Wednesday, January 31, 2007
My enemy = Food!
Reason is simple because I AM TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT by eating less. So i hope that everyone and anyone can coorperate with me by STOP informing me where and where has good eating places. Because i want to lose weight before CNY.
And also, if you are my friend, DON'T say sweet nothings like 'Over your dead body' or 'Hahaha.. You will never be able to do it' and instead encouraging statements such as 'Yes. We have faith in you. You can do it.' will be gladly welcome.
And, stop shaking your head. Because, i can do it. Oneday.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
At 4 in the morning..
Saw this old friend on the train just now. He was already in the train when we got on. Hence he made his way towards us. Guess it is true that glaring can burn a hole in your back. Because i cld feel several pairs of eyes looking at the 2 girls who had just got on and is talking to him. The eyes belongs to his friends. Girls to be exact. He's a ladies man, we all know. But today, i could feel his power, thru the glaring presence that i felt. I told my friend, 'One day we can get killed without even knowing why. Just because we talked to him.' Maybe to protect myself, i should pretend that we are strangers, just to save this small life of mine.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
To offer help when asked? Or, to know that you need help without having to ask and to help without offering and sometimes without you knowing.
I met a women who makes me respect her. Who reminds me that the world is not as cold as it is. That there are understanding people around. I think she makes a good friend to others and a perfect mum to her children. She is the mum of one of my tuition kids. I think she is damn POWERFUL!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Some fortune telling thing using chinese name
此命为人品性刚直, 做事公开, 有才能,有机变。不管休息, 六亲兄弟不得力,祖业无靠, 白手成家立业,末运多驳杂, 不能聚财, 好一双抓钱手,没有一个聚钱斗,此命蜘蛛, 结网朝圆夜不圆,做几翻败几翻,只能稳步成家计, 谁知又被狂风吹,初限二十三,似明月被云侵,三十开外恰似日头重升,二子送终寿元五十七岁,过此八十八, 卒于秋天之中。
她的风采和魅力会唤起生辰星位在白羊座的男性的爱的激情。只要他们彼此倾心相与,他们的结合会是幸福的。 双子座的男性会对她产生好感。他妙趣横生,海阔天空和富有超级幻想色彩的谈吐会把她带入一个梦寐以求的境界。 她对能充分理解她的宝瓶座的男性会产生真挚的感情和爱的壮举。
And the worst part is:
根据你的公元出生年月日,经过电脑计算,结果为6, 表示你上辈子是非人类
I wasn't human... I dun noe to cry or to laugh..
(Anyone wanna do a translation for me??)
Another wk..
Monday, January 22, 2007
Almost a mth soon..
But i'm adapting to my friends' working lives. I often have to spend my weekdays alone sometimes with tuitions in the evening.
But come friday nite, its time to party. Its like all the ghosts are being let out after being lock for ages. Everyone is only free on weekends, no. Some from friday nites.
I can't imagine hw i wld become once i start working. Will i be like them. Guess not. Because once i'm out, i will most properly be looking for good food.
Yah, i think i'll be like that.
'theroom' is nearly complete. Lacking a few shelfs here and there and still poundering if i shld get a table to sudy but i reckon tt it will end up with all my bags and purchases and no books at all.
My digi camera is coming back tmr. Hope it will still looks the same and functions the same as well. Otherwise somebody's car is gonna get it frm me. An eye for an eye. A car for a camera. What a good deal.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
When desires break free.
I tried to contain the fire burning within me but to no sucess. In the end i admit defeat. I went around frm one window to another asking ppl where i can get those BBQ chicken wings that i so crave for but received limited replies. Reason was, nobody knows.
Doesn't anyone here eat BBQ chicken wings? Wdls is not a small tiny suburb with only one shop selling milk and a post office. NO! No! No! Wdls has so many eating places yet non of the woodlanders cld offer me a place that sell BBQ chicken wings.. Gosh.. I think we need more food stores here. Esp those selling BBQ chicken wings.
In the end, there were two suggestions. One was at 888 and the other at 302. Of course i went to the one nearest me with my chicken eater. But as i reach the place, i saw smoke rising from the BBQ pit. They are washing the pit already. Argg.. I stared at the fried chicken wings and pounder hard. Shld i settle on something less fullfilling? In the end, chicken eater drag me away from the store, tempting me to wait till saturday. I went home feeling depress and almost burst into tears because at that time KFC had closed and i can't have my chessy fries.
I ransack the fridge and only a tub of kimchi and a half pack of Cadbury's mini eggs were able to catch my interest. I'd no other choices but to settle on them. Not long after, my dad called. They are on their way home and i complaint on my misery. They drove to 768 and bought back wu xiang. Now, thats a better substitube than the other two. So i went to bed feeling contended but not satisfied. All i need now is BBQ chicken wings.
Monday, January 15, 2007
The thing bout me..
Many times, i wld end up at somewhere which i'd been before and wondering which dish i'd enjoyed the last time i came and which not. While in Aust, there is ET to remind me. Sometimes, no, most times she wld remind me which food i'd tried and like and what not.
I guess its time that i start remembering things like these myself. Because you do not noe when will you lose your personal eating guide book.
And most importantly, i like GOODFOOD.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
But not as hot as RAIN.
Rain is super burning HOT!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
My first..
It was raining.
I need to do something to brighten my day.
I went online and bought my first item.
Ok, i do not consider purchasing air ticks or booking hotels and car rental a kind of online shopping. Dun ask me why. I do not consider making payment for grad gown rental a kinda online shopping. So, basically, this is my first time doing shopping online.
So, what did i buy?
A music book. Haha.. It cost only $10 inclusive of shipping since its a sing coy. So, i figured, why not. Wonder when will it reach me. Hope i wont be addicted to online shopping. But i think i will still prefer shopping in shops and trying out stuff anytime.
What else shld i buy??? Can i order food online?? hahaha.. Shit.. Talk bout losing weight..
Our New Year Eve RSS Gathering 2006.
The workers that night.
Dinner with Cherly before she left for HK..
While waiting for table outside a korean restaurant at Chinatown. All i can say is, the feeling is not there.
The couple of the century. Another older-woman-younger-man couple.
While waiting for bus to bring us to the Jewel Box at Mount Faber. 4 dead animals.
The mini eyes pair.
Normal humans.
Note his eyes before our drinks arrive.
Note his eyes when the drinks are here. And he says that he dun drink. Wat bullshit..
Girl, if u happens to see this, dun forget our promise hor. Either 3kg or 1 mth no shopping. hahaha.. cant wait for u to be back soon. Have fun n eat more hor!!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Just another boring day hence the boring entry..
In my bro's room at the moment and there's ants in his room. I can assured you that he will definetely shift the blame on me, for eating in his room which i didnt and he will ignored and carry on thinking that he's right. Irritating.
Learn a new word yesterday while teaching my sec 4 e-maths kid. He ask me what is mensuration and at first i thought it was just a printing error but can't be so for every page for that chapter. I told him to look it up in as we can't find the word in the dictionary. So, today i found it in The word means the act or process of measuring.
So, why can't they just use measuration? Den i type in the word and realised that there is no such word call measuration. Now, i learn something new. So, it's measure, measuring and mensuration. Pronouced as men-su-ration. Not that bad. But i need to revise on my e-maths, forgotten how to plot the cumulative frequency curve. As in when to use what values for the x-axis. Because sometimes the examples use the upper limit boundaries whereas sometimes they use other values. Need to find out more later. Gonna go to Popular bookstore.
Found it. Cumulative frequencies curve. Now i funally understand why. Always always use the upper class boundary.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Kill Kill Kill
Have you ever have someone who is so lazy to the point that you just felt like slapping him till he's disfigured.
You know, i do know of this someone who can make me a murderer and yet i will never regret this path i'd choosen. Because this someone is so irritatingly annoying and who deserves a kick in the butt everytime i sees him.
He cares for noone and think of himself as everything. He wants the best yet is unwilling to work for his worth. He makes decisions on his own without consulting anyone even though they r decisions that will affect everyone. Such a selfish good for nothing who doesn't know whats best.
Dun be surprise if u see my pict on the front page tmr. I'm born to kill.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Some picts..
Christmas Day 2006, my arrival at Changi Airport.
Then along w 2 khakis, we went to 'kuai fang' at Fragrance Hotel near PS. The room is small yet clean and the bed wasn't too bad. We three reach the hotel at 3am after supper-ing at Esplanade (my stingray..) after watching a supper waste time, money n sleep show. Dun ask me bout it, i will explode. We were all exhausted and fall asleep immediately after bathing till 9 plus.
The hotel shld consider employing her to advertise..
Jul pointing at my spot..
Mirror Image of the scandalous trio..
Today, 4th of Jan, together w 3 10 yrs old friends, we went to Sakae Bishan for a delightful dinner. It had been such a long time since we behave like this and a long long time since i laugh till my stomach ache and tears form in my eyes. But this is to be expected when u go out with ppl who make time stands still and ten years ago seems to be just yesterday.
You know, i know, we all know that only one person looks happy here. Notice the 'weird' look the person w golden hair is giving.. The poor fellow..
With the cake but unfortunately half of the head of one of us were blocked. But well, life goes on.. n furthermore, who cares...
My ma aka moo. Her's birthday celebration though her birthday wasn't today. But just wanna celebrate it today. After cutting the cake, we realised that she dun really like chocolate cake. But the buyers aka golden hair n me loves chocolate cake. So thats why..
Make a wish, make a wish. May all her wishes come true.. (world peace?!?)
Early early morning..
So early in the morning where some ppl are still sleeping whereas a lot of ppl are already working but my mind is still not fully awake. A lot of thoughts recently but can't get them out. Thinking bout the same things over n over again. But things that are pointless in thinking about. So it's just a waste of time brooding over them. Needa move on..
I want my life back!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy 2007.
A year of blessings and weddings.
A year where there is no droughts nor floods, haze and forest fires.
A year where all bad news stop and good news are unstoppable.
Finally manage to go online. All thanks to Mr Peng who spend 20 mins teaching me hw to switch on the moderm and the black box. Otherwise, i wld still be sulking in my room and thinking hw i rather be somewhere else.
So, gratitude from the bottom of my heart.
New Year Resolutions
I'd heard quite a few NYR so far. Some had me burst out laughing while some left me in shock. But here and there they are roughly the same. So, here are mine, once agian, similar to some difference to others.
1) LOSE WEIGHT (I'd heard enough comments from anyone and everyone bout hw great a life i had in Aust. Or hw cheap meat n milk is down under. Enough is enough!)
2) Get a job n earn some money. I need to find my direction in life!!
3) Try not to feel so stress when mi frends n i are talking bout BGR. What will come will come.
Time flies, till this date, i still have people asking me when i will fly off. How i wish i have a date to give them. Instead i have to say, 'I'd grad. Wont be flying off for the next few mths, at least.' Felt a bit bu se de but thats it. Got to carry on w life and welcome whatever comes my way.
Sigh.. Feels kinda lonely now. Need to spend more time in my room to get rid of the unwanted-dust-collectors. Look for furnitures and repaint my room. Hope i can get everything done by the end of the week. Ok, that shall be my short term goal for now.
Going off nw. A bit tired. Played majong yest nite so slept for 5hrs only. Nt enough. Shall sleep nw.