Its X'mas time. Spend it with my sch sch mates bbq-ing away. There wasn't a lot of ppl but it was enough. A few of those that are closer, like what Cheryl says. Like what they always say, quality rather than quantity. We did a count just now, come 2007 Jan, our friendship will be 10yrs old. We will have know each other for 10 yrs. Wow... Time do pass. Still remember the first day of sch. The confusion, worries, different primary sch uniform, meeting the teachers n classmates for the first time. It brings a smile to my face and a sigh in my heart. The smile for the happy memories that i had in the blue graph paper uniform and the sigh for the impossibility of returning to the past. We only get to live once. No regrets. It was a very happy 4 years. One of my best, most fun filled n less worries years. I miss them so much. Sometimes, i allow myself to indulge in the past and relive the moments again. By flipping through my photo album. Thinking of those times. But cant do it everyday. If not, it wont be special anymore.
Received a few x'mas gift this time round. Was pretty surprised because for the past few yrs i will only received x'mas gift when there is gift exchange but this time its different. I'd just read two cards and it really make me feel blessed that i have friends like these. I'm touched that they were able to take out the time and write the cards w nt only x'mas greeting but also personal messages such as word of encouragement and friends forever stuff. Really am so grateful to them for always being by my side whenever i need someone. To chill out w, to de-stress, listen to my whines, complains or n unhappiness to lighten my mood or just simply to rot. They are always there. Hope that 10 yrs down the road, we will still be friends as close as now.
Ok, enough of the past. Lets talk about the future. My future to be more precise.
Going back in less than 2 weeks. Wondering now what have i nt done and should do. Those that i shld meet, i have meet. Maybe there are a few left. Those that are busier. So shall see hw den. No choice also. Work's more imp. Going back to do summer. Hope i will be able to survive through it. Need to get better grades this time round. Ok den. Getting sleepy now. Shall go wait for my turn to bath. Xueli in my toilet now. Ciao n Merry X'mas folks!!
Link to e X'mas photos: X'mas 2005
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