Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Little insignificant things..

Its a beautiful nite. Not because there are thousand of stars in the skies nor is there a full moon. Just because it was a cool and nonhumid nite thus making my short walk home very pleasent. At the same time the radio station i was listening to was playing not my fav songs but songs i wont mind listening too.

I bump into Ramesh as i was alighting at my station. He was on the phone, coming into the train. I tap him on his shoulders and he was rather surprise to see me. Den he asked

'Are you in Singapore?'

I was thinking, 'i just got out of MRT and we are standing less than 2 metres away and you are asking if i'm in Sing. hmmm...'

But i said 'ya' instead of all the irritatinglysilly things i cld think of.

Breaking into new height.

I bought a new pair of heels today. About 8.5cm/3.5inches. Haa... I wonder if i will fall.

hmm..I shld make a mental note to not wear it with tight skirt. And not take bus.

On the 6th floor, after i alight from the lift, i will need to walk past a long corridor which passes thru two units. One is rented out to PRC. I have no idea how many are there in that flat but my guess is A LOT. The other belongs to an Indian family who apprently had gone missing. As in i'd not seen any lights nor open windows or wat so ever evidence of showing life in that flat. There is no strench yet thanks goodness.

The bad thing is, there are two overhead lights throughout this 8-10m and now one had died. Just yesterday the one directly out of the lift lobby had fuse out too but the electricans had change a new one today. My question is, 'How come they know that this is spoilt and not the other one which is about 3m away and had gone out since one or two wks ago.' My ans is ' Maybe they came in the day and didnt realised that the other had gone out too.'

I hate the 6th floor more and more. I used to take the lift to the 1th floor but i stopped after being bitten by tt stupid bitch on the 9th floor and then her owner can still tell me while apologising bout the BITE that her dog only show her aggresiveness towards my parents and i.

Of course la, they are on the 9th floor, both units belong to them, those who stay on the 10th n 11th will take the life on 11th floor hence do not need to take the stairs past them, then those on the 7th and 6th floors will naturally take the lifts on the 6th. Thus leaving only us and our neighbours where our neighbours are in their late 30s with 2 kids younger than 10yrs old. Why will they feel the strain of climbing up the stairs? Hence leaving only my parents and i who will take the lift to the 11th floor and climb down. Meaning that, THAT DOG barks at EVERYONE who passes thru their level. And its potentially dangerous. Anyway, i need to find new ways of getting home. Absailing???

My hp just died on me. Shit.. This is a bad sign. Its not low battery because it was almost full bar earlier on, before it shut down automatically and then again aft i restart it. This is so not a good sign..

Maybe my BEST QUALITY LG knows that its time to let go as my heart is no longer with it. I was looking at other sony ericson phones today and i think my BQLG sense my longing.

But they are still not what i want. Its not time for me to let go yet. Not till this is out. But i will still need to touch it, hold it in my hand, see how it feel and whether we can click.

BQLG, dun... i still need you!

How am i going to wake up tmr.. No snooze button to press.. arggg....

I just got my N8250 back frm my dad. N8250 is from my JC daz, my first phone and it has a blue screen. I wonder what my colleagues will say tmr when they see me with that phone. Haa... But better than nothing.

Dun be annoyed when you called/sms and i asked you who are you because thought my previous phone is a BEST QUALITY phone, but the sin card is from 9(wow) yrs ago.. Meaning it has limited storage space. Also meaning, the owner is extremly lazy.

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