I was waiting for my dinner mates and i was too early so i walk into MPH at
RafflesCity and pick up a book to read.
'An hour to live, an hour to love' was the book that caught my eyes. Maybe it was because of it size - small, or the wordings - big, number of pages - approx 100. So, i feel that i may be able to finish it without buying because, it cost nearly $20. For a book that i can finish in less than an hour.. nope, not worth it. Hence i started reading it.
This book is actually a letter that
Richard Carlson wrote to his wife on their 18
th anniversary. Its more of a love letter telling her how much she means to him, how she had changed him and how just holding her hand and spending time with her is more efficient than going for a 'luxuarious spa'. la da di da...
One part i particularly remember 'If you know you only have one hour to live, who would you call?' Then it goes on to saying 'Why wait?'
Meaning that, if you know who you will be calling at your last hour now, why
arent you picking up the phone and making the call to say the things you want to say.
Another phase 'Life itself is a miracle' meaning that its a miracle to be alive, so
dont take being alive for granted because you never know when your last hour is. By that time, it might be too late.
It goes on on how he(the author) had spend countless hours, days, years on things that
doesnt even matter when he dies instead on the people he care for. Then it goes on on how his wife had been with him thru all the goods and the bads and that was where i stopped.
I need another 'good wait' to finish that book.
Its not a fantastically fantastic book but somehow, somewhat it manages to capture me and leads me to think about life and love.
Maybe if you are free and waiting for someone, near a bookshop, you can try reading it.