It was kinda love at first sight but not with Darcy, its with another sheltie. The first sheltie i know of. He/She was 8mths old and i was surprise when the shop owner told me that they are HDB approved. FINALLY, i'd always love big dogs esp golden retriever (its still my wish to have one) and buying a toy dog is just my no-choice choice. So when i was finally exposed to a medium size dog in singapore, i kinda find my direction in the type of dogs i wld want to keep.
Furthermore, having someone chanting beside me to get a big size dog is not helping those Maltese, Pomeranian much. They are too small.
So finally at one pet shop in Pasir Ris farm, i found what i'd been looking for. Its just that.. sometimes you dun get what you want..
I wanted a 'no need to repeat what i said' pet but i got one who can only remember commands like 'sit' and 'up' when food is infront of him.
I wanted a gentlemanly dog who will always walk beside me but instead i got one who likes to cross my path walking from my left to my right and he loves to walk infront of me. And when i accidentally trip on him, he thought i'm playing with him and starts to nip my toes.
I wanted a cool boy but i got a cheeky fellow. Who after being here for 2wks, started to show his teeth/fangs when he smile. When he first got here, all he could do was to smile gently, but now, he grins for free.
I wanted someone who can sense my mood, be with me when i feel sad but instead i got someone who determines my moods, making my blood boil most of the time and bringing out the screamer(whose limited vocab is 'bad boy' and 'NO') in me.
I always wanted a dog to cuddle and hug but i got a dog who bites and scratches me at any chance he has. (I read in forum that sheltie are very gentle creatures, except when they were puppies. I hope this is true for my Darcy too..)
I never thought that my dog would lessen the strain btw my mum and i. Because of Darcy, i started communicating with my mum.
I never thought that my dog can help my dad keeps an eye on me. Now, everyday, my dad knows where i'm going and what time i will be back (not that he cares) because i call home everyday to check if Darcy has been fed.
I never thought that having a dog can be so frustrating yet so funny. All he needs to do is to be himself and it would be enough.
I never thought that just one week after having him, i would care so much for him. Thinking of his shit, what colour it is, the texture and quantity. My parents and i common topic would be to discuss when, where and how Darcy's shit is. Thats a new found topic which i'd never thought possible.
I never thought that i wld go into ALL pet shops that are in front of me to find toys and treats to buy for Darcy. There seems to be an never ending list of items that Darcy would need.
I just hope that Darcy would grow up to be a happy and healthy adult with a long lifespan. I hope that i will never give Darcy away be it whatever reason. I want him by my side for as long as he can.
For that to come true, i know i have to be very hardworking. In grooming, feeding and playing with him.
Pray that i wld never say that i'd give him up.