I went to my first IT fair today. Seriously, no joke.
I went during my lunch time and i it was already pretty crowded, i know for sure that it will be worst tonite. But its so exicting to be there..
For once, you see the male species in queues. Long long queues. You see males asking and deciding if they should buy the stuff. You see males everywhere. The girls are kept out you see. Most of the flyers are given out by teenage girls. Whereas the guys are doing sales. Haa... Sterotyping..
Anyway, i bought my first item in a IT show today. A SD memory card. 4GB for $45. I was so excited that i tell everyone who knew that i went to THE IT show.
Guess what, when i tried to used it in my minolta it says that the card cannot be use!! OMG.. what happened. Then CL asked me to format it. I was like '????..???' Formate a SD card. Gosh.. i didnt even know there is something like this.. hahaa.. But still it doesnt work.. Gonna bring it back tmr to change for another one. But i will consult my colleague first as i think he is more IT savy than me.
Shall see how tmr..
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