Saturday, May 26, 2007

My fourth wk at work..

Work this week can be considered to be good as compare to the previous three.. If i were to discribe the past few wks simply, i wld use three words. 'Major screw up.' Lets just leave it at that. And yes, i'm happy i'm still not fired.

This wk was good as i didnt go to work on monday and then i was able to leave early for the rest of the week except for tues. Yesterday, i was given a pair of movie tickets to catch the sneak preview for Pirates. It was a double first for me. 1stly, my first pair of FREE tickets. 2ndly, my frist sneak preview.

It had been such a long time since i caught a movie in Lido, i guess more than 1.5yrs and i simply forget about the commercial. Damn.. I was in the cinema before 7.30pm (time printed on the ticket) and the movie only started at 7.45pm. I went to the office complaining bout it this morning and they were ALL telling me that its the norm in sing to have 15 mins of advert. So that the late commers will not miss the show. What bullshit is that man. This can be one of the reason why i do not like to catch sneak preview. Another is because there is too much people around. It was almost full house. I do not see any empty seats but i shall not assume its a full house. I like watching movie in cinema where that are not much ppl around, so i do not have to care bout my posture. Most time back in Melb the only places will be those older cinema or noon time movies which is not a problem for me. I dun mind old cinema as long as i dun see any roaches or rats running under my chair. Anyway, since its a free movie, so, thou shall not complain.

This is my first pirates of the three. Meaning that i didnt watch the first two. But since its a FREE tick, so i went w a friend of mine who i know adore Johnny Depp. The movie was at time draggy, and at times lame but otherwise alrite. Not the best i'd seen but a different kind of movie that i normally watch. At time i was lost, but if i'm not lost, i wld not be able to travel to a place which is hard to reach. Anyway, its so-so.

Today, an exciting event happened. Actually two. One was aft lunch break when i was comfortably seating at my desk doing the filling as my colleugues went for a meeting. Suddenly the rest of the ppl in e office went to the window and kept looking out of it. Being free and noneedtobehave, i went to join in the fun, only to see a tornado out in the sea. It was surprisingly big to me. Kinda dissapointed as i do not have my camera w me. But well, no harm had been done and only just now did i realise that it was only a waterspout, not a tornado. cheyyyyy... BORING.. I went to to find news article on it and i manage to find one. No picts thou. When i found out that it was just a waterspout, i went to wikipedia to look up the defn and how it is formed. Theres a few picts for those who are curious but i must say, the one i saw this afternoon is way bigger.

Ohh.. PYH just send me a link to channelnewsasia where there is an article+pictures.. Haha.. Great minds think alike.

The other interesting thing i saw was after dinner. I met Huixian for dinner today and aft Ajisan at Funan, as we were walking back to City Hall MRT we saw some lights at Padang (if i'm not wrong bout e place). We walked over and realised that it was the opening ceromony of Singapore Arts Festival. Yeahh!! So, what do we get at an opening ceromony? Fireworks of course. The fireworks display started less tha 10mins aft we reached. Talk bout perfect timing.

It was good. The fireworks i mean. But the one at Docklands are still the best. So near yet so far. They looks like they are crashing into you yet they goes out before you. Its hard to describe, only when you are there to experience it yourself den will you know. All the emotions running thru you.

'Will i die?'~'Wow.. its beautiful. No regrets dying.'~'Will i die?'~'Heck it lar..'~'Its coming nearer. Will i die?'~'Gorgeous!'~'Is it going to be a freak accident? Will i burst into flame?'~' Flowers in the night sky.'

Well, great day today. Can i be a Geography teacher? I like nature, i like looking at maps, i like reading bout the formation of rocks, cyclone, rainforest etc. Most importantly, i can go on oversea geo trip, say to Hawaii to explore the volcanoes and feel the quakes, or to Aussie for its dessert, Great Barrier Reef, coastline, wineries?!?? Haa..

MOE nv get back to me. I know i send in my transcript one week late. But well, It is going to be two weeks soon. Think they are going to basket my results as predicted. If only they will consider me.!! They dun noe what they are losing man...

Gonna go sleep. Nite.

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