I looked out of my windows and I saw, staring back at me was Orion. Finally, he's back. After leaving for half a year, he's back again. Blinking at me from afar. But at least I know its him again.
Just finish watching 'First Love of Prince'. A Korean show. I didn't enjoy the drama. The ending wasn't what I wanted. She should had chosen the other guy. Not this. Guess I'm just being bias. Feeling depress after watching that. But guess it can't be helped.
Today, met a friend for dinner. Heard that he had broken up with his gf. I was shocked. E and I had felt that something wasn't right since a wk ago but was trying to be optimistic about them. They had been together for 2 years, long distance for a year and now she's here for a while. We were surprised that they would broke up because he was really very committed to this relationship. He wouldn't stay out till very late because he need to rush back to go online and chat with her every single day. But he said he was tired. All these while, breaking and patching.
Maybe LDR is really hard. Even if effort was put in, but someday it will still run out. The energy, time and most importantly, the love. He said he's the bad guy. Guess I wont agree with him. He was just being realistic.
Guys tend to face the truth earlier than girls. Girls like to hide in dreamland and tell themselves that everything will be alright even when everything is not and never will be. They like to lie to themselves and say that tmr, everything will be back to normal even when they know that it will still be the same. Finally, when the guy break the news to her, only when she heard it from him will she be forced to face the fact that things are no longer the same, feelings are no longer as strong and its time to stop wishing and hoping. It is time to face reality.
Breaking up will be the best solution if either party can't picture a future with the other. Now better than tmr. At least one will be given more time to get over the other. Ever since I came over, I got to realize that in a relationship, just having love for each other is never enough. Previously, I thought that 'all you need it love' but I was wrong. There are too many factors. Hence making 'love' so hard. Is it attainable? To be loved and to love the one who loves you. To overcome all other factors and be with that someone. To last forever? And what is the definition of forever then?
There's this thing call 'promise'. But I can no longer find it in my dictionary. When someone tells you that they love you. Believe them. Because its true. At that moment, its true. For that moment. So, grab hold of that moment and believe it with all your heart because you will never know how long it will last. When one day, they said that they no longer love you, be thankful that at least you were once loved by them. Something is better than nothing. Nothing last for ever. Especially words. Its gone in a spilt second.
Don't you think that if the whole world is mute, this will be a better planet to live in?
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