Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

THAT couple

This morning on the train, my attention falls on this couple who were seated diagonally opposite me. They look like just any ordinary couple just.. not that ordinary.

The guy was in shirt and pants, his shirt looks like pink polka dots but on closer looks they are not polka dots but dots joined by strips. His lady was in a normal t-shirt blouse and pants. They were sharing a earphone.

Here comes the weird part..

The gent was fanning the lady ATTENTIVELY using a hand held fan make from blue cloth. Not too high nor too low, not too strong nor too weak, until the lady nodd. The MP3 looked much bigger than a normal MP3 but i'm sure its a MP3 as the earphone was attached to it. This MP3 + action made the guy looked like some geek from movies whose only aim is to make his woman happy. But the weirdest was, the lady's face looked damn pissed. No smiles at all unlike other females who would be smiling from ear to ear when dosed with so much attention from their other half.

Who could have guess that i would be taking the same train as them when i was heading home. He was all over her, holding her arm like she will faint any moment, and even wanted to assist her when she wanted to change the way she was carrying her bag. That was too overdoing.

So i concluded, she must either be pregnant or he was caught having an affair. hmm.. I wld guess its the former.

But the thing that got me thinking is, how come guys are only this attentive when the wife is pregnant? Its just funny when you see scenes like this. I wonder how much longer the wife is able to take it before she gets irritated by him. It would be so much fun to see her screaming at him to leave her alone.. hhahaa...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Came back frm tuition, i decided to cook mushroom soup. The brown mushroom had been sitting in the fridge for the past 2 wks and finally i was in the mood for some soup. I chopped, fried, simmer and blend. In the end, its still too thick and intially i was still worrying that i'd added too much chicken stock, or rather too much mushroom. But well, they are so-so only. Not creamy and smooth. Just a bit gluey.. I wonder what else i shld add in or is there a particular type of mushroom i should use.. hmmm.. The feeling is not there..


The product..

I went out on Friday and did a lot of things. I went for Tarot card reading which is quite accurate for my life so far, i hope the future is like she said too. Lunch was at Maxwell Mkt's chicken rice. I'm a normally too lazy to queue for good food person because most time they are over-rated but that day i just felt like having the chicken rice. And luckily i did. It was good. And cheap.. haha..
Den i went for 'tui na', den to town for 'High Tea' at Toast where they serve a absolutely wonderful Truffle Cake, den to Queenstown S.C to buy a pair of sandals and finally found a frame to make my spects.. Cant wait for it to be ready den i wont need to wear the over powered contact lens. Afterwhich, we went to Holland Close for XO sliced fish bee hoon.. yummy.. I almost got drunk.. haha.. just kidding. You can guess that i spend a lot that day. And i thought i did some savings this month. sigh.. What a disappointment!
That day, even though we didnt spend a lot on food as compared to other days, we were fully satisfied because they are cheap and bagus food. Who cares about going to high class resturants to spend a bomb and not have satisfactory food. Yes, I'm still feeling sore about it.. I'm suppose to be saving money lei..

Another lazy saturday..

I woke up after my nap for dinner and at around nine, i was bored so i went online and search for recipes. I found some which i'm able to make because i have all the ingredients required. Hence, i went to make souffle with Earl Grey custard sauce.

I told my parents that they HAVE to eat it when its done which was at about 12am++ and they did try when it was ready.. But sad to say, for once, it looks good, smell good, it taste awful. My dad's remark was that the ice cream is the nicest.. -_-... My mum said that it's too 'coarse'. Me, the sauce is not Earl Greyish enough, the souffle is so so so overlly bitter. I didnt even manage to finish mine. I think its because i overbake it.. Hhaa.. Its suppose to 'have a crust and jiggly in the middle' but mine became a volcano. Its suppose to be moist on the inside but mine is well done..

So, FAILED! hhahha... Poor parents..

My mum suggested that i go take up cooking lessons, should i? I said i want to go France to learn.. hahhaa...

First 5 mins..
Almost done.. Or shld i put 'Overly done'

On the racks..

The product

Friday, March 21, 2008

An hour to live, an hour to love

I was waiting for my dinner mates and i was too early so i walk into MPH at RafflesCity and pick up a book to read.

'An hour to live, an hour to love' was the book that caught my eyes. Maybe it was because of it size - small, or the wordings - big, number of pages - approx 100. So, i feel that i may be able to finish it without buying because, it cost nearly $20. For a book that i can finish in less than an hour.. nope, not worth it. Hence i started reading it.

This book is actually a letter that Richard Carlson wrote to his wife on their 18th anniversary. Its more of a love letter telling her how much she means to him, how she had changed him and how just holding her hand and spending time with her is more efficient than going for a 'luxuarious spa'. la da di da...

One part i particularly remember 'If you know you only have one hour to live, who would you call?' Then it goes on to saying 'Why wait?'

Meaning that, if you know who you will be calling at your last hour now, why arent you picking up the phone and making the call to say the things you want to say.

Another phase 'Life itself is a miracle' meaning that its a miracle to be alive, so dont take being alive for granted because you never know when your last hour is. By that time, it might be too late.

It goes on on how he(the author) had spend countless hours, days, years on things that doesnt even matter when he dies instead on the people he care for. Then it goes on on how his wife had been with him thru all the goods and the bads and that was where i stopped.

I need another 'good wait' to finish that book.

Its not a fantastically fantastic book but somehow, somewhat it manages to capture me and leads me to think about life and love.

Maybe if you are free and waiting for someone, near a bookshop, you can try reading it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

6 mths commitment

Today, i told myself, the next time i have a hair cut will be at least 6 mths later. So, no matter what, i'm going to let me hair grow instead of chopping them every now and then.

I had a haircut last last monday btw and noone except my colleagues and one of my tutee realised it. Non of the other friends notice the difference. They just dun pay significant attention on me.. (boo hoo hoo..)

Anyway, i didnt like the last 3 hair stylists i went to. So, i'm still on a search for one. I miss my jap guy n korean lady in melb...

In short,

I'm not cutting my hair in the next six months!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Just a thought..

Walking home as normal (i decided to boycott 912 for the time being) from the mrt station, i need to cross 2 zebra crossings and three traffic lights.

At the first black and white, i always approach with my eyes looking at the big round mirror, not at myself but for vehicles turing my way. More than once i see them and they didnt see me, hence they carry on at their speed past me while i wait patiently.

Today, i did the same, with eyes glue to the mirror, frm the reflection i cld see a light approaching. It wasnt clear as it was kinda murky looking and i dun know if its coming at my lane or not. I debated stepping out but instead I did the safest by standing still and thanks god. The motocycle speed by me, less than 1m away. My heart skipped a beat and i cldnt help but wonder, what would have happen if i was looking at elsewhere and not at the mirror.

What if i was involved in an accident and need to be hospitalised or dead. Will my parents know who to inform at my work place? Will my friends know of it or will they only realised that i'm gone couple of mths later? What if i wake up with no memory of anyone and anything, is it for better or worst? Damn, this is too morbid for my own good..

Being a pedestrian, i always take zebra crossings and traffic lights for granted. I ASSUME that the drivers will be more aware and i leave it to them to check if theres anyone crossing. To me, black n white and green man means 'JUST GO'.

When i'm driving, i assume that the pedestrians will look right, left right several times before crossing.

I need to stop taking sing for granted, and be more awake when crossing roads.


Monday, March 17, 2008

The fall

I was on the 912, sitting on the last row and when the bus stop at my place i do what normal ppl will do. Alight. I was stepping down from the last row when my right heel got caught in the dunnoewat and i fell, landing on my right knee, with my right feet still on the step, my left knee bend at a right angle trying to break the fall. Imagine the sight i look. And yes, i was wearing skirt.

I was listening to my earphone at that time so i didnt know how loud i was, but by judging at the heads that turned back i guess it was pretty loud.

Wanna guess what song was playing on 933 at that time when i fall? It was 'yong qi' by some guy. Yeah, i desperately need that at tt moment.

All i could do was pretend it wasnt me and act normal. Continue with my 'de-boarding' with eyes glue to the floor and feeling my face turning red. I continue striding home without checking my injury as it shld be just some minor abrasion.

Once i reach home, i look for my dad to start making a big fuss out of it. Only then did i realised that it was worst than i thought. Even my dad was stunned that a simple fall will result in this. Then he said 'ni heng jiu mei you die dao le hor' and continue chopping up his fish.

First it was my RIGHT elbow and palm, then my RIGHT thumb, now its my RIGHT knee. Whats going to be next? oh gosh, i cant imagine.

I'm so disfigured!! argg... ahahhahaaa....

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sundays' nap

For the past few sundays, as long as i'm home, i will take a nap to make up for my stolen sleep. The nap normally last for 2 to 4 hrs. I will always feel refreshed and well rest with a sense of satisfaction when i wake up.

But not this noon. I woke up early for breakfast, went for tuition and by the time i got home, i was looking forward to my wkly nap.

I switch on the aircon and the fan, close the curtain, change to my sleeping atire, drag the blanket over me and make myself comfortable with the pillows and blosters.

I was waiting for sleep to take over me. But it didnt. I forcefully shut my eye lids and try to blank out my mind. It still doesnt work. I didnt give up so easily and i tried once again. The next time i open my eyes and check my hp, it showed 3plus, the next it showed 5plus. But to me it felt like minutes. I woke up feeling like i just went to sleep. Not refreshed, nor well rest.

Damn. I hate this kinda feelings.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Felt like i'm falling sick. I bought vitamin C this noon and started pooping them. Den i started drowning myself with fluid and den overdosing with lozenges.

Now, after a hot shower, i still feel cold.

Tonight gona be the nite where i learn to sleep without my aircon. Since i got back i cld only sleep when both my aircon n fan is on. Else i will wake up in the middle of the night to switch them on. I hope i can make it tonite.

Picked up 'Marley and Me' just now as i feel like drooling over a book and i miss this book most. So, re-reading it now. Something which i seldom to never do. But its too good to be put forgotten on my shelf.

Sigh... I need to rest.. Not making sense now.. Let me fall sick ba.. hahhaaha

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Another nite of fav things

Swimming in a large almost empty pool at 9pm with clear skies, randomly dotted with stars and occasionally passing clouds.

Sipping white and red while chating in a breezy little corner till early morning.

Falling into a deep peaceful sleep once my head touches the pillow.

Peaceful weekends. I like.


Yesterday was beautiful. With magical blue skies and cotton candy clouds. Strong warm breezes reminds me of Melb in Spring.

I just want to have a glass of ice coffee with a scope of vanilla ice cream, a good read in a simple nice cafe by the beach. This would be the perfect way of spending a perfect saturday.

When will the next beautiful day be?


24 more days to go..

Saturday, March 08, 2008

My fav things..

Red wine
Sea breeze
Twinkling stars
Rich chocolate cheesecake
Lee Teng Singing

Last but not the least,

XY n CL.

The weather was just perfect.

I had a great nite. Hope you guys did too..

Muck muck..

Thursday, March 06, 2008

IT fair

I went to my first IT fair today. Seriously, no joke.

I went during my lunch time and i it was already pretty crowded, i know for sure that it will be worst tonite. But its so exicting to be there..

For once, you see the male species in queues. Long long queues. You see males asking and deciding if they should buy the stuff. You see males everywhere. The girls are kept out you see. Most of the flyers are given out by teenage girls. Whereas the guys are doing sales. Haa... Sterotyping..

Anyway, i bought my first item in a IT show today. A SD memory card. 4GB for $45. I was so excited that i tell everyone who knew that i went to THE IT show.

Guess what, when i tried to used it in my minolta it says that the card cannot be use!! OMG.. what happened. Then CL asked me to format it. I was like '????..???' Formate a SD card. Gosh.. i didnt even know there is something like this.. hahaa.. But still it doesnt work.. Gonna bring it back tmr to change for another one. But i will consult my colleague first as i think he is more IT savy than me.

Shall see how tmr..

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Thinking of the 10 little things that make me :) !

CL didnt tag me, but i feel tempted to do this. So, here goes.. in no order.

1. A warm meal on the table after a day of work.
2. An empty swimming pool
3. A book that i cant seem to put down
4. Sofiato from Menotti
5. Watching the sun emerge from the sea
6. Feeling the cool nite wind blowing
7. Walking with a simple someone
8. Rich, smooth, dark chocolates
9. Hearing my fav song playing on the radio


Still thinking

Maybe it is..
10. Not being forgotten.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Give and take..

U give some, you take some.

I had lunch w a brother last friday. It was an impromptu lunch. I'd known him for close to 10 yrs nw and i never thought that this day would come where i will be needing his advise. I told him of the friendship i'd chosen to walk out on and his evaluations was something i'd never thought of.

All along, i'd been thinking of everything my way, my style. Doing things that suits my temper. On the surface, i just started withdrawing myself, inside i was having a screaming war.

Over the past few months, i kept saying i want out. I did. Last december i took myself out. I wasnt able to deal with the differences and i felt that there was no point in talking things out. I knew i was overexpecting and i felt awful when my expectations wasnt met.

It got me thinking on what are friends?

My bro told me that starting a friendship is easy, its maintaining it thats hard.

I used to feel that i have a lot of good close friends around me, now, it doesnt seem so anymore.

Just face it, as times pass, ppl drift apart. Everyone have their new jobs, new loves, new hobbies to keep up with. They are always kept occupied with their new stuffs and only when their new items failed them will they think of the old ones. Friends, arent they like this too?

We need to move on with time. We learn new things, attemp new experiences, meet new people. All these are already exhausting enough. Why bother with the olds? The old doesnt know what is happening now as they are not updated. When they finally meet up, yes they catch up. But so what? The next time they meet again, they do more catching up. Is this what maintaining a friendship is all about? To keep catching up on each other lives?

Yes its interesting to know what is happening to your friend's life, but face it, you are no longer part of it. Your friend had become a storyteller and you are just an audience. You are no longer part of the cast nor crew that once belongs in it. You guys are just travellers on different routes whom sometimes meet at a junction to share stories. You guys no longer travel together on the same path.

Is this what friends are for? To be there to listen, throw in some encouragements or scoldings when needed, add in a few tissues when the situation arises, laugh when necessary and not partake in their lives anymore? To become a dormant creature waiting for the right time to come to calling?

I really do not know. I wish that someone can explain to me what i should do, who i should hold on to and what i should look for. Is being friends in the twenties a different way to being friends in the teens? Everything i do doesnt seems to make sense to me anymore. It felt so complex, so alien, so lost. I'm driving myself crazy.

No man can be an island, but sometimes i secretly wish, i can.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

March Resolution..

We had goal setting today at M. Althought what was left was only 20 mins to sit down and think, i realised that the things i want are going further and further away. Hence it got me thinking on what i can improve on, other than my weight.

As a result, I'm making some resolutions this march.

Because i realised tt my financial planning sucks. oh so BIG TIME. I'd been overspending and i need more money for April also.

1. Spend $100 a wk on food and entertainment only.
2. To differentiate stingy and thrifty.

To reach my target, i'd come out with the following plan (thanks to xy for the idea)
1. To dine at home at least 3 times a wk.
2. Spend not more than $15 on each meal. Meaning no more restaurant visit for me.
3. To watch only one movie each week.

I wonder how long i can last, as i live to dine. arggg...

Dear friends, your roles are really important, kindly assist.

~~Other stuff~~

I had dinner with my JC gfs last night and i heard a shocking news. Its not really shocking but it got me thinking.

One of my girls is deciding to go to Melb to study. She already has a degree, a very good job with good prospect and she's deciding to go study a course which is completely diff frm her current field. It will take her close to 6 years to complete her new course. But i think it will suit her more. She dun see her future in her current job and hence shes taking the big leap.

We were wondering from citylink to ms to esplanade to orl to raffles city and the sing flyer caught our eyes. She asked, if she's really going, can we go take it? I cant reject her can i? (i hope you understand.)

She will be flying off in early Apr if everything goes as planned. I think i'm going to miss her very much...