Friday, December 30, 2005

Second last day of '05

Went to PS to meet Jul n Zhi Jian for a movie but as expected, the only tixs left were e front row. Of course we give it a miss. Dun wanna buy a stiff neck. In e end we went to Parkway Parade to play pool. I suck big time. In 3 games i only managed to knock in 3 balls. I was super pissed n in a bad mood. But well, wat to do.. I decided to shift the blame to e lousy cue instead of my skills. I mean i played last nite too n i wasnt tt bad. I wasnt good but nt bad to this point.

It was fun playing pool w diff group of ppl. Yest was wat i defined by e engin group. This guy, Alvin was saying that 'Well, if the white ball is about 5 more degree to the left, maybe i can knock it in. But here, i cant.' I was stunned at first but den i make fun of him after that. I said to Jul, 'Hey, i think u can knock this blue ball in at a angle of 25 degree.' But nobody caught my lamness. I wasn't trying to be sacastic. I was just trying to tease that super teaseable guy. Funny.

I told Jul that if we were playing w a bunch of commerce students den maybe we will be saying things like, 'Well, i think i will take the risk and see how the rewards will be.' Haha... If we were playing w my pri sch gang, most prob they will be talking about computer games stuff while playing. They are too pro to be playing pool w me. To them pool is nothing. To me i'm being wiped out. What to do, 3 yrs in Melb n only like 3 games of pool is not very good practise. But no choice to avoid unnecessary spending.

Had a primary sch gathering just now. About 9 of us were present. Had not seen Gillian for some time. Haha.. It was fun chatting w her. Its like u can talk bout everything under e skies to her and she will surely has something to say. haha... All we cld say when we left is 'See you next year!' Haha... Yes. One more year till we meet again. HaoJie was thinking of a BBQ but well, we shall see hw den.

Asked CK to go swimming tmr at 8am. Aft knowing tt he's going to MoS tonight. Haha. But dun think i will be able to wake up. I will just wake up at 10 mins to 10 den wash up n go meet Jul for some baking-ingredients shopping. Lazy pig? Yes i am! Am proud to be one too. Hahha... At first wanted to sleep lesser this week so that i can bring over all my hours to next week den i will have something to do in Melb ie sleep. But i cant stand it aft sleeping less than 8hrs per day for 2 days. It become very taxing for my purse as i become too lazy to walk and all i cld think of was TAXI. So, i think more sleep can help me save money. haha..

Tomorrow will be e last day of 2005. Wow. Another year gone. That was fast. Very faint memory of the time i spend in Sing. To the point of not much impression. All i can recall was bus rides. Lots of bus rides. For all those who knows me well, they shld know tt I prefers taking bus to train. And everywhere i go i will want to take bus even if i know the bus ride will last up to 2 hours. Because i have a lot of time to spare i guess. But my friends did not have a good time esp JUL. All e bus rides from Bugis n Chinatown to WDL. Haha.. But really felt much better after taking bus. Maybe its a form of therapy for me. I espically like to take the double decker and sit on the first row. haha.. Shoick. Super shoick when e bus driver is 'speeding' haha... Cheap thrill.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Last wk in Sing, Summer hols '05

Went to meet Erica yesterday and only then did i realized how soon I will be flying off. She told me that she dreads going back and just the thought of it makes her sink into depression. Yes, she enjoys sing. Just like how much I used to look forward to returning to sing n spending my hols in sing. But now, I find things meaningless. There's nothing for me to look forward to. I'm suppose to spend 5 wks of this hols in Sing but I went for a camp n track for 1 wk, grounded for another den to BKK for 1. Altogether, i was active for only 2 weeks. No wonder I'd not eaten lots of things this time round nor do much. Had only swim 3 times so far. Sometimes I dun want to go back yet sometimes I cant wait to go back so that I can get it over and done with. Its all so contradicting.

I do not want such a long break. That's why I choose to go back to melb to do summer. Even though I wont finish my course early, I don't mind. As long as I have something to do other than to work. Time pass rather quickly when studying. Hence I hope tt once school starts, time will flies. Such that before I know it, I will be sitting for my last exams.

Yes, one more year is all it takes. Sometime really feels like screaming to everyone 'One more year! Just wait for me for one more year!' One more year and I will be able to re-renovate my room, gets a dog, start working and return my parents what I had own them. One more year is the amount of time that I want you to wait for me. But will it be too late? Will it be too late for me to do any of these things in one year time?

Time waits for no man. I believe ppl my age shld realized that. How we had aged.. The stress and responsibilities that is piling up. Yet sometimes we still behave like sweet seventeen. Dancing around the pillars, making lots of noise during BBQ, acting like a kid and whining and teasing.. Yes. That's how sometimes we choose to behave. Spilt personalities symptoms? Are we trying to go back to the past to avoid the stress n problems we are facing now? Or is it just another way of reliving stress. Its tiring acting like a kid all day. On the other hand, its equally tiring to be behaving in a all grown up n mature way. But due to certain circumstances, one has no choice but to do what is expected from them. The man behind the mask...

Went to check out my summer timetable just now and realized that I have 4 days of school per wk. 2 days for tut n 2 days for lect. 3 hrs of lect each time and 1.5hrs of tut per day. 4 wks of studying den another few days for exams. What about the break after that? Great barrier reef? Gold coast? Brisbane? Any interested parties? My mum told me that she will not be coming during my Feb break. I guess she was disappointed with my behavior in BKK. She told me she wants to get another stall. I do not approve of her idea. But she's insisting. I do not know what else to say. Just pray that in this one yr, she will not fall sick nor hospitalized. Wait for me. Just for one more year.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

Its X'mas time. Spend it with my sch sch mates bbq-ing away. There wasn't a lot of ppl but it was enough. A few of those that are closer, like what Cheryl says. Like what they always say, quality rather than quantity. We did a count just now, come 2007 Jan, our friendship will be 10yrs old. We will have know each other for 10 yrs. Wow... Time do pass. Still remember the first day of sch. The confusion, worries, different primary sch uniform, meeting the teachers n classmates for the first time. It brings a smile to my face and a sigh in my heart. The smile for the happy memories that i had in the blue graph paper uniform and the sigh for the impossibility of returning to the past. We only get to live once. No regrets. It was a very happy 4 years. One of my best, most fun filled n less worries years. I miss them so much. Sometimes, i allow myself to indulge in the past and relive the moments again. By flipping through my photo album. Thinking of those times. But cant do it everyday. If not, it wont be special anymore.

Received a few x'mas gift this time round. Was pretty surprised because for the past few yrs i will only received x'mas gift when there is gift exchange but this time its different. I'd just read two cards and it really make me feel blessed that i have friends like these. I'm touched that they were able to take out the time and write the cards w nt only x'mas greeting but also personal messages such as word of encouragement and friends forever stuff. Really am so grateful to them for always being by my side whenever i need someone. To chill out w, to de-stress, listen to my whines, complains or n unhappiness to lighten my mood or just simply to rot. They are always there. Hope that 10 yrs down the road, we will still be friends as close as now.

Ok, enough of the past. Lets talk about the future. My future to be more precise.

Going back in less than 2 weeks. Wondering now what have i nt done and should do. Those that i shld meet, i have meet. Maybe there are a few left. Those that are busier. So shall see hw den. No choice also. Work's more imp. Going back to do summer. Hope i will be able to survive through it. Need to get better grades this time round. Ok den. Getting sleepy now. Shall go wait for my turn to bath. Xueli in my toilet now. Ciao n Merry X'mas folks!!

Link to e X'mas photos: X'mas 2005

Saturday, December 17, 2005

At e airport now.

Finally i get to use this free internet access at Changi Airport. Waiting for my plane which had been delay for half an hour. First time i had so much time to spend in the airport. I finally bought my Paris Hilton perfume and its nt very much cheaper. Just $2 cheaper than Metro. Well, something better than nothing.

Sigh, i only have 15 mins to use the internet and after coming into this page to compose my entry i'm now left w only 10mins. Its slow. No choice. But better than nothing. Kinda tired now. Had been awake and rushing frm places to places since early this morning. Feeling slightly hungry now since i didnt have much to eat. Hope tt my bro will buy some supper for us.

Shld be going to the weekend mkt tmr. Had some orders frm sing. Hope tt i can find what they want and what i need. Actually this time round i wasnt really interested in 'shop, shop, shop n more shopping.' I'm more interested in clearing my head and getting myself more relaxed when i'm back. Hence i was so reluctant to go w my parents. I just hope that i will nt get more stressed up by their constant bickering. If so, i will just ignore them and go my own way. Pms-ing now i guess. Had nt been in a good temper since tt day when tt woman refused to approve my application to convert my driving license. Hai... Just complaining now.

Got to go to the boarding gate n sit n wait for my delayed flight. Hope i have fun and achieve what i want!!

Cycling n kite flying trip.

Finally meet up with XinLing, Erica n Hanwei yest aft being back for 2 wks. We agreed to go ECP for cycling den for lunch. The bikes are priced at $5 for 2 hours which seems to be pretty reasonable to me. 2 hrs of ridding is more than enough. Any more and i will get a sore butt. I wonder how did i manage to cycle from WDL to Seletar resevior 3 yrs ago. I wonder how my butt had felt.

After 2 hrs of cycling, Ahmad Lee drove us to Marine Parade for lunch at the hawker center. We had chicken rice but the chicken wasnt tender n the rice wasnt good enough. Personally, i felt tt i can find better chicken rice in Melb. But well, we had choose the wrong stall. What to do. While eating i suggested going kite flying at Marina Square. They allowed. Real nice of them considering the fact that it was a burning day and kite flying at 2pm doesnt sounds very cooling. They did complained a bit but still went with me. It was fun. I lost $3.50 within 10mins. I flew out of string. Hai.. Cant be help. Who ask me to be so pro. Haha.. But i really like to fly kites.

Erica asked me what i intend to do when the string runs out and i said depends on e situation. If it wants to go, den let it be. If it wants to stay den let it be. In e end, the 200 yards runs our faster than i'd expected. I was stunned for a moment den i started chasing after it. But i cldnt catch up. It flew off. I was disappointed. It was written all over my face. Erica asked me why. Since i already told her that i will let it go if it wants to. I thought for a moment before replying that i wasnt prepared for it to leave at such short notice hence the shock and the need to get it back.

The kite dropped after a while. I just hoped that It didnt fall on to the road and cause any accident. I kept the only thing left, the black thing, dun noe what its called, thats to hold the string. This is the 2nd kite that i'd flew and that had left me. I regreted not keeping the first. I wonder if its still around. Maybe someday i shld go ask for it!

Friday, December 16, 2005

The morning of 16/12/05, Friday

One day more before i left for Thailand. But i have not pack my bag nor do i feel excited. A bit bored actually. Intially, i wanted to go there alone since my bro is working there for a few months so i will have a place to stay but my parents refused. They feel that its unsafe. There's nothing i can say but to go with them. Could see that they are not very keen on going but i went ahead to book the air ticks since they didnt say no. Sometimes just don't understand why they don't want to say NO to me. You can see their hesitation and you can see me trying my luck, in the end they will give in to me like usual. I'm just too selfish. I never think from their point of view and its always on me. I want to go and i will go. You don't let me go, i'll pout till you allow. Thats my parents and me. Sometimes i just don't understand why they have to worry about this and that after all i had been living overseas for 2.5 years already. My bro is there so wats to fear. Its not like i'm going there to do dangerous stuff. I just want to find a place to sit and relax, be with myself and just let my mind go. But no, i cant. Not this time round.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Just came back from supper w my da tu di. Wah.. He's really a Mr Nice guy. As usual he paid for my orders. Drive me there and back. Offered to walk me up and when i declined, he asked me to sms him when i'm home. I forgot to sms him as usual and he called me once he reach home. Wah.. I'm impressed w him. I mean, a lot of times ppl will say, 'msg me when you are home.' Frequently, one will forget to msg and the other party will forget about the msg that they shld have received. But not my da tu di. He remembers! No wonder he always has gf. His other buddies on the other hand are often single n highly available. Yeah man. I found the right tu di.

Friday, December 09, 2005