Monday, February 27, 2006

Back from out getaway...

Finally, I'm back, alive, frm the 4 days 3 nites small getaway. Things took an unexpected change on e day before we left. What were suppose to be a 2 girls trip turns out to be a 4 person trip. To be honest, I'm glad that they came along. If nt, I think our car will be at e bottom of some unknown valley now. Or maybe even causing a forest fire. Yes, they are great drivers, good map readers and most importantly of all, excellent cooks. The 2 of us were well taken care of, no decisions need to be make, just follow. It became a very relaxing trip for us. If it wasn't for them, I bet we will return more stressed up den before we left.

A great deal had been accomplish during this trip. We managed to watch the sun rising from the sea, saw the milky way, went caving in the Fairy Caves and the Royal Caves. Saw a waterfall, a gorge, a lot of dead animals on the road as well as alive, stay in great, clean and comfy accommodations, I drove (almost scaring them to dead!)and had great fun. We got to know them better even if I must admit that meals on the first day were weird. But things got better with each passing day.

We went to Lakes Entrance on the first day and stayed overnight in a motel. That night, we went star gazing and I guess we saw the milky way. Orion was there too. The following morning, they granted our wishes. We woke up at 5.30am to catch the Sunrise at the Ninety Miles Beach. I cldnt stop smiling when the sun finally decided to show itself. This was my first sunrise and its beautiful. Gorgeous!

While waiting at 6am...

When the sun first rise out of the waters..

We check out of the motel at 9am, drove to Buchan (pronouce as Buc-kan not Bu-chan which was what I'd been calling for the past few days) and we went caving.

At Royal Caves.

[There are more pictures which might be upload in my multiply page when I'm less tired and more free.]

We trek up a path and it leads us to somewhere near the top of the world... The surrounding vegetation looks brown and dry as its summer hence the lack of water.

After finding accommodation, we drove to Little River Falls and Little River Gorge. Haha... Cool!

We drove to Karoonada Park and stayed there for 2 nights. Paying only $26 per person, per night and staying in a house which is big enough for at least 20 people with only 4 of us in it is like staying in a palace. We cooked or shld I say that they cooked dinner for us for the 2 nights and the food is real good. For relaxation, we played table tennis and pool at night. How much better can life gets?

On our third day, we went to a Bridge which I can't remember the name now. We wanted to go white water rafting but was told that there's nt much water during summer so it had been stop. Hence we slack..

Leg washing activities...

We went back, they cooked dinner, we played cards, sleep and left the next morning at 6.30am. Now, I'm super tired hence I'm going to sleep now as I have lesson tmr. A very enjoyable trip I must say, all thanks to them!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Going on a short trip...

Will be leaving Melb on thurs. Coming back on Sunday. Heading towards Buchan for its limestone caves. Addicted to them since i went to the Jenolan caves in Syney. Like its quietness and lighting. The calmness that you will get to experience inside. The smoothing classical pieces that they will play inside. And the wonders that water can do. Whoo.. Can't wait for another one!!

This was named the statue of liberty. Amazing isn't it? The work of moving fluid.

This was one masterpiece. Reminded me of the pipes of the organ in a church.

Those were taken in Sydney. Unfortunately, my digital cam died when i was in the caves. Hence cldn't get much good picts. This time round, i will ensure that my batts are fully charged.

Going to drive to Buchan, which is about 4hrs away from Melbourne but still in Victoria. After that, we might be going to either Lakes Entrance or Snowy River. Depends on situation. Hope that we will get to see either the sunset or sunrise.

Sigh.. But kinda worried too. Cause we will be driving. Just the 2 of us. Both girls. Not much experience. Just guts. Just hope that the roads will not be too hard to drive with many sharp turns and potholes. Let it be a safe and enjoyable journey. No robbers, no hikers, no windows smashers. Let there be nothing but fun, fun and more fun. Main aims are to snap lots of beautiful pictures and to relax.

Battery, pls dun die on me when i need u most. Car, pls know that our lives are in you, so try to protect us as much as possible. Nature, pls dun rain on us, pls dun let any wild kangaroo hop out into the roads suddenly, and pls dun call too often. Thanks you!

Friends, like wat i always say when i was to go for a road trip. In case i nv return, do be aware that i'm glad that we were once friends. Thanks for all e wonderful times and memories. Thanks for walking this journey with me. Tell my parents n bro i love them. Thanks you n tk care!

P.S: I like white flowers esp roses and tulips!


Monday, February 20, 2006


Erica n her Bakka

Me and my chocolate cheesecake


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough

Someone played this song to me over msn just now. The title caught my attention and i went to find its lyrics. It was first sang by Patty Smyth then Stephanie Sun re-sung it ages ago. Today was the first time i hear it. Like it. Simple and nice. But dun really understand part of the lyrics. Overall, it supports my theory - Love is nt enough!

i don't wanna lose you,
but i don't wanna use you
just to have somebody by my side.
and i don't wanna hate you,
i don't wanna take you,
but i don't wanna be the one to cry.
and that don't really matter
to anyone anymore.
but like a fool i keep losing my place
and i keep seeing you walk through that door.

**but there's a danger in loving somebody too much,
and it's sad when you know
it's your heart you can't trust.
there's a reason why people
don't stay where they are.
baby, sometimes, love just ain't enough.

now, i could never change you,
i don't wanna blame you.
baby, you don't have to take the fall.
yes, i may have hurt you,
but i did not desert you.
maybe i just wanna have it all.

it makes a sound like thunder,
it makes me feel like rain.
and like a fool who will never see the truth,
i keep thinking something's gonna change.

Repeat **

and there's no way home,
when it's late at night and you're all alone.
are there things that you wanted to say?
do you feel me beside you in your bed,
there beside you, where i used to lay?

and there's a danger in loving somebody too much,
and it's sad when you know it's your heart they can't touch.
there's a reason why people don't stay who they are.
baby, sometimes, love just ain't enough.
baby, sometimes, love...
it just ain't enough.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I looked out of my windows and I saw, staring back at me was Orion. Finally, he's back. After leaving for half a year, he's back again. Blinking at me from afar. But at least I know its him again.

Just finish watching 'First Love of Prince'. A Korean show. I didn't enjoy the drama. The ending wasn't what I wanted. She should had chosen the other guy. Not this. Guess I'm just being bias. Feeling depress after watching that. But guess it can't be helped.

Today, met a friend for dinner. Heard that he had broken up with his gf. I was shocked. E and I had felt that something wasn't right since a wk ago but was trying to be optimistic about them. They had been together for 2 years, long distance for a year and now she's here for a while. We were surprised that they would broke up because he was really very committed to this relationship. He wouldn't stay out till very late because he need to rush back to go online and chat with her every single day. But he said he was tired. All these while, breaking and patching.

Maybe LDR is really hard. Even if effort was put in, but someday it will still run out. The energy, time and most importantly, the love. He said he's the bad guy. Guess I wont agree with him. He was just being realistic.

Guys tend to face the truth earlier than girls. Girls like to hide in dreamland and tell themselves that everything will be alright even when everything is not and never will be. They like to lie to themselves and say that tmr, everything will be back to normal even when they know that it will still be the same. Finally, when the guy break the news to her, only when she heard it from him will she be forced to face the fact that things are no longer the same, feelings are no longer as strong and its time to stop wishing and hoping. It is time to face reality.

Breaking up will be the best solution if either party can't picture a future with the other. Now better than tmr. At least one will be given more time to get over the other. Ever since I came over, I got to realize that in a relationship, just having love for each other is never enough. Previously, I thought that 'all you need it love' but I was wrong. There are too many factors. Hence making 'love' so hard. Is it attainable? To be loved and to love the one who loves you. To overcome all other factors and be with that someone. To last forever? And what is the definition of forever then?

There's this thing call 'promise'. But I can no longer find it in my dictionary. When someone tells you that they love you. Believe them. Because its true. At that moment, its true. For that moment. So, grab hold of that moment and believe it with all your heart because you will never know how long it will last. When one day, they said that they no longer love you, be thankful that at least you were once loved by them. Something is better than nothing. Nothing last for ever. Especially words. Its gone in a spilt second.

Don't you think that if the whole world is mute, this will be a better planet to live in?

Sunset @ St Kilda...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy V-day!!

Hahaha.... Finally finish my paper. Now, i've one and a half week of holidays before the start of my sch semester. Shoick.. Went to watch Cassanova just now, aft e paper. I thought it will be a classic kinda film but nah, its a bit silly actually. Comedy i should say. But the place is so beautiful. It was filmed in Venice, the City on Water, if i'm not wrong and its really beautiful. One of the few places that i really want to visit someday..

Was feeling very happy aft e paper. Cause i get to see my eye candy. Hahaha... Had not see him for so long, finally get to see him. Happy sia... But he was on the phone all the time, wondering who's on the other side... Hmmm.... haha.. Anyway, doesn't matter, as he's for me to look at and listen to only. Haha...

Received a sweet sweet gift today. All e way from sing. Haha.. So cute. It def reminds me of the giver. Makes me laugh out loud when i saw it. Thanks, Jul!!

Now, feeling a little lost. Do not know what to do. Sigh.. Too many choices i guess. What drama show should i watch now? Haha... Dun noe where to start. Waiting for my last episode of kiss now.. Think need a day or two. Depending on unforseen circumstances.. If everything goes according to plan, the earliest should be tonight, the latest shld be tmr morning. But i better be prepare for the worst, that is next week. But not to worry, i have other substitutes...

Alright, think its time for me to make a decision. 'First love of Prince' ???

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Had just finish watching 'It all started with a kiss' episode 14 to 19. Shoick. Haha.. Super sweet. At first i couldn't stand that girl. I think I even said that she's an embarrassment to librians. To be so stupid. But I guess 'sa ren you sa fu' does happen and is true. Or maybe, this is just a drama show. But how many times have u watch a show and find certain scene familiar, like it had happened before. Hence being able to relate to it. I guess those shows are just a reflection of everyday life just that it is more extravagant. I'm nt saying that I cld see myself in tt show, but maybe in other shows. This girl is def not me. Neither will I want to be like her. To be so blur and whose whole world seems to revolve around one guy. Nay... Maybe that's why I wont get guys like him. Haha...

After watching that, all of a sudden think of two years ago, today. Sweet...

Today, 2 years ago, I was at Harbourfront. MacDonald. They have very comfortable armchairs. We had two median cup of ice lemon tea. Cldn't finish hence pouring the remaining into the water bottle. We bought some finger food and brought it up to Mount Faber. We took the lift, up and down, waiting, because we want to catch the sunset on the cable car. There was a disposal camera. Finally, we decided tt its time and we board the cable car and took a 3/4 ride to Mount Faber. Surprisingly, there wasn't much people around that day. Maybe because it was a weekday. We sat there, had our dinner, took some photos. When the picts were developed, u said that its all full of 'da tou wa wa'. What do you expect? I do not have super long arms. Be thankful that at least both our faces are in the photos. Up there, 2 guys walked by and one said, 'Is it valentine day already?' Haa.. If I know how to blush, my whole face will be red. Maybe that's the meaning of 'ai mei'.

Well, two years later, once again, I get to experience this kind of feeling. Not the 'ai mei' feeling. But the feeling of sweetness. Haha.. Frm tt taiwan drama. How shoick. So, main point is, GO watch that show. Its super good! Now waiting for the last episode to come out!! Woohoo...

Suddenly recall what a gd pal told me several nights ago. She taught me some methods on getting to know my eye candy. One is to knock into him ACCIDENTALLY when going to class and den start talking to him JUST like that. She said that this is bound to work as she had used this before, at JP. Haahha... I told this to another friend of mine here, and adding this comment 'As in I'm so clumsy to knock into ppl.' instantly, i was *BANG*. She replied, 'You are wad, afterall you are always knocking into walls, doors, plants, cupboard and lots more. (I can even get bruises in between my toes) So why don't you just ACCIDENTALLY knock into him. Who knows what will happen?' I went speechless.. I think they esp that gd pal of mine, watch too much Taiwanese drama. Maybe, I shld write a love letter and pass it to him, and maybe accidentally, it will land up in a 'er mo''s hand. And I will have a 'er mo zai shen bian' Hahaha... CMI lor... Too much drama! Anyway, thanks for e advice. Mucks!

Time to study!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sweet Potato tang shui

Can't actually believe that i enjoy cooking. Actually dessert to be more precise. Well, can't be helped, i guess. Since i'm so sweet... hahaha...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

One more week...

Slipping my milk tea, typing this post in the late morning of 7th of Feb. In exactly seven more days and I'll be sitting for my Corp Fin paper. Sad to say, I've only finish the first topic and I've twelve more to go. What is happening?

Seems to have lost the magic to study yesterday. Maybe it was because I spent too much time and energy on cooking my two pots of Japanese Curry which is suppose to last me till the end of the week. Or maybe it was because of Desperate Housewives and Supernatural. Or should I say that I'm plain lazy. My mind was running on its own.

Staying up till 4am yest I didn't accomplish much readings. Gonna go to the library soon. Hoping that at least the concentration power that I had yesterday afternoon will be back. Wish me luck!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Yeah... Its feb!!!

Am so not in the mood to do my tut now. Having my last tut for summer tmr. That means, no more eye candy.. Sigh... How sad!!! Actually should say is ear candy cause i like his voice. His accent and the way he speaks. Haha.. He looks alright, not fantastic but not too bad. Hahaa.... Another nerd I dare say, but not those with thick glasses, uncomb-hair, tucked in shirt and high trousers. Nah. He doesn't wear spectacle, normal hair, comb but not gel up, neat attire. That's all. Not too bad I reckon. Not overdress nor under-dress. He might be a ABC I guess. But I'm not sure. Because I do not even know his name. Hahhaa... That's the best part. Well, an eye candy or ear candy will always be a candy for e senses. As long as it serves it purpose, there shall be no complaints. I was encourage to talk to him during tut, but I was too shy. Gee... whats new?

Anyway, kinda bored now. Hence am here to type, type n more typing. Was quarreling with my bro this aftnoon. Thru msn. Impressive ya. Quarreling about the same thing that we had been fighting for since young. Like what I said, technology is the root of all evil. Sigh...

I had a dream last night. I dreamt that there was dozen of boxes of BA GUA!! Imagine that, me dreaming of food. And most surprising was, there was lots and lots of them. I thought this will only happens in drama. But it happened to me. Oh gosh, whats happening to me? Had I really become a glutton?? Have I?

Was listening to FM933 a few days ago. The minute I was connected, I regretted it. It was broadcasting the preview of a Korean movie 'Seasons of love'. Ahh... I wanna watch. I wonder if there will be any way that I can get to watch it.. hmmm... After that, they were playing CNY songs approximately 80% of the time. Yah, it did reminded me that its CNY.

I received a sms wishing me Happy CNY and may I received lots of ang bao. Duh... From who and I going to get them from, may I know? Are you going to share yours with me? The only thing that i'd received so far is a CNY card frm Miss TYL.(Thanks you for thinking of me even though you were so tired and almost falling asleep while writing. I REALLY appreciates it so much!)Don't know if its suppose to be a well meaning greetings or a scarastic sms. What are the ppl thinking of nowadays? Can't they be more sensitive to other people feelings?

Yes, this whole entry might be full of complaints, but look on the bright side man. These are my so called dry humor. Get it?

Ok, I admit. I'm not in a good mood today, yesterday and the past few days and maybe for the next few days too. Am easily irritated.. Ahhh!!!! Feels like screaming my head off. Those who knows me well shld be able to figure out the cause of all these outbursts. But luckily, noone is near enough to get to experience them. Since technology is so advanced now maybe msn will be able to let me vent my frustration all the way back to Sing. AHHHH!!! Who's willing to be my victim for e next few days???