Thursday, February 28, 2008

A dream last nite..

I had a dream last nite. I woke up not remembering much of it but i cld recall that it's a pretty sweet dream.. As the day goes by, i remember bit and pieces of it..

I remember coming home after a tiring day at work to a bathtub full of dirty clothes and feeling hungry. I threw all the clothes onto the floor and took my shower.

I went down to the supermarket but came back empty handed.

I went into the kitchen and i saw someone cooking dinner for me. He held out a spoon and ask me to try the soup to see if its tasty enough. Its my fav soup, carrots and radish and pork ribs. Of course it taste sweet.

I went into the toilet wanting to do laundry but the toilet is sparking clean and the washing machine is already humming a joyful tune.

Den we had dinner together..

haa.. this is sweet...

Who the person is, i shall not say. Because...

Its so wrong....


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