Saturday, November 29, 2008

My 2 loves.. Darcy n photography..

To jump or not to jump.. Tts e question.
On drugs..

Lazy smile..
Gangster wannabe..
The demure look..
The laid back look..
The intellectual look..

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wireless Internet

Ever wondered why is wireless Internet invented?

So as to minimise the use of cables and enable everyone to go online anywhere that is within the range.

Guess what i was told today?

The modem was paid by that fucking bastard so he told my dad to ask me to buy another modem because 2 users will slow down the connectivity.

And guess who is paying for the monthly Starhub bill where our SCV does not have drama or cartoon network and whatsoever and only have the Sports channel? Ya, my dad.

Seriously, wtf!

Want to make another guess how much home allowance he is giving my dad every month? ZERO!!

And you want to know how old he is? A fucking 3 yrs older than me.

Seriously, WTF!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Darcy's 3rd vet visit.

I came home late on Wedensday and the moment i tried to bao bao Darcy i felt something is not right. He seems to be having some bumps around his armpit and chest area. I told my parents and my dad immediately assume its fleas and started nagging away saying i shldnt have bought him in the first place. I applied some Tea Tree on him that nite and we went to sleep.

The next morning i woke up to find a few more on his back and hence bought Darcy to the vet. Another $100 flew away. No complains thou as i'm prepared mentally (not financially) for the costs. Infact, i'm grateful that theres no need for operations else we will be talking about Ks instead of hundreds..

I checked with Jia, my melb uni mate who is doing vet science and will be coming back soon (woohoo!!) and was told that it is some fungus infection due to the humid weather in Singapore. Darcy wld need antibiotics hence i NEED to bring him to the vet. I was actually thinking of self-medication but.. oh well. I rather spend small money now den big money and get back a bag full of regrets in the future.

The vet did some skin test for mites leaving Darcy with a bald red patch on his chest. (xin tia arr..). Luckily its just fungus and not mites (my dad wld kill Darcy if its mites or fleas). At least i can blame my dad for not mopping the floor last week and my mum for buying the 'other-ppl-say-good' human brand shampoo for Darcy. I'm partly to blame for using it on Darcy -_-

Darcy was given some antibiotics, antiseptic lotion and cream to apply. Need to watch him closely for the next two weeks and hope that it wont worsen. Now, i dun even dare to comb his fur too hard incase i hurt his infected area.

I took cab to and fro the clinic with Mr CK(thanks for going w me!) and surprisingly the taxi uncles were pretty nice about me carrying a pup in a bag and never complain about the flying fur or watsoever anyone can complain about. Next time, i wont need to keep asking ppl to ferry me about whenever i need to bring Darcy to the vet. I can just take the cab and pray hard that they are dog loving people! (Think i need to do more good deeds first ba..)

It sucks when my dad said 'you handle it yourself' and walked away when i told him that i need to bring Darcy to the vet. It sucks knowing that the owner of the family car told my dad to not drive Darcy as his fur is everywhere. And it sucks not being able to find someone who can drive me to the vet. I know its no one obligation, but still, it sucks. And yes, i felt alone at times like these. And all i can do is to hope that i wont have a hard time getting a cab. And hope that Darcy will behave in the cab and would not puke, pee or poo. Luckily he was a good boy yesterday.

I read from forum that oatmeal is good hence i went to buy a tin of instant oatmeal with the intention of rubbing it on his skin when bathing him this sunday. Wondering if i shld add in a few drops of Tea Tree oil too..

Hope he will recover soon.

At least hes still as playful and greedy as usual so i'm still not tt worried despite the fact that one of the medicine will cause drowsiness, hes still running around like a 'xiao gao' but sleeping more than usual..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life as it is..

Since Darcy come into my life about 1.5mths ago, i'd not taken very good care of myself. I alway tell myself, today i will do mask, today i will conditioned my hair today i will trim and colour my nails.. But the today till now still have not come. This is not a good sign..

So, today, i will change my bedsheets, do a facial scrub, a cleansing and mosituring mask and condition my hair. Because simply, it is TODAY.

What have you put off doing? Wanna do it TODAY?

Photography matters

I'd started my basic course for about 1mth and had went for one field trip. Can say that i'm having some good time with my 450D. Theres weekly homework to hand in for this course and normally its 2-3 picts on wat we had learn the previous lessons. But i always ended up being distracted and started shooting Darcy. I just wanna capture how he sit, how he yawn, how he ignore me, how he smile and grin at this stage of life. Boy is he growing fast.

It seems like just yesterday where he first jump off the sofa and kinda sprin his front leg. Today, he can easily jump up and down the sofa. Without even having to run and leap. Now he just do a little push with his hindleg and hes up on the sofa bitting wherever possible. There is no longer any safe place that is out of reach for him.

He's just growing so fast. But he's still sleeping like a roast pig. Hope he will always do so.

Now, i'm just waiting for Mr Peng to finish his exam and help me take some portraits of Darcy and me.. (Openly hinting**)


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Like father like dog..

Darcy n dad have something in common today ... their big tummy

I overfed Darcy today. Giving him an hard boiled egg and much much kibbles. Den my mum woke up and feed him some bread as shes having her breakfast. Den it was my dad's turn.

At 4pm, i started cooking for him. Boiling pumkin, chicken liver and steam brown rice.

Now, he has a big tummy and is sleeping again. sigh.. i shld watch wat i'm feeding him else he become like my dad...

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Just another another day..

Darcy likes to try his luck everyday. EVERYDAY.

He do so by biting me. If i just push him away, he will come back and bite some more. Den i will start smacking his mouth and he will continue biting, even aiming for the hand that is wacking him. Den when i increase my strength and screaming NO with every wack i place on him he will den stop, stand back, look up and bark at me. (I think its only a matter of time my next block neighbours call SPCA). When Darcy bark at me, i will yell NO and point my finger at him which will make him bark even louder and when i stand up and raise my hand to hit him den he will pretend to run away only to do a round and come back to bite my hand.

By that time, i wld be screaming 'OUT' (its also a matter of time the NP are called for late disturbance to the neighbour) and pointing to the balcony or out of my door den he will stand there and look at me. I will walk to the balcony or out of my room and he will normally follow but stop at the middle of the smaller living room. With more 'OUT's he will sit down put his head on his paws and look up at me. Arrggg.... What am i suppose to do now? With that look, he sure win. I will nag nag at him den when he's bored of acting pathetic he will stand up, turn his back at me and walk away.. Vomit blood ar...

Looks like my dad's effort of bringing him front of GYNN, praying that Darcy will be blessed with well mannered is wasted. sigh..

In 6mths time, i wld be in TW, along with a couple of beloves.. This will be our grad trip you know. Thou it is 10yrs too late. But well, late better than never.. so yeah!! 6 more mths to TW and 1mth 1wk to BKK. woohoo...

Hope this November flies with love, joy and happiness!!

Ya.. i'm kinda high frm chasing aft Darcy.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

hmm... Something to look forward to..

Well, i'm asked to update thou i do not know what to write on as everything for e past one mth is all about Darcy.. So today, i shld blog bout me me me.. haha..

Finally the air ticks to Taiwan for next April have been settled. It was even more exciting than at the market. We even resort to having a conference call with 4 persons participating. Haa..

Now its left to planning. I have a few close friends who had been to Twd recently so shall be getting some info from them. Just that most times, they just like to say 'Did you go to here here and here?' AFT we got back from the trip. Then when asking them on where to go BEFORE the trip they will say 'aiya, you just anyhow walk lor, i also dun noe what to tell you.' Trust me, you wont be the only one saying.. Cause 80% of the times, this happened to me.. N u will really want to strangle that person sitting in front of you.. serious.

My dad's youngest sis when heard that i'd bought Darcy, kept expecting my dad to bring Darcy over to her place everytime he went over but my dad didnt. So she told him to bring Darcy over when i go on holiday.

Today my mum told me that her youngest's brother's oldest daughter loves dog so she told her that when i go on holiday, she will let her keep him while i'm away.

I have a couple of friends who won't mind looking aft Darcy for me when i'm away (i think).

Just that, i reckon, when i'm really away, i dun think there will be anyone who will want to help me look after him. Just a thought.

Anyway, went for my last Mentoring session for the year (forever) yesterday. All the brown monkeys were let out from the zoo (as quoted by Mr Ang on the mentees dyed hair). Felt a bit 'bu se de' but its time to move on. I hope i will not stop here but will instead continue to look for other social services which i can participate in. A bro asked me to join him in his club which aims to help the eldery participates in community service. I dont know. I'm still thinking about it. I was actually looking for a club which assist autistic ppl but no luck so far. So shall see how. Furthermore, i'm planning to have tuition classes next yr. Dun noe if i will be able to make it. 4 classes the max for me. Need to start advertising le. Help me pls..