Sunday, April 29, 2007

My little secret..

Pss.. Let u noe a little secret of mine..

I'm thinking of getting a perm.

Still thinking..

Friday, April 27, 2007

Another today..

Today, i started my first day of work. Early. I have to reach the office by 9 am hence i left my house at 7.35am meaning that i woke up at 6.45am. Which is super early for me. Can't think of any other time i was up so early.

Work was boring as usual for most first day-ers. It felt weird having to dress formal when everyone is dressing down for friday. But because my first day falls on a friday, hence i have to wear formal. Which, fyi, makes me feel super out. And i felt tall too even though it was a one pair of 1 inch heels. Anyway, i spend a lot of time learning stuff, doing filings and staring into space. Hope that as time goes by, i will have lots of things to do and being able to do lots of thing too.

Went to meet Jul for movie aft work at Bishan but both of us were late hence missing the movie time therefore we had dinner only. That woman cldnt recgonise me when she saw a figure standing there waiting. I met ET for lunch earlier and she said i look like a teacher w my spects and dressing. Guess i have those 'dun play w me' kinda look. Which is good.

Came home and found a letter waiting for me. From MOE, asking me to photocopy all the necessary docts and send over to them. I was overjoyed but my dad felt otherwise. He asked me to think it thru before making any decisions and this is defntly not the first time he said that. He had always been against the idea of me becoming a teacher. And i can totally understands it. Hence leading me to doubt my choice.

Over my 2 decades of life, my dad had never try to influence any of my decisions made except 2. When choosing which sec sch, jc and uni courses. He always let me decides. So what are the 2 decisions of mine that causes such great disapproval? Firstly, it's the decision to go NIE which i can understand his feelings. Secondly, my decision to get a dog. Which i can never ever understand. Or shld i say i can understand why he's against me getting one but he doesn't understand that i will be able to handle it.

Dad wasnt afraid of the additional trouble that arises from keeping a dog other than when the dog fell sick. He was alright with the other food, bathing, walks matters. What he is afraid most, is that i will be unable to take it when my pet pass away. My emotional feelings. He knows i will be heart broken and so on and i try to convince him that i'll be alrite but he just dun buys it. So, anyone has any idea what i shld do other than go get a dog before informing him? I know. I shld find a bf and deceive him into buying a dog for me then i will ditch the guy.. Haha.. Brillant.

But first, he must be rich and dumb. Anyone noes of any such person? Dun forget to introd..

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The excitment is dying down but i'm still smiling.

Finally, my 'zuo boh' days are over.

I was too impulsive when making a decision just now and friends keep telling me that. But well, what done cannot be undone so no point brooding over it.

We shall see how in 3 months time!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bring your own bag day.

At first i thought that this event will last forever. Only now while listening to the news on FM95.0 did i realised its only for today. Kinda disappointed. Just didn't see any point in doing it for just one day. Why not promote this forever. If its only for a day, people will just complain everytime this day arrives because they are not used to the habit of bringing their own bags or paying 10 cents for the plastic bags. But well, something better than nothing.

Plastic bags, a convenience to many a diaster to many more. The production and disposing are both harmful to the enviroment. I especially hate so when i see plastic floating in the sea. Seriously, just a piece of unwanted plastic can cause so much damage to the marine life. What if some poor turtle mistaken it for jelly fish and ate it for dinner. Try eating a plastic bag and you will know the effect.

Ballons. How romantic it is to set free thousands and millions of ballons during some celebration. My foot. Any idea where the ballons end up in the end? Heaven? You wish. They will end up in the ocean once they are deflated. What will happen when they drop into the ocean? The less-educated aka fishes, turtles, birds and all other marine life will see them as food. So, moral of the story, don't buy ballons to reduce the risk of a flyaway ballon. I'm serious.

Don't cause any more damage to the already badly damage ocean.

For those who always tell me that they want to learn diving, seriously, don't procastinate any further. You do not know what your are missing and most importantly, we are not getting any younger.

Don't just think about it.
Just go ahead and do it before its all too late.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

My dream or nightmare.

I had a dream last nite. Actually two to be honest.

The first dream/nightmare was bout an earthquake in Singapore, and i was at home when my building started trembling. I was with someone close. A secondary sch friend i reckon. Someone dear to me but i can't remember who now that i'd woken up. I remmember looking up at my ceiling to see the cracks forming and i remember looking down to see the floors starting to open up. Yet my friend still has time to tell me to run down and out of the building. We were both safe but it was still upsetting. It was kinda errie for me because ecouple of years back when i was still in JC and my bed was just beside the windows, i dreamt that i'd woke up to see a jet plane crashed to the apartment next and above mine. There was black smoke but no commotion. But it seemed so real that when i opened my eyes, i pull back my curtains to check if it was real or just a dream. Few days later, the planes crash that shock the world happened. Maybe it was just a coinicident but i can't help thinking of my earthquake now. I just hope that its nothing but a dream.

My second dream. I dreamt that i'm dying due to some terminal dieases. I have only a couple months of years more. I was depress and i cried a lot in the dream especially everytime i think of it. I started meeting up with people to have a farewell dinner with them and we chatted about our lives. I talk to someone who i have no idea who she is and she told me that she's a teacher. Suddenly my heart aches because i know that i will never get the chance to fulfill my lifelong wish of becoming a teacher. I remember how sad i felt. Like i'm losing something dear to me.

I woke up remember both dreams extremly well because they seemed so real and significant to me. I could feel the pain and the fear. Both dreams are dark and depressing but they got me thinking. Thinking of what should i do with the time i have left? Because i feel that i do not have much time left.

I'd just fill up an application for NIE fifteen minutes ago. Wish me luck.

Monetary benefits or humanity? I'll let fate decides now.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

My 200th entry..

Just watched Music and Lyrics by Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. Its nice and sweet. Perfect for a lazy night like this. As the title of the movie suggested, its about songwriting and their composition is 'Way back into love.' I'd added the lyrics from ( Scroll down if you wanna have something to read while i'm away, lazing on a sunny beach with clear sea water and muscular guys walking around (wishful thinking on the later part). Haa..

Anyway, back to the movie. Another song that is not too bad is 'Don't write me off' as well as several other songs that Hugh Grant sang. I'm surprised that he can sing actually. So well, in fact. But wat surprised me even more was his dancing in this show. I remember from an interview with him on the movie Love Actually that he stated that he will never dance onscreen ever again. Love Actually will be his one and only movie with him dancing those grovvy dancesteps but well, he done it again. It was entertaining, very much. Could see that he'd aged a fair bit but his eyes are still the same. Althought he doesnt aged with grace like Richard Gere but he's still drool-worthy. EXTREMLY. Go watch that show. Its worth it! Thank you Mr Chen. Btw, the song is a demo version sung by Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore.

Going off tmr noon. To JB for some light shopping n dinner and hopefully Go-karting as well before we board the 10hrs journey+2hrs ferry. Gonna buy an inflatable pillow otherwise i will surely get a sore neck the following morning. Wonder if the place is as beautiful as stated. Hope i will be able to catch some wonderful sunrises and sunsets. Just hope that the resort is not on the west side of the island althought i think that there's a high chance that it is. But well, no harm in hoping.

Have fun everyone. Dun miss my fair face. Sigh.. Shld take more picts first. Before i get tanned..

Way back into love - Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere

I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not just somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
oh, oh, oh

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
oh, oh, oh

Monday, April 02, 2007

Early monday morning..

Went for yoga on sunday morning. After 1hr of standing, bending, stretching, lying down, i was ready for a nap. I started yawning and my eyes started tearing and i was so tempted to not open my eyes after each 3 seconds rest. But i didnt. Self discipline nah..

Went for 2 child abusing sessions after that. My dad pick me up after i was done and once in the car i started yawning CONTINUOUSLY. We had dinner, after 2hrs of animes, i was ready to hit the sack, so i went. AT 8.30pm. Thats why i'm up now. AFter 4hrs of sleep. I'm awake. Argggg!! I was hoping to sleep till morning. There goes my beauty sleep.

Life's pretty routine now. Not only day by day but wk by wk too.

Sat- Mentoring, lunch at CWP, nap and perhaps a dinner with friends.
Sun- Yoga, 2 tutions, dinner at home or rotting w all time rotting buddy.
Mon- Wake up at 11am to watch some old HK drama showing on TV, den relax for the rest of the day otherwise will be FORCE to study w XXL.
Tues- Wake up at 11am, study/anime. Dance at nite.
Wed- Wake up at 11am, study/anime. Tuition at nite.
Thurs- Wake up at 11am, study/anime. Tuition at nite.
Fri- Wake up at 11am, study/anime. Tuition in evening at BOON LAY.(Can u imagine it?)
And back it goes again.

But this wk, life's going to be different.

For once, XXL is coming over and STAYING over with me for dunnoe hw many days to study w me or shall i say make me study. Then, dance classes had ended for the beginning-intermediate waltz. So, we have MORE time to study. YEAH! Can you picture how excited i'm about this?

Lastly, i'm going away frm sunday night. Just a 4N3D trip. To a place where everyone would think of when hearing the song 'dui mian de nui hai kan guo lai..' Haa.. Finally, after so long, i'm finally going! But on the downside, i'm going to lose my fair face. Sian. No amount of face sunblock will be able to prevent my skin from being tan because that is so. Will needa buy a new foundation since the previous one i bought is becoming too pale for me. ANd i just bought it.

Can't wait for the few days of suffering to be over. Luckily i have tuitons to save me frm spending too much time w THE ABUSER! Otherwise u will see a heavily-PMS person aka me!

Think i needa change my perspective.

I love studying.
I love spending time w XXL.
I love studying.
Studying is NOT a drag.
Studying is a form of enlightenment.
Studying is FOC and a good method of saving money.
I love studying.

Gosh, who am i trying to fool.....