Sunday, April 15, 2007

My dream or nightmare.

I had a dream last nite. Actually two to be honest.

The first dream/nightmare was bout an earthquake in Singapore, and i was at home when my building started trembling. I was with someone close. A secondary sch friend i reckon. Someone dear to me but i can't remember who now that i'd woken up. I remmember looking up at my ceiling to see the cracks forming and i remember looking down to see the floors starting to open up. Yet my friend still has time to tell me to run down and out of the building. We were both safe but it was still upsetting. It was kinda errie for me because ecouple of years back when i was still in JC and my bed was just beside the windows, i dreamt that i'd woke up to see a jet plane crashed to the apartment next and above mine. There was black smoke but no commotion. But it seemed so real that when i opened my eyes, i pull back my curtains to check if it was real or just a dream. Few days later, the planes crash that shock the world happened. Maybe it was just a coinicident but i can't help thinking of my earthquake now. I just hope that its nothing but a dream.

My second dream. I dreamt that i'm dying due to some terminal dieases. I have only a couple months of years more. I was depress and i cried a lot in the dream especially everytime i think of it. I started meeting up with people to have a farewell dinner with them and we chatted about our lives. I talk to someone who i have no idea who she is and she told me that she's a teacher. Suddenly my heart aches because i know that i will never get the chance to fulfill my lifelong wish of becoming a teacher. I remember how sad i felt. Like i'm losing something dear to me.

I woke up remember both dreams extremly well because they seemed so real and significant to me. I could feel the pain and the fear. Both dreams are dark and depressing but they got me thinking. Thinking of what should i do with the time i have left? Because i feel that i do not have much time left.

I'd just fill up an application for NIE fifteen minutes ago. Wish me luck.

Monetary benefits or humanity? I'll let fate decides now.

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