Sunday, June 17, 2007



I came to realise that as i grow older, the more things had change. There's nothing that can be done to stop/prevent these changes from taking place or shld i say, i do not have to the authority nor will to put a stop to changes.

There will always be a comfort zone in each person's heart. Somewhere where they are unwilling to step out from. Somewhere they will take for granted. My comfort zone is the things that make me think of my secondary school days. I had a wonderful time in rss and till now, i still miss the times i had over there. The sjab camps, OBS camp, National day rehersal parade, late nights out, walking rounds in the newly open CWP, simply said, those carefree days where nothing matters more than O's.

I get flashbacks every now and then. Esp when i'm stoning.

I wld see images of us dipping our feet in the water at suntec fountain of wealth at 11pm, when everyone had left, and we are soaking wet after running into the middle of the fountain, and listening to them sing under the stars.

I wld remember the sudden silence in starbucks@cwp after you let out a sharp scream when your coffee topple over.

I wld remember the late nites at the playground where we wld spend hours talking about anything under the skies, literally. And the tub of ice cream and the dessert spoons we bought to eat the ice cream. I still have mine, and whenever i see it, i will still remember the night. Do you?

I wld remember the trip we had. The long bus journey. The happy moments. Those photos we took. Those long conservations that never seem to end.

Now, we only take turns talking. Not communicating.

Now, we meet up to run errands.

Now, i do not feel as comfortable as before. I feel tired. And sometimes i dread it.

Am i expecting too much out of this friendship? Have i become too demanding?

How come sometimes i feel like giving up?

Will i? One day..

Tell me, how can i take things easy?

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