends, because you know what, FRIENDS are not the ones who will walk with you till the end of your life, the special one beside you NOW might just be it.

Enjoy =)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Darcy. Walk. Sleep.

Darcy n i went for a stroll+ brisk walk+run just now. It took us about 45mins to circle around the RICH neighbour (some houses really look nice n big close up).

We came back at about 10pm, wiped his feet, drank some water and i gave him his new fav red ball with a treat stuck inside.

One minute he was still trying to figure out how to take out the treat and the next minute when i look at him, he was asleep (roast pig style) with the red ball directly infront of him and the treat still intact.

Haa.. The walk must had wore him out!! Which is good!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Remember 10 promises to my dog?

1. Please have patience when dealing with me.

2. Place your trust in me. Through good and bad times, I will always be by your side.

3. Never forget that I have a heart too… just like you.

4. Whenever I don’t listen to what you say, always remember that there is a reason.

5. Talk to me. I may not understand all your words but I understand your voice when it speaks
to me.

6. Let’s not fight. Remember that I could hurt (bite) you but have chosen never to do so.

7. Even when I grow in age (and probably grow slow or weak), please be kind to me.

8. My life may not last as long as yours. Please make every second we spend together count.

9. You may have other friends, other activities. Please remember that for me, there’s only you.

10. When I leave this world, promise me you’ll be by my side. Remember all the times we shared and remember always that I love you.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

on photography

i was looking at picts tt my photography coursemates had took when they went for recent outings and i have to admit tt most looks damn good.

I think its time that i take out my dslr frm its fridge and start putting it to good use.

I need to go out there!!

hey bros.. lets go to RP Park soon!!!


I just realise tt the Olivia in my imeem list is the Olivia Ong who sang the Little Nyonya song. N i just realise tt she's a singaporean who is 2 yrs n 2 days younger den me.

All along, i'd thought that she's Olivia Chan (dun noe frm where one...), even in my folder she's known as Olivia Chan. Even when my fav song for the past 1yr plus is 'Sometimes when we touch' by her and i'd loop it always, i still didnt realised that they are the same Olivia.

Check out her Bossa Novas that i'd like so much here.


Found out that Marley and Me will only be out in end of Feb. Just like P.S I love you 1 yr ago.. WHYYYYY??????

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy Belated New Year to ALL!!

wooHH... n 2009 is here.. (damn.. there goes my dream of getting married on 090909, thou i still have 9mths to work on it.. who knows.. maybe i wld just meet the someone on that infamous bridge during my grad trip ie 10 yrs late.. ya.. dream on mate!!.. or maybe Mr **** will take pity on me and accept my proposal to ROM with me and apply for a HDB and den we will divorce 5 yrs later. I promise i wont ask for 'shan yang fei'!! haahhaa...)

enought of these crap...

So, w/out further ado, lets all put our hands together and welcome back MY 2008 resols, (yeah!!!)

(1) Travel. My aim is Tibet/ Vietnam/Sipandan/ China/ Taiwan. Any 2 is fine.
(2) Lose Weight. Aim will be 50kg. Thats 8kg. A recent medical check up shows that i'd nt lost any weight since i got back and had instead shrink 0.5cm. Damn. I shld go for it before lunch lor..
(3) Dog. Get a pup with melting eyes.
(4) Get insurance or financial planner.
(5) Save $5k by end of year?.. Too little or too much? hmm.. I think i need tuition. Lobangs anyone?

And, what have i accomplish thus far???
(1) Travel?? I did Vietnam. Taiwan will be in 09. Other than that, i been to Perth and BKK and numerous short trip+day trips over the causeway. So yup, i dare say i'd TRAVELLED.
(2) Lose Weight? ermm.. Some times slightly more than half but the lightest i'd been so far is only 53.5kg. So.. lets say i'm just half way to my aim. (CL: u win la.. hahaha..)
(3) Dog. Do i need to say anymore??? D.O.N.E
(4) Insurance. B.I.N.G.O.
(5) $5k.. ermm.. does assets count? If so i guess i'd accomplish it. Otherwise, consider it half done ba..

In short, those that had been uncompleted shld be in my 2009 resol list.. yeahh....

(DRUMROLL... -_-!!... hahahaha)

My 2009 resols,
(1) Lose weight. Ideal is 50kg though some say i wld look like a pack of bones but i'm sure there will be more than tt.. (just realise tt this had been in my resols for e past 2 yrs.. saded.. )
(2) Save $10k by end of year. And this time, it will not include assets or vacation trips. It must be in e form of cold hard cash!!

... shit.. i'm having trouble finding resols.. meaning tt i have no goals in life anymore!! oh no!!

(3) Sign up Darcy for Obedience Class.. (i wonder if this counts..)
(4) .... i really cant think of any..

I will update my resols again when i can think of any.. My aim is to set 5 resols!!! This is getting hard!!!