Tuesday, January 30, 2007

At 4 in the morning..

I cldn't sleep. Once again. It happened yesterday too. Must be that iced teh tarik that i had. Shld stop myself from torturing myself anymore. Because i'm really sleepy. To the point where i fall asleep on the train. I never like to sleep on moving vehicles because of the limited space and because you never know when the driver will pull an emergency brake. But i fall asleep on the train today. I was that tired. But nw, i cant sleep. I toss and turn for an hour or so yet no sigh of Mr Dustman cld be spotted. I gave up and went to watch some perverted cop show which they were showing on TV. It didn't catch my attention for long. Hence here i am, online. But everyone else is sleeping. No one to entertain me. I have to entertain myself. I want to sleep.

Saw this old friend on the train just now. He was already in the train when we got on. Hence he made his way towards us. Guess it is true that glaring can burn a hole in your back. Because i cld feel several pairs of eyes looking at the 2 girls who had just got on and is talking to him. The eyes belongs to his friends. Girls to be exact. He's a ladies man, we all know. But today, i could feel his power, thru the glaring presence that i felt. I told my friend, 'One day we can get killed without even knowing why. Just because we talked to him.' Maybe to protect myself, i should pretend that we are strangers, just to save this small life of mine.

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