It had been a while since i pick up a book and read like there's no tmr. I had always enjoy reading since young. From Enid Blyton to Singapore ghost story to Sweet valley to novels.
The last time i could really enjoy a book was when i went to Cairns. When i said 'enjoy', i really devour every single page. Its not that the book is that fantastic but more on the enjoyment i gotten on how i was reading the book.
I would took my book and went to a quiet little cafe for breakfast. Flipping pages while savouring my eggs benedict. After an hour or so, i would stroll to the beach and enjoy the sea breeze. Find a shady bench when i'm tired and continue on my book. When my eyelids felt heavy, i wld close my book and take a nap, on that bench.
Thats my way of enjoying my book and my hols. Alone.
Doing things my way, the way i want it to be.
I do not like the idea of having someone tagging along waiting for me to make decisions. When asked upon their choices, they will give answers like 'Anything you want lor. I'm fine with everything.' While knowing that deep down inside their hearts, they are screaming a loud 'NO!' If only humans can be less complicated and expect less guessing from others. Because its fucking tiring having to think beyond the words.
Just say what you want and if i'm fine with it, i will go your way. If i'm not, i will meet you after that and carry on our journey.
Thats me, and the way i like things to go. I like alone-time a lot. Very very much.
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