Thursday, February 02, 2006

Yeah... Its feb!!!

Am so not in the mood to do my tut now. Having my last tut for summer tmr. That means, no more eye candy.. Sigh... How sad!!! Actually should say is ear candy cause i like his voice. His accent and the way he speaks. Haha.. He looks alright, not fantastic but not too bad. Hahaa.... Another nerd I dare say, but not those with thick glasses, uncomb-hair, tucked in shirt and high trousers. Nah. He doesn't wear spectacle, normal hair, comb but not gel up, neat attire. That's all. Not too bad I reckon. Not overdress nor under-dress. He might be a ABC I guess. But I'm not sure. Because I do not even know his name. Hahhaa... That's the best part. Well, an eye candy or ear candy will always be a candy for e senses. As long as it serves it purpose, there shall be no complaints. I was encourage to talk to him during tut, but I was too shy. Gee... whats new?

Anyway, kinda bored now. Hence am here to type, type n more typing. Was quarreling with my bro this aftnoon. Thru msn. Impressive ya. Quarreling about the same thing that we had been fighting for since young. Like what I said, technology is the root of all evil. Sigh...

I had a dream last night. I dreamt that there was dozen of boxes of BA GUA!! Imagine that, me dreaming of food. And most surprising was, there was lots and lots of them. I thought this will only happens in drama. But it happened to me. Oh gosh, whats happening to me? Had I really become a glutton?? Have I?

Was listening to FM933 a few days ago. The minute I was connected, I regretted it. It was broadcasting the preview of a Korean movie 'Seasons of love'. Ahh... I wanna watch. I wonder if there will be any way that I can get to watch it.. hmmm... After that, they were playing CNY songs approximately 80% of the time. Yah, it did reminded me that its CNY.

I received a sms wishing me Happy CNY and may I received lots of ang bao. Duh... From who and I going to get them from, may I know? Are you going to share yours with me? The only thing that i'd received so far is a CNY card frm Miss TYL.(Thanks you for thinking of me even though you were so tired and almost falling asleep while writing. I REALLY appreciates it so much!)Don't know if its suppose to be a well meaning greetings or a scarastic sms. What are the ppl thinking of nowadays? Can't they be more sensitive to other people feelings?

Yes, this whole entry might be full of complaints, but look on the bright side man. These are my so called dry humor. Get it?

Ok, I admit. I'm not in a good mood today, yesterday and the past few days and maybe for the next few days too. Am easily irritated.. Ahhh!!!! Feels like screaming my head off. Those who knows me well shld be able to figure out the cause of all these outbursts. But luckily, noone is near enough to get to experience them. Since technology is so advanced now maybe msn will be able to let me vent my frustration all the way back to Sing. AHHHH!!! Who's willing to be my victim for e next few days???

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