Friday, April 27, 2007

Another today..

Today, i started my first day of work. Early. I have to reach the office by 9 am hence i left my house at 7.35am meaning that i woke up at 6.45am. Which is super early for me. Can't think of any other time i was up so early.

Work was boring as usual for most first day-ers. It felt weird having to dress formal when everyone is dressing down for friday. But because my first day falls on a friday, hence i have to wear formal. Which, fyi, makes me feel super out. And i felt tall too even though it was a one pair of 1 inch heels. Anyway, i spend a lot of time learning stuff, doing filings and staring into space. Hope that as time goes by, i will have lots of things to do and being able to do lots of thing too.

Went to meet Jul for movie aft work at Bishan but both of us were late hence missing the movie time therefore we had dinner only. That woman cldnt recgonise me when she saw a figure standing there waiting. I met ET for lunch earlier and she said i look like a teacher w my spects and dressing. Guess i have those 'dun play w me' kinda look. Which is good.

Came home and found a letter waiting for me. From MOE, asking me to photocopy all the necessary docts and send over to them. I was overjoyed but my dad felt otherwise. He asked me to think it thru before making any decisions and this is defntly not the first time he said that. He had always been against the idea of me becoming a teacher. And i can totally understands it. Hence leading me to doubt my choice.

Over my 2 decades of life, my dad had never try to influence any of my decisions made except 2. When choosing which sec sch, jc and uni courses. He always let me decides. So what are the 2 decisions of mine that causes such great disapproval? Firstly, it's the decision to go NIE which i can understand his feelings. Secondly, my decision to get a dog. Which i can never ever understand. Or shld i say i can understand why he's against me getting one but he doesn't understand that i will be able to handle it.

Dad wasnt afraid of the additional trouble that arises from keeping a dog other than when the dog fell sick. He was alright with the other food, bathing, walks matters. What he is afraid most, is that i will be unable to take it when my pet pass away. My emotional feelings. He knows i will be heart broken and so on and i try to convince him that i'll be alrite but he just dun buys it. So, anyone has any idea what i shld do other than go get a dog before informing him? I know. I shld find a bf and deceive him into buying a dog for me then i will ditch the guy.. Haha.. Brillant.

But first, he must be rich and dumb. Anyone noes of any such person? Dun forget to introd..

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