Monday, October 30, 2006


If y is you and x is me,
what is our dy/dx?
(ie the change in you with respect to me)

Positive, i hope!

Have a great week ahead!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Other random stuffs..

My favorite different types of tea:
Lemon tea: Best with meals

Milk tea: Best for a lazy afternoon

Earl Grey: Best for early morning and late night revision.

All girls like flowers, it just depends on which type, colour and size.
I bought some roses last thursday. Suddenly felt like having something pretty in my room so i went to the shop where i normally get my fruits and flowers from.

This was how they look on thursday.

This was just now..

Did you notice that they are blooming.. It's exciting to come home each day to see them open their petals a little more. Living things..


I'd just completed my last assignment for this semester. I have one due this coming wedensday and another due on friday. They are both completed. Not with the best effort. But i reckon with the best effort for the marks awarded.

Come to 'count' of it, i had a total of (3+4+4+1=) 12 assignments due this semester. I'm glad that i'm still alive. In all, they are worth 140% out of 400%. This doesnt look like much but they are. Anyway, glad that its all over. Time to rock the books in e library.

Please give me the strength to travel to Bailiue everyday for the next two weeks. I'm desperately in need of that.

Also, daylight saving had started/ended? Not really sure but ya, sing is now 3 hrs behind Aust instead of 2hrs. Meaning, i lost 1 hour. Sigh...

Friday, October 27, 2006


Ppl who know me well enough will know what kind of weird taste i have when it comes to my crushes. I have had responses like 'Yucks', 'Are you serious?' 'Oh my god, whatever are you thinking.' And the best of all was 'huh.... (silent)... hahahhahahahahaha(unstoppable [if theres such a word]).'

I had more than a drink just now hence am feeling rather relax and feel like composing another entry, hence i shall do some random stuff ie, mycrush (As if anyone wld care, but well maybe 10 yrs down the road when i read this again, i'll be able to laugh my head off and say to myself, 'Oh yes, my taste was awful and still is.')

Anyway, i like this guy who is hmm.. how should i say since i can't say that i know him really well. Well, it seems to me that, or he appears to be, responsible. He knows what he is doing and he knows what he wants. He is efficient and very determined. He is sociable (when he wants to) and most importantly, he's kinda a nerd. I'm a sucker for smart guys. And yes, he is incredibly smart. Brilliant.

He's not the kinda nerd that has the words 'I'm a nerd.' written on his forehead. Nor does he needs thick glasses to read. He does not have have a center-parting hairstyle with hair that shines due to the overwhelming amount of gel he used and he doesn't wear checked shirts tucked into his pants that he wear high up his waist.

On the other hand, he's not the kinda guy who follows the trend and wear super tight black jeans nor wear more accessories than i do.

Mycrush is just a down to earth chap who dress smartly in a way that sometimes make me go 'wow... he looks good today'.

I've had a crush on mycrush for lets see.. Almost two semester? On and off, roughly there. When i don't see him for a long long time, i will slowly forget about him. But once i see him, it will take sometime before i can stop thinking of him. A few weeks perhaps.

On the few occasions that we interact, there were a couple of times when he proves to know me even before i know myself. Like say he knows that i need that thing without me even realizing that i need that thing. Maybe its just basic commonsense but guess in my two decades plus on earth, nobody had really predict my actions before i even think of committing them. This is also one of the reason why he's mycrush. I do not need to voice out to him to know what i want. Well, not always, but sometimes and its enough(i guess).

He's mycrush and mycrush he will be. For how long more, i do not know. But i predict that it wont last longer than next June. Because i know that once i stop seeing him, for a long enough period, i will forget that he once was mycrush. So, let me enjoy the remaining time i have in seeing mycrush.

What will be, will be.
What will end, will end.

Last lecture for the sem. Last lecture ever?

Today, i attended my last lecture for this semester. Yes, exams are around the corner. Another one wk two days. Was suppose to have 3 lecturers every friday but coincidentally, two of my morning lects were postpone and cancel. Leaving only one after lunch.

Hope this will be the last lecture ever. Hope i can pass all my subjects and graduate this Dec. Hope i wont have to stay back for another sem or two. I'm worried and scared yet not willing to do anything.

My parents will be coming over 2 days after my last papers and will be here for a mth. They will be bringing me back with them. I guess they are worried that i might refuse to go back to Sing and that i might pull a stunt like say miss my flight, forget the date or the passport and whatsoever. They will be here to watch over me like a hawk and make sure that i go back with them.

Thats the thing with parents who miss, love, and are too dependent on their kids. Well, guess i will have to live with that. After all i'm the biggest spender in the family, the one with the worst temper, the whiner who is never satisfied and lastly, the spoilt brat who takes everything for granted.

Oh yeah, life is SOoooo good!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

You know...

Been having a bad time during the past few days due to u-noe-wat. But glad that things are much better now. Just that i still walk around w a sulk on my face and a 'Look! Do i look like i give a damn?' attitude.

Yes, i'm back to normal, almost.

Its 25th Oct today. Exactly two more months to be exact. Wow. Time flies. Kinda worried. Just a tiny bit. What if i don't fit in anymore?

Mum called yesterday and asked me if i mind getting a 3.5 ermm.. feet (i assume) bed? Its a super single i guess. I said NO. I want a double bed which is 4 feet (perhaps) otherwise i will get a queen size bed which is 5feet. I think, just my personal humble opinion, that.. she can't wait for me to come back. She is bed-shopping for me.

I'd always complained that mum never come to the airport to send me off after the first time i flew off. I'd always assumed that she rather work than come see me off. Only when she and dad came to visit me this year then i know the reason.

Me: Den, how come it seems like you do not miss me at all when i left? You didn't even come to the airport to see me off. (pout)

Mum: Everytime when XL or YL come to visit me at 768 then my heart will ached. Sometimes i regreted letting you go overseas. Seeing them makes me think of you and the tears almost drop.

I think.. I have the best mum in the whole wide world.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The waiting game.

Have you play the waiting game before?

The rules are simple.

All you got to do is WAIT.

Wait till you are sure of the other player's next move.

Wait till you are sure of your own strategy.

Keeping score is easy. Either both win or one loss.

This game needs at least two players. If there is only one player at the start, that player will have to wait till the other player join in. There are times where this game has more than two players. But this also meant that the total losses and profit will be increase.

So, are you game enough for this game? Or are you already in one of them?

Me? I want to quit this one player waiting game.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Induction Dinner 2006

Had a dinner last nite. Our club's Induction Night. Not a lot of people came but we manage to have 19.

It was held at Docklands and for no reason, it started raining yesterday afternoon hence decreasing the temperature. By the time i reached Docklands, i reckon that the temp was around 10-12 degree. With the winds blowing non stop and walking with half exposed legs is not the best experience on earth. By the time i enter the resturant i was almost tearing.

People started arriving from 7pm and before that, our club president asked me to 'just sit down and look pretty.' His exact words. So insulting. Like i will spoilt their arrangment like that. So, i tried to confuss them when they were setting the sitting arrangement. Haha.. Wasn't in the right mood that day. But i stopped after some time. I was feeling kind and generous.

This was my main course.

The inductees n me(extra)...

Lastly, the 4 Board members.

Faiz (Club Service Director), Me(Treasurer), Kai Lun(President), Raymond(Immed Past President)

A bit sad though since this indicates the end of the year, one final dinner with them and not knowing when will i see some of them again. Maybe never.

My last night out. Its time to start preparing for my exams!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

You Are The Love Of My Life

You are the Love of My Life
George Benson & Roberta Flack.

M: You are the love of my life, I knew it right from the start
The moment I looked at you, you found a place in my heart
F: You are the love of my life, you give me reason to live
You taught me how to be strong. With you is where I belong

B: No one'd ever touched me, quite the way you've touched me
People search a lifetime to find what we have.
F: You are the love of my life, one thing that's good in this life
B: I'll spend the rest of my days just loving you

M: You are the love of my life, the heart and soul of my life.
B: Once I was lost and alone, with you, at last, I am home
[instrumental line]
B: You give me so much of you and leave me room to be free.

B: No one'd ever touched me, quite the way you've touched me
People search a lifetime to find what we have.
F: You are the love of my life, one thing that's good in this life
M: And in a world full of change, one thing I'm sure of
M: You are the love of my life,
one thing that makes sense in this life
B: I'll spend the rest of my days just loving you

M: You are the love of my life and I thank God I? alive
B: To spend my lifetime with you, You are the love of my life.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Eavesdropping again..

I like to listen to others conversation esp when its in mandarin.

On e tram home today, sitting back to back was this PRC girl who was on her phone with someone. She was telling e person-on-the-other-end about this funny thing. (Honestly, i dun find it funny). This girl just came back from dinner w another girlfriend of her. This girlfriend had just got back from China and is married. She went back to China to marry this guy whom she had met online half yr ago and who she first meet when she went back to China. Supposedly, she had broken up with her bf of 'cant remember hw many yrs' to marry this internet guy. Not because of love, but because her bf of 'cant remember hw many yrs' didnt want to get married but she does, so she went to China and marry the internet guy. Whats worse is, she still love her bf of 'cant remember hw many yrs' a lot lot. So much tt she started crying every time someone mention him.

I wonder (aft being to one world's wonder which make me wonder why isit one of the world's wonders) a few yrs down the road, will i be like her? To marry some guy for the sake of getting married. Gosh.. How scary is that?

Also, i dun noe whats up with my Korean friends these days. Yesterday, (e one and only day i meet my 2 and only friends who are Korean) i got asked twice, on separate occasions, if i have a bf and why dun i have a bf.

I mean, its not the end of the world that i'm single or what not, but it really got me thinking, seriously, Whats wrong with me?

And the feminist side of me will starts saying, 'Who needs guys when you can have dogs!'

Monday, October 09, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Finding myself..

Been back for a week. Sometimes felt like i'd never went for a hol. Sometimes felt like i'd just came back. The sympthons were pretty obvious.

I tripped over my bedsheets on the very day i got back home. I fell, knocked my arm against my chair hence causing the chair to knock against the window. Luckily nothing was broken. But, ouch.. It's painful. Den within the next hour, i knock my head against my desk. ET said i lost my bearings. Guess so.

The other day before the club meeting, i was trying to pull a whiteboard on wheels. It fall on me. I could feel it falling slowly like it was put on slow motion. My left hand has a scratch and my left shoulder too. But amazingly, there wasn't any bruise.

But i did brought back some bruises. Mostly from white water rafting in Tully River, Cairns.

This week had passed very quickly. I was still in holiday mood. Not willing to spend any time on my school work and club work. Just wanna stay at home, in my room ALONE, watching drama, sleeping and eating. Just want to be by myself.

I guess coming to Melb to study had make me too dependent on myself. Because now, i need more alone time than before. Its not longer hours, but days. Previously, i only need a few hours of time to myself, but now, i only need a few hours of time to be with friends. I want more time to be with myself. I miss myself.

But i'm still figuring which me do i miss most.

Now, i wanna find the me in Yr1. Where i wld study like no tmr. I need to find back my motivation.

Come back.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I met someone whom i thought i'll never meet again.

I went to this Asian grocery, Laguna today with ET and i met this guy.

First time.
The first time i met him was on a cruise to Great Barrier Reef. Being the few asians on board, we were put in the same table. 2 of them and 2 of us. They thought we were japanese and we thought they were japanese. Turn out that they are korean and we are sings. We chatted, stop, went diving and snokelling, had lunch, snoker and dive somemore, chat. We went our own way when the ship reach the harbour.

Second time.
We were waiting for the night coach from Cairns to Whitsunday Island and when i got back from the toilet i saw them talking to WC. We had book the same bus but to different destination. They are heading for Brisbane. We said our goodbye once again at Whitsunday.

Third time.
I met him at Laguna supermarket. I know he's staying in Melb and he me. But i didn't expect to bump into him there. Furthermore he could remember me as he was standing there waving. Finally i got to know his name, Lim. And he mine.

Don't think we will ever meet again because things always happen for three times. Dun tell me to grap hold of what because he has a girlfriend and at that time when we met in Cairns, he was travelling with his gf's brother. So, thats why i didnt ask for his contact. Haha.. Lastly and most importantly, i'm not that desperate to leap on any guy who comes my way. Anyway, just feels that the world is so small and fate is a funny thing, you never know when to expect it!


Monday, October 02, 2006

I wanna dance all night long...

'I wanna dance all night long,
all alone with you girl.'

I couldn't get this chorus out of my head for the later half of my trip.

While i was standing at the beach, enjoying the sea breeze, i kept singing this phase. I can't remember the starting or any other part of this song and i can't even figure out who sang it. Just know that it's not a new song.

Just now, while looking at my desktop background, i started humming this song again. With complete access to internet, i finally found the title, the lyrics and the band. Here goes..

I wanna dance (MLTR)

It's late at night they've all gone home
so finally we're all alone
The waiter says we're closing very soon
Still the night's so long
don't wanna say goodbye to you
I've got plans for us tonight
baby that's right

I wanna dance all night long
all alone with you girl
'cos I'm ready for a sweet romance
all alone with you girl

We share the last glass of wine
our hearts are beating in perfect time
wondering who will be the first to say
You know it feels alright
why don't you hold me tight

I wanna dance all night long
all alone with you girl
'cos I'm ready for a sweet romance
all alone with you girl

I know tomorrow comes a day
Don't think about what they will say
Just close your eyes and dream away in my arms

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Back in Melb.

Reached Melb at 0000 this morning. Was extremly tired as i'm used to sleeping early for the past one week. Furthermore, was suffering from gastric. No idea why i'm so prone to them esp when i'm taking plane. Luckily i cld feel it coming hence i brought the pills with me and pop several in before it gets too serious.

Reach home at bout 1am. We waited for a long time for a cab. There were a lot of passengers and too few taxis. But finally it was our turn. The roads were quiet without much cars. Got home and found ET, FM and my hsemate waiting for me there. They made a cake. Ok, e 2 girls. It was sweet of them to do that. But guess i was too tired physically and mentally to be more overjoyed. I should had done so, but just moodless.

They stayed overnight and made lunch for me today. Tempura and miso chicken. It was good not having to do anything yet food will come. Even my hsemate cooked udon for me. For someone who dun do much cooking, it was really a sweet act.

Really appreciated the things they had done but just couldnt make my face become the way i want it to be. Can't even act happy. Being weight down by something.

But no idea why i'm so feelingless, moodless yet restless. Sinking into depression i think. No idea why. No, its not the time of the month. Just feeling very drained. Emotionally. I miss the sun, sea and breeze. Change my view please.

Back to yest morning, i was suppose to wake up for the sunrise. I did. But i was too late. I did not check properly, just assumed that the sun will rise at 6.12am as usual. But when i reach the beach at 6am, the sun had already risen from the horizon. Imagine my dissapointment. I felt betrayed but there was nothing i could do cept to stand there and stare in disbelive. Guess what, when i was about to leave, i saw a fin emerging from the water, near the shore. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so i stared hard at the surrounding area. Den it appeared again. The black fin came out and went in again, in a trend of a semi circle. Then it came out again. Three times in all. I was delighted. Inside i was saying, 'Thanks you! You had just made my day. Happy Birthday Yanting!'
I spoke to the management of YHA Coolangatta and he said that it's common to spot dolphins only when the sun rises. It was my birthday present. One of the best that i had ever received.

Went for a walk around Tweed Heads and found out that i'd crossed the borders unknowingly. Once again, i'm in New South Wales.

After a seafood lunch of bugs, raw oysters and wedges, i decided to walk back to my accomodation. I climb up to a lookout and a friendly tourist took a pict for me. I know my hair looks messy and such but i really like the view. It was pretty.

I walked for an hour till i was so hot and tired that i found a bench in shade and took a nap. I fall asleep. Guess this is a first time for me but it felt so comfortable. My dad woke me up with his sms. 'Hi. Happy Birthday! :-)' It was so formal yet so comical because of the face. haha.. I replied, 'Thanks. Have a great day too!' Haha.. Guess its does not run in the family to send well wishes to each other.

After one hr of peaceful deep sleep, i woke up and started walking again. Saw an ice cream van and bought a cone. Just wat i need on this hot hot day. I continue with my walk. Finally reach my destination after another half hour. Went to the beach and sat there for a while until i can't stand it anymore and walk to the water. It felt greet. The cold water against my aching feet. Heaven. Spend one hour standing in the water and finally decided to go back to YHA to change to my bathing suit to take a dip. Walk back and came out after a while but the sun was setting hence it turned slightly cold. I sat there waiting for the sun to set, wishing that it will be as pretty as yesterday.

But it wasnt. Nevertheless, it wasn't that bad. Took some shots and headed back to the hostal, took our luggages and went to G.C airport which was just 500m behind. Now, here i am, back in Melb, missing the beaches.