Thursday, November 29, 2007

tgif tmr..

Today work till very late.. Finally left the office at 7.30pm. haa... In e past i wld be smiling my head off if i can get to leave at tis timing but nw, i was really tired..

Received an email from an ex colleague so shall share with all of u... cause a few of my friends n i find it quite true..

Note: Words in brackets are own comments.

LIBRA - The Harmonizer Nice to everyone they meet. (But nt as nice aft knowing them) Can't make up their mind. (Super me!) Have own unique appeal. (In other words, ecentric) Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. (Nt completely true) Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. (hmm..??) Give in too easily. (yeah.. i'm nice ma) Procrastinators. (look at e state of my room n u will know) Very gullible. (i'm like hw innocent lor)

A few others..

VIRGO - The Perfectionist
Dominant in relationships. Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.

SCORPIO - The Intense One
Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional.

ARIES - TheDaredevil
Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge. EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse. (easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Lose interest quickly - easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic.

CANCER - The Protector
Moody, emotional. May be shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive and imaginative. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic.

How true do u find them???

Monday, November 26, 2007

Too free..

Sigh.. Its only 10pm and it felt like i'd been home for ages.. It will take some time getting use to it.. Haa... damn xiao zhang.

Theres talk of going Sydney next Apr w a couple of friends. Hence i went to check the air ticks just now. Gosh.. I didnt expect it to be so ex.. On average, it cost bout 1k for each person for a return ticket. Almost the same cost to fly to Melb and i thought tt melb is further away.. Sigh..

To go or nt to go? So many other places tt i wanna go. Say, Taiwan, HK, China, Vietnam, Fiji, Tahiti, Europe and most imptly, my aim is to visit Greece before i turn 30. I'm getting old...

Need to start saving liao.. I needa teach tuition!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Totally exhausted..

Gt back frm ECP this morning at 11am. Was so so tired that i fall asleep frm 12 till 7.30pm. And i just wanted a nap. In the end, i fall into a deep deep sleep. ONly cld rememeber that i was eating almond paste in the dream in somewhere like Malaysia. haa.. I was hungry ma.. No lunch lei..

Nw, aft dinner (the only forces that cld get me up frm bed), i cld feel my whole body aching. My arms, tights, butt especially, neck n back. Must be due to all the pushing into the sea tt gt me aching. N the bike torturing session by the lion who is younger than me. I thought getting a double bike can let me relax more in the end, i was so so wrong. I learn to depend on myself now.

Luckily the weather was good last nite, as in nt too cold and no rain hence surviving the nite was nt a big problem. Just that there was no place for a real good sleep. But well, this is camping ma..

Several times last nite, i felt like activating Mr Foo's offer but i have a strong feeling tt he will kill me when he knows tt the help needed is just for me to go home sleep on my big comfy bed. Because the way he treats my friends are much better den the way i was treated by him.. humf.. unfair..

This is my first time camping experience at ECP. Which is actually quite fun. I used to find those ppl 'wu liao' for having nothing better to do. But nw, i think differently. Because having ur own camp in ur own space over there, u can do anything u want. There is noone to disturb you or watsoever. You really can do things at ur own pace.

Like say, after pitching of tents, playing in the sea, bathing using the nearby facilities, having a BBQ in Al tray, den procedding to the nearby pubs for a bottle of iced Hoegarden while enjoying the Newcastle vs Liverpool match at the large screen tv. Well, this is a nice way of relaxing. With Hoegarden of course. N who knows when you will get to win a burger or two..

Maybe 1 wkend where i feel like waking up to the melody of the waves rolloing up the shore, i shld.

Went to watch Enchanted on fri nite (finally) w a weird collection of ppl. Ppl frm all walks of life. A pri sch friend, a sec sch friend n a uni mate. All 4 of us together. And surprising, i had a great time. haa.. Because i got to drive home frm Kallang.. First time Jul sat in a car driven by me. Haa.. I think she had fun. heee

Enchanted was nice. Its a melting pot of Bollywood, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Sleeping beauty, Snow white and thats about it. Its funny as in cartoonish funny. Mcdreamy still has dreamy looking eyes....A great show to relax to on a friday nite.

The next show i want to watch will be 'Good Luck Chuck', 'P.S, I love you', maybe 'Two days in Paris' and another movie by one of the cast of Greys '27 dresses'.

Yeah.. Cant wait.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The world today...

Its amusing sometimes, not in the happy funny sense but more in the depressing element.

I was suppose to be watching Enchanted today but as things wasn't finalised, aeroplane flew by. Since i'd told my dad this morning that i wont be home for dinner, i started to find friends to have dinner with. I tried one aft another aft another and noone was free. Believe it or not, i asked 4 paxs, my closest friends and non was free. With 2 on dates and 2 heading home for dinner.

In the end i have to settle for homecooked food. Not complaining here. Just that, sometimes when you wanna find someone to be with, you just cant. Everyone with the highest chance of being free, is not. 3 out of 4 are singles and they are just not free. And when i'm not free and going out, i have ppl from everywhere asking me out. Its funny how life is, isn't it.

This is not the first time that had happened to me and i bet it wont be the last. Times when i feel the loneliest, i cant find anyone. Times when i'm just too tired and want a break from the spinning earth, everyone wants me.

I know i'm not the only one facing this but well, just have to live with it.

Yesterday while lunch-ing with my colleagues, one was telling us of this email that had been circulating banks(i presume). Its about this lady who blogs on her life with an unfaithful husband.

The story roughly goes like this..

This lady is expecting her first child and is currently about 8mths pregant, couple mths back, her doting and loving husband changed job to a bank in ORQ and went overseas for 3 wks to undergo training. When he came back, he was a changed man. He wants time to himeself, leave his home at night which he never did before he left. Let his wife takes public transport when shes pregnant where before he left, he always drive her around and refuse to let her travel on PT.

The lady soon found out the reasons for his changed behaviour. The three wks he was away, he came to knew of another female colleague who had recently ROMed. The latter was in her mid twenties, the male was in his early thirties. They are now together.

He divorced the lady for his new love when the lady is already couple of mths pregnant with his child. They knew each other since poly, went overseas together for uni, renovated their new aptm, look forward to their first baby.

8 years of relationship all gone after a 3 wks trip.

She mentioned that he told her that he's sick of her crying whereas he's weak when his new one cries. She mentioned that he accused her for forcing him to have the baby. She mentioned that him leaving her all alone at home was to go meet up with his new love. She mentioned that her having to take PT home alone was so that he can go fetch his new love in their car.

After reading 2 posts from her blog which was paste in the email, i really do not know how i feel.

Like, whos at fault? Can we point finger at anyone here? Of course the recently ROMed young thing seems like the bitch in the picture and the husband is the irresponsible jerk. But if you look from their point of view, are they not the victims too?

What if, they are actually meant for each other, just that the timing was too late?

What if after all that they have been thru, couple of mths down the road aft putting down everything they once had, they realised what a big mistake they had made and by then, its too late for regret.

There are so many what ifs, and any can possibly happens.

So, how shld anyone actully feels toward this situation?

1. Shld the guy stop his new fling or shldnt even start one when he knows that he's married, his wife is pregnant, the girl is engaged even when he feels that shes the one for him at that moment?

2. Shld the young thing control her emotions, lust or greed(watever) and stayed away from him when he knows that he's a married man and she herself with a man waiting for her back in sg?

Shld they? Or shld they not?

I'm really confuse with the world today. Whats the point of getting married when the rate of divorce is shooing thru the roof?

Why are ppl having affairs everywhere? Its not just happening in dramas where the males are rich and powerful while the mistress are pretty slim things who wants nothing but money. I've seen/heard of newly weds not reaching 2 yrs of their married lives fooling outside, couples having children or already have youngsters in the family as well as older couples with children whom are already in colleages. Why is all this happening?

I'd asked a couple of guy friends this qn, 'Will you ever fool around after you are married?' And more than often, their ans is yes. And the reasons they gave are 95% similar. 'If my wife can't satisfied me, i will. If my wife works too much and not have enough time for me, i will.' Are these reasons enough to cover up for their misdeeds?

So does that means that if the husband cant satisfied the wife, she shld go out and find someone who can? Does that also means if the male works too hard n too much for the family, the wife shld find someone who can spend time with her? What kinda logics are these anyway?

When the husband have affairs, they blame it on the wives. Did they even try to talk things out with their wives? Did they ask for their opinions? Did they try to understand each other? Most imptly, did they even communicate?

Really, whats the point of getting married if you can't stay married for long. How den can we put a stop to failling relationships? How can we get both parties to love unconditionally? How can we prevent feelings frm going away? How can we stop making empty promises?

Where does love goes when it disappear? Is there another place where it will be at, waiting for you to collect it once again?

During one of my down periods, i have a friend who always accompany me when i asked. He once told me, ' He who lost you, lost more than what you have lost.' He latter explained, ' You lost a person who loves you no more, whereas he lost someone who loves him much. Hence he lost more than you.'

I wasnt able to understand that sentence then as i was hurting a damn lot. But now i can. N frm time to time, i use it to console myself, to remind myself how fortunate i was and i am because i'm not the biggest loser.

Thank you for bringing me to ECP and giving me the wish that you 'catch' with your bare hand. Most imptly, thanks for being there when i needed someone and i know you are still here, just a couple of blocks away, a msg away.

Breakie someday? With moo moo?

Fear not Serene(if u ever read this), he's nt my cup of tea. I'm more interested in you... ;p

The world today...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

2 more days to e wkends..

Went to watch Stardust yest w Jul n XY at CWP. Haa.. It feels good to be able to catch a movie aft work. Cheaper rates furthermore. Anyway, stardust was magically fantastic. Wow.. The two hours flew by like a shooting star. I wont mind watching it another time, becaause its really good!!

Third day of work today and today was the latest i left the office (so far) at 6.30pm. hahaha... This feels good!

May be watching enchanted tmr.. heee...

I'm turing to magically fantasy nowadays.. Dun ask me why.

Come sat and i will be spending my wkend at ECP w my beloved younger ones.. Hee.. Hope tt it wont rain. hmm.. i shld bring my gastic pills.. hmm.. Hw bout my sleeping bag? Will i be able to catch the sunrise? Lets see hw den...

Monday, November 19, 2007

First day..

Started my first day today. My official working hours is frm 8.30am to 5.30pm. I left my place at 7.45am which is obviously very late. When i reach the office, i sms my sup asking her where i'm suppose to go, she said i need to attend induction as thats the way things go for all employees. The induction starts at 9am. '_' I was early..

After sitting there with abouth another 80+ ppl from 9am till 1pm, my butt was aching as in seriously sore frm sitting. I finally was 'released' frm the ceromony, went to collect my pass den went to find my sup.

She told me that they had just came back from lunch. '_' .. I was hungry like hell.. So i went to have lunch alone as my ex-colleages were already eating nearby and i do not want to join ALL of them. I had BK ALONE in MS. I found out that if i were to eat alone, BK will be my first choice out of all the fastfood. My single mushroom swiss.. Which is so hard to pronouce for me.. I have no idea why..

Anyway, went back to office aft meal, 2.30pm, work till 6pm and yeah!! We left the office together. Hahaa... Super shoick. The skies were still bright when we came out of the tunnel.

Came back in time for 'lao po da ren', bath and dinner, n nw, extra time to slack.. muhahaha...

I hope good times (= bad market) last forever....

Friday, November 16, 2007

My last post in my current workplace..

Well, wk flies.. Just like this, another 3wk plus had gone. I went to my new workplace to sign a contract just now. Come Jan and i'll be their perm.. Startg as contract first next fri.

Come to think of it, it will take me one yr since grad to find a perm job. Quite pathetic isnt it. Considering the fact tt the mkt is rather good this yr.

Oh well, looking on the bright side, it means tt i have another yr of break more than others..
Just got back frm lunch. A more senior colleague treated another temp n me to lunch at a nearby restaurant that sells good cheesecake. We shared a marsmallow chocolate cheesecake for dessert and the choco is really rich n smooth. Its not too sweet too. Nt bad.


Just came back frm dinner n a drink at Eskibar w some colleagues. Well, guess thats the end of my journey with them for now. As the banking industry is rather small, i wont be surprise that someday i will be working along them again.

Have uploaded some picts i took today..

My little corner..
The temp-ers @ Eskibar.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Inmy previous wkplace, we have a Toto Queen who always know when the big draws are coming. Then she will inform us and so that she can go queue during lunch for her quickpick. I thought she was unique, till i gt here.

Last wk, i was invited to participate in a small short term investment. Yupe, a toto - pool. Each of us can contribute any amount and the sum will be used to buy toto.

In the end, we have a total of $30.50 hence they went to buy a system roll ($20), 3 quick pick x system 7 ($3.50 each). I contributed $2.

Yesterday, i was given $3.90. My winnings. We won 4 numbers being 04, 08, 38 and 39. Well, its a 95% return. Haa... My first wining. Maybe its because we got a girl who had never buy before, her first time, to make the purchase. Haa.. Beginners' luck..

Does this happens in other places too?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Time: 11:11

Frm a korean drama, i learned that if it shows 11:11 on a clock when you look at it, it means that someone is thinking of you.

Is it true?

I'm sinking into depression again.

When will you start to listen? If you dun, is there any point for me to talk? When i stop, do you think we shld still be friends? 'Instead of thinking turns talking, why dun we communicate?' When will you ever realised that this statement is meant for you n i?

How can two person so different yet have so many similar incidents happened to them at different periods? Just because they have the same horoscope? Does the moon, stars and planets really play an important role in determining our lives? I really can't help but wonder.

Get me out..

Worlds Singles Day was yesterday.

Now i understand why nobody knows that it was WSD yest. I read bout it frm my SDU magz and today i went to find out more on this unique day.

Its a day tts only celebrate in China you see.. (No wonder lor..) I found this article which explains the origin, the celebrations and the way this day is commonly spend. Now it explains why there were so many weddings yesterday. (To date, i'd heard of 5)

Now, come to think of it, my 090909 plan seems MissionImpossible, so maybe i shld postpone it to 111111. Haa... Give myself more time.. rubbish..

Friday, November 09, 2007

The only constant in life...

Another powerful line i kept hearing recently is 'The only constant in life is changes.' In other words, everyday, everything is changing.

I may be changing my job soon. Again. I know. But this may be the last change for a long time, say the next 2-3 yrs.

TXY, we might be able to go Bintam in Dec liao.. heeee..

I feel so guilty. Lies building upon lies. Gosh.. Help me!

Metro will be having a sale of 20% discount on selected items frm today till sunday. SO go shop nw!!


Went dinner & drinking w some of the new colleagues on wed nite. The initial plan was to go to some nice cosy wine bar and open a bottle of red but we ended up at Alley bar aft dinner. No wine.

I had my usual Diaquri, apricot this time and i cant taste any alcohol. Serious. After that round, we went to Ice Cold Beer for a round on beer. We had Stella Artois. It was alrite at first taste but after more than half a glass, it started to taste bitter. yicks.. not good when it was drunk for punishment.

Anyway, that nite, i didnt have as much a fun time as i had when i'm with my drinking bros. As there are still some slight discomfort with drinking with ppl i dun noe very well. Just dun dare to let it all out and drink. But well, it is entertaining to be out drinking with different grps of ppl. So, thats that.

*Updates* I've no motivation in going to work now. See if u know what i mean ;(

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I forgot...

I forgot to bring my phone to work.. AGAIN

So, i wont be able to reply any sms or calls today.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Just back frm Subaru challenge

wow.. just had my bath and nw relaxing on e edge of my bed, trying to message my poor feet. As promised, i went down to accompany contestant 218 at car6 for her third night. Different feelings wash over me during the short 7 hours i spend there.

At first it was heartache for her. Seeing her in that trance like behaviour. Its funny at times to hear her speak but dangerous and heart stopping else. Den it was my own tiredness. I was only there for 7hrs plus, being able to lean on the fence, walk around and such but i'm already tired. What about her? Being there for 50 over hrs. Den it was worry. Is her body able to take it? Is her mind able to take it? Den it was pride. I'm proud of her to still be standing after 60hrs, to still not even think of giving up. Her stamina was amazing. I really do not know wat to say for this yr female contestents. Because several are still going strong and i seriously hope that they do not need to endure another nite.

Her bro and uncle spend her last 15 mins in the comp trying to persuade her to drop out. The reason for this is because the other contestants are simply too strong and very well prepared so it will be better that she fall out herself instead of being carried out. Her final reason for staying in this comp is because she didnt want to disappoint us but we all cld see that she is unable to take it anymore. Finally after much persuasion, she decided to walk away. Now, just let her rest and let it be.

To all those who are thinking of joining next yr challenge, one thing sincerly frm me to you, Dun expect me to be down there supporting u. Becaause i wont, anymore. My feets hurt.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

changes in direction.

Hmm.. i do not know how to express my thoughts. I realised that my tenses are really bad now. Sometimes i wonder if i understand what i'm trying to say.

My title refers to my taste wrt guys. It was bad. But now, i think its a complete change. I used to like lean guys, but now i prefer guys with a bit of flesh to go around and hmm.. ok, not a complete change but change for a more mature look. Last time was geeks, now is stablility. Someone with a steady glaze and who will listen intently to what i'm saying as well as making sensible remarks instead of butting in before i can finish my sentence.

Wow, i'm getting old now. Or am i just seeking more attention?

And yes, i'd found some motivation in going to the office now. Heee... *blush blush*