Monday, January 08, 2007

Just another boring day hence the boring entry..

Been back for 2 wks yet nothing had been accomplished. Manage to obtain 2 tution kids thus far due to friends. But still need to find a job. Once aft my room is furnished. Hope i can get a job before CNY otherwise relatives and friends will defintely keep asking the same question and making the same remarks. I wanna do things at my own pace. Now den i realised the meaning of complete freedom. That is not having to care for anyone.

In my bro's room at the moment and there's ants in his room. I can assured you that he will definetely shift the blame on me, for eating in his room which i didnt and he will ignored and carry on thinking that he's right. Irritating.

Learn a new word yesterday while teaching my sec 4 e-maths kid. He ask me what is mensuration and at first i thought it was just a printing error but can't be so for every page for that chapter. I told him to look it up in as we can't find the word in the dictionary. So, today i found it in The word means the act or process of measuring.

So, why can't they just use measuration? Den i type in the word and realised that there is no such word call measuration. Now, i learn something new. So, it's measure, measuring and mensuration. Pronouced as men-su-ration. Not that bad. But i need to revise on my e-maths, forgotten how to plot the cumulative frequency curve. As in when to use what values for the x-axis. Because sometimes the examples use the upper limit boundaries whereas sometimes they use other values. Need to find out more later. Gonna go to Popular bookstore.

Found it. Cumulative frequencies curve. Now i funally understand why. Always always use the upper class boundary.

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